Let’s face
Though Amazon isÌýtheÌýlargest ecommerce retailer, there are still several others that hold aÌýpiece ofÌýtheÌýmarket share pie. So, let’s discuss some ofÌýtheÌýlargest Amazon competitors.
Who are theÌýCompetitors ofÌýAmazon?
Though Amazon has aÌýlarge hold onÌýecommerce, it’s not all theÌýgiant does. Amazon has branched out into multiple industries, including music ²¹²Ô»åÌývideo streaming, physical stores, ²¹²Ô»åÌýsubscription services. This means there are additional competitors ofÌýAmazon outside theÌýecommerce space.
Let’s take aÌýlook atÌýsome ofÌýtheÌýmost significant competitors ofÌýAmazon, starting with theÌýUnited States retail space.
eBay started just around aÌýyear after theÌýlaunch ofÌýAmazon, with Amazon launching inÌý1994Ìý²¹²Ô»åÌýeBay inÌý1995. eBay’s revenue has gone down over theÌýyears, but they still offer aÌýunique service inÌýcomparison toÌýAmazon, which isÌýauctions. Sellers onÌýeBay can either list products atÌýaÌýset rate orÌýasÌýanÌýauction, allowing them toÌýpotentially make more forÌýtheir items.
Walmart has Amazon beat inÌýtheÌýlongevity department, with them having been around since 1962. Amazon ²¹²Ô»åÌýWalmart have been regular competitors, with Amazon taking over theÌýonline space while Walmart commands theÌýphysical retail space.
Walmart offers aÌýsimilar space toÌýthat ofÌýAmazon, allowing
Target isÌýanother huge retailer with aÌýlong history ofÌýperformance. Target doesn’t necessarily compete with Amazon onÌýaÌýdirect orÌýrevenue basis, but they have worked hard toÌýestablish brand loyalty. Regular Target shoppers swear byÌýtheÌýstore ²¹²Ô»åÌýsome even refuse toÌýshop anywhere else.
Target has many ofÌýtheÌýsame online offerings asÌýAmazon, including
Ecommerce Outside ofÌýtheÌýUnited States
Now, let’s take aÌýlook atÌýsome ofÌýAmazon’s largest competitors outside ofÌýtheÌýUnited States.
Flipkart isÌýaÌýmassive ecommerce retailer based inÌýIndia. ItÌýwas initially founded inÌý2007Ìý²¹²Ô»åÌýhas since become one ofÌýtheÌýcountry’s largest shopping platforms. They offer everything from home decor ²¹²Ô»åÌýelectronics toÌýfashion ²¹²Ô»åÌýmore, just like Amazon.
Also like Amazon, Flipkart has its own fulfillment network ²¹²Ô»åÌýoffers
Otto certainly has Amazon beaten when itÌýcomes toÌýlongevity. InÌýfact, Otto was initially founded inÌý1949Ìýwhere its products were ordered byÌýmail ²¹²Ô»åÌýphone. They entered theÌýecommerce space inÌý1995. Otto offers aÌýwide range ofÌýgoods, but its largest market isÌýinÌýhome furnishings.
Alibaba isÌýaÌýmassive ecommerce marketplace inÌýChina that allows brands toÌýfind product suppliers. While their primary site offers wholesale products, they also have several child companies that sell many ofÌýtheÌýsame types ofÌýproducts that Amazon does.
They also compete with Amazon within theÌýcloud computing space. Alibaba has remained aÌýtop Chinese Amazon competitor forÌýmany years ²¹²Ô»åÌýdoesn’t look like that will change anytime soon.
Streaming Services Competitors
Amazon put its hat into theÌýstreaming ring with Prime Video many years ago. However, itÌýhas undergone many name ²¹²Ô»åÌýservice provision changes since then. ItÌýinitially started asÌýAmazon Unbox inÌý2006, going through aÌýfew more changes until landing onÌýPrime Video inÌý2011.
Prime Video was separated from Amazon Prime ²¹²Ô»åÌýofficially launched worldwide. While Prime Video has performed relatively well, itÌýcertainly has tough competition within theÌýstreaming space. currently sits atÌýaround 200Ìýmillion subscribers.
OfÌýcourse, theÌýbiggest contender inÌýstreaming isÌýNetflix. The streaming giant initially launched inÌý1998ÌýasÌýaÌýDVD mail subscription service. However, they introduced online streaming inÌý2007Ìý²¹²Ô»åÌýexploded into aÌýhousehold name. Since then, Netflix has become anÌýimmensely favored streaming platform that even went into producing its own content.
Prime Video ²¹²Ô»åÌýNetflix have regularly been
Next inÌýtheÌýrunning forÌýstreaming services isÌýDisney+, with aÌýsubscriber count ofÌý150.2Ìýmillion. Disney+ initially began asÌýaÌýstreaming home toÌýfind old classics ²¹²Ô»åÌýrenowned content. However, with Disney+ now producing its own content, they have experienced regular growth that will likely continue toÌýtrend upward.
Previously known asÌýHBO Max, Max isÌýnext inÌýtheÌýrunning forÌýstreaming competition, with aÌýsubscriber count ofÌý95.1Ìýmillion. However, they also managed toÌýslot themselves into third place when itÌýcame toÌýmarket share atÌý14Ìýpercent. Max isÌýhome toÌýmany beloved ²¹²Ô»åÌý
AÌýLong List ofÌýCompetitors
The above isÌýfar from aÌýfull list ofÌýAmazon’s competitors. Not only are there additional competitors inÌýboth ofÌýthese spaces, but Amazon also has more competitors inÌýother spaces, such asÌýSpotify inÌýmusic streaming.
The point isÌýthat while Amazon has built anÌýempire, they are far from
This isÌýespecially true when offering something unique toÌýAmazon. AÌýgood example ofÌýthis isÌýEtsy, which launched inÌý2005. Etsy allows independent sellers toÌýmarket ²¹²Ô»åÌýsell their custom ²¹²Ô»åÌý
Overall, Amazon may beÌýhuge, but itÌýcertainly isn’t theÌý
Who isÌýAmazon’s Biggest Competitor?
Some may ask, who isÌýAmazon’s biggest competitor? Realistically, there isÌýnoÌýone answer toÌýthat question, asÌýitÌýdepends onÌýtheÌýdiscussed space.
AsÌýdetailed above, Walmart would beÌýtheir largest competitor inÌýtheÌýecommerce space, while Netflix would beÌýAmazon’s largest competitor inÌýtheÌýonline streaming realm. Amazon has multiple competitors inÌýeach space that itÌýoccupies, with others including music streaming, online cloud services, ²¹²Ô»åÌýmore.
Looking toÌýLaunch anÌýOnline Store?
IfÌýyou are looking toÌýstart anÌýonline store orÌýsell onÌýone ofÌýtheÌýabove platforms, ºÚÁÏÃÅ isÌýyour perfect partner. Our software makes itÌýsimple toÌýstart your own website, set upÌýaÌýstore, ²¹²Ô»åÌýlaunch your products. After that, you can see all ofÌýyour relevant metrics atÌýaÌýglance.
IfÌýyou’d rather sell onÌýone ofÌýtheÌýabove platforms, our software can easily integrate with them ²¹²Ô»åÌýaÌývariety ofÌýothers toÌýmanage your storefronts from one place. WeÌýlook forward toÌýhelping you grow your business!