What is B2B Ecommerce? Platforms, Companies, Trends

B2B ecommerce, orÌýbusiness-to-business ecommerce, isÌýtheÌýsale ofÌýphysical goods orÌýservices online through aÌýwebsite orÌýother platform from one business toÌýanother.

AsÌýtheÌýlandscape ofÌýbuying andÌýselling evolves online, businesses ofÌýall types must adapt andÌýfollow suit toÌýstay relevant.

AsÌýcustomers, businesses expect aÌýsimilar experience toÌýwhat consumers do: simple andÌýfoolproof. Fortunately, finding products andÌýsolutions via ecommerce can offer aÌýgreat user experience andÌýbeÌýcost-effective forÌýboth parties.

How toÌýsell online
Tips from e-commerce experts forÌýsmall business owners andÌýaspiring entrepreneurs.
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Types ofÌýB2B Ecommerce

Each type ofÌýB2B ecommerce isÌýunique andÌýhas its drawbacks andÌýbenefits. It’s common forÌýsome B2B companies toÌýfall into multiple ecommerce types, depending onÌýtheir business model andÌýgoals. Here are theÌýcommon types ofÌýB2B ecommerce business models.


AÌýbit ofÌýaÌýtongue twister, B2B2C means . InÌýthis scenario, manufacturers sell aÌýproduct toÌýother retailers, who sell theÌýproduct directly toÌýconsumers.

This partnership typically happens because one company can’t reach theÌýsame audience alone. ByÌýteaming upÌýwith another company, both parties save money, andÌýtheÌýend consumer can access more products orÌýservices. It’s aÌýwin-win!

Many businesses opt forÌýthis ecommerce model because ofÌýtheÌýbenefits itÌýprovides toÌýtheir bottom line. Perks include:

AÌýgreat example ofÌýaÌýB2B2C business model isÌýgrocery delivery apps partnering with supermarkets.

InÌýthis scenario, consumers want theÌýconvenience ofÌýtheir groceries delivered toÌýtheir doorstep without having toÌýshop inÌýperson. Grocery stores don’t have theÌýstaff toÌýsupport this venture, but aÌýseparate entity can offer it.


Wholesalers buy goods from manufacturers andÌýre-sell them toÌýretailers andÌýother businesses toÌýsell toÌýend-consumers.

Most wholesalers offer discounted pricing forÌýtheir buyers based onÌýtheÌýamount they’re buying andÌýhow often. Running aÌýsuccessful wholesale B2B ecommerce model requires aÌýfunctional system forÌýmanaging products, shipping, andÌýpayments.

The best wholesale companies also offer stellar customer service, soÌýbuyers can rely onÌýthese teams toÌýget their products purchased, shipped, andÌýdelivered promptly.


Distributors are wholesalers that stock aÌýlarge number andÌývariety ofÌýproducts toÌýbeÌýpurchased byÌýretailers. Many retailers prefer doing business with distributors because it’s easier toÌýget all their products from one place rather than shopping around toÌývarious wholesalers forÌýwhat they need.

Distributors also offer storage andÌýshipping toÌýretailers, aÌýconvenient bonus that makes those logistics more straightforward toÌýmanage. Distributors utilize systems that update orders, track shipments, andÌýmanage inventory toÌýkeep everything onÌýtrack.


Lastly, manufacturers produce theÌýgoods sold toÌýwholesalers orÌýdistributors directly. This spans t-shirts, sports equipment, furniture, car parts, beauty products, andÌýmore.

Manufacturers likely face more challenges than other entities toÌýevolve with theÌýtimes. Many suppliers expect digital access toÌýtheir product updates, including pricing options, checking order statuses, andÌýmore.

B2B Ecommerce Trends

AsÌýtechnology evolves, consumer behavior follows suit. InÌýtheÌýsame way that B2C has drastically changed thanks toÌýonline shopping inÌýrecent years, B2B ecommerce isÌýalso shifting.

Invest inÌýnew technology

2023ÌýisÌýundoubtedly theÌýyear toÌýinvest inÌýfunctional, sustainable B2B ecommerce solutions forÌýyour business. B2B ecommerce platforms like ºÚÁÏÃÅ offer robust features, including:

Let goÌýofÌýoutdated systems

It’s time toÌýkiss your old systems andÌýprocesses goodbye andÌýjoin theÌý21st century.

Many B2B companies onÌýtheÌýdistributor level are all facing this same challenge. AsÌýcustomers demand more user-friendly andÌýadvanced systems forÌýordering inventory andÌýtracking shipments, many need toÌýcatch up.

Utilize social media

Believe itÌýorÌýnot, B2B buyers use social media toÌýfind theÌýservices andÌýsolutions they need toÌýimprove their bottom line. From andÌýpricing toÌýreading reviews, social media can beÌýaÌýpowerful andÌýeffective tool forÌýbuyers andÌýsellers.

Meet buyers’ demands

Demand forÌýproducts immediately isÌýhigher than ever (thanks, Amazon!), andÌýB2Bs must follow suit. Investing inÌýsoftware andÌýmore staff forÌýfulfillment can help toÌýsatisfy customers’ expectations.

How B2B Ecommerce Companies Can Find Success

Finding success asÌýaÌýB2B ecommerce company takes work, but utilizing effective digital strategies can make all theÌýdifference.

Create aÌýstrong online presence

From creating aÌýcompelling website toÌýaÌýfunctional ecommerce store, aÌý isÌýessential toÌýfind success asÌýaÌýB2B ecommerce company.

What’s essential with anÌýecommerce website? Ease ofÌýuse andÌýstraightforward navigation are atÌýtheÌýtop ofÌýtheÌýlist. Your website should beÌýsimple toÌýuse, with clear language andÌýbranding that fits your product offering.

Implement SEO best practices

Utilize SEO tools andÌýbest practices toÌýensure your website ranks well inÌýtheÌýsearch engines soÌýtheÌýright companies can find you online. Improving online visibility will ensure theÌýright buyers can find your business when they’re ready toÌýbuy.

BeÌýtransparent about policies

Make your policies clear soÌýbusinesses know exactly what they’ll get when working with you. Include information about your payment options andÌýgateways, shipping policies, andÌýother processes that may beÌýimportant.

Creating aÌýB2B Ecommerce Strategy For Your Business

Like anyÌýother business model, having anÌýecommerce strategy inÌýplace isÌýcritical forÌýtheÌýsuccess ofÌýyour business. Here are aÌýfew considerations asÌýyou build your B2B ecommerce strategy.

Optimize theÌýuser experience

When customers make itÌýtoÌýtheÌýend ofÌýtheÌýshopping experience, make sure theÌýpurchase isÌýsmooth andÌýseamless. Your platform can make product recommendations, flexible shipping options, andÌýmore toÌýsatisfy your customers throughout theÌýsales funnel.

Prioritize content marketing

Content marketing isÌýanÌýeffective tool toÌýuse onÌýmany fronts. It’s great forÌýSEO andÌýbrand visibility, educates customers, andÌýprovides value toÌýyour business. You can provide theÌýcontent toÌýeducate leads andÌýcustomers onÌýyour products.

Offer aÌýunique value proposition

Above all else, anÌýecommerce site should beÌýfunctional andÌýeasy toÌýuse. Provide value through product descriptions, site search capabilities, anÌýefficient customer service team, andÌýactive social media platforms.

These will add value toÌýevery step ofÌýtheÌýcustomer journey. From their first interaction with your business, researching your competitors, andÌýmaking aÌýpurchase, every effort should beÌýtailored toÌýtheir unique needs.

Leveraging aÌýB2B Ecommerce Platform

Many B2B companies enlist theÌýhelp ofÌýB2B ecommerce platforms toÌýsupport their sales goals, streamline tasks, andÌýdrive brand awareness through aÌýcompelling website andÌýecommerce store.

Here are some ofÌýtheÌýbest B2B ecommerce platforms onÌýtheÌýmarket today.

B2B ecommerce platform examples

Create Your Own Success With B2B Ecommerce

Launching aÌýB2B ecommerce store isÌýnot aÌýdaunting task. Creating aÌýB2B ecommerce website isÌýanÌýeffective way toÌýincrease sales andÌýprofits forÌýyour business.

Looking forÌýsome guidance when building aÌýB2B ecommerce website forÌýyour business? ºÚÁÏÃÅ isÌýhere toÌýhelp! Explore our blog andÌýlearn all about best practices inÌýecommerce marketing. IfÌýyou’re ready, you can start building your online store with ºÚÁÏÃÅ today.


About The Author
Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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