Facebook isone ofthemost used sales andmarketing social media channels. There are nearly 3billion Facebook users worldwide. IntheU.S. alone, around 86% ofinternet users with annual household incomes above $100K use Facebook. Asasmall business owner, you’re missing out onalot ofrevenue ifyou don’t have aFacebook marketing presence.
When done properly, Facebook marketing can help you slash your customer acquisition costs significantly while boosting your revenue per dollar. Ifyou really want toboost your sales through Facebook marketing, this guide isforyou. We’re here toshare seven proven strategies toboost your Facebook marketing results.
Run Retargeting Ads
Retargeting campaigns are away ofreconnecting with people who have recently visited your website. There are two types ofretargeting ads you can run. The first isadirect sales ad.
You should use sales ads forpeople who visited your blog orecommerce website andalmost purchased aproduct orservice. For example, you can run direct sales ads when someone adds aproduct totheir cart orcheckout but fails tocomplete their purchase.
The copy forsales ads can bedirect. You share theproduct orservice offering Իٳincentive tomake aperson want toclick onyour ad. Here’s anexample:
The addoesn’t mention that Ivisited thesite inthepast, which might beamistake. They dooffer aspecial discount toincentivize areturn tothesite. That discount might work wonders ingetting people toreturn tothesite, click through andmake apurchase.
Along with these direct ads, you should consider running less direct retargeting ads. The goal ofaless direct advert istoget people onto your email list orfollow your page, soyou can develop arelationship with these potential customers. They can bemore effective than asales ad, given that most people aren’t interested inpurchasing things from each site they visit.
Anice example ofaless direct advert isfrom Ecom World Conference, ayearly gathering oftop ecommerce marketers andbusiness owners. The conference has carefully considered their andhave discovered that many businesses are struggling toget their products torank #1onAmazon.
Here’s aretargeting adthey run tosite visitors:
The addirects people toalanding page, where they can register fortheconference andlearn more about Amazon marketing strategies.
Indirect ads work best forexpensive products orservice
Depending onthetype ofbusiness you are running, consider running both ofthese types ofretargeting ads.
Use Facebook Live toGet Potential Customers’ Attention
Facebook Live isone ofFacebook’s features that allows you tostream live video content. Agreat thing about Facebook live videos isthat they are tohave more shares, likes, andengagement.
Here’s anexample ofusing live videos forbusiness promotion from Amy Porterfield, anonline marketing specialist. She manages anactive Facebook page andhas been using Facebook Live toengage with her audience using webinar marketing.
The screenshot above isfrom one oftheFacebook Live events she ran: 5Reasons Most Online Courses Fail.
The webinar was partly educational. Attheend ofthewebinar, she pitched her online course.
Facebook Live isaneffective marketing channel forengaging with your audience andgenerating sales. Like Amy, you can use Facebook Live toeducate your audience andgenerate sales.
Create Private Communities
Facebook isaplace tosocialize andnetwork. You should betaking advantage ofthis social element oftheplatform togrow your business. One way you can dothis isbysetting upaprivate Facebook group focused onyour niche.
Private communities are away togather people interested inspecific topics. You can make aFacebook group acentral component ofyour marketing efforts byinviting existing andpotential customers tojoin your community.
The WordPress page builder, Elementor, has done just this.
They have anengaged community; 4,000+ posts per month are published intheElementor Facebook group. Itisaplace where users share tips about internet marketing. The group’s admin also resolves issues andanswers questions here.
Another example ofasuccessful Facebook community isLifetime Tech Deal Fans. The community isaplace where people share feedback about lifetime deals.
The page has over 12,000members. People inthegroup share feedback ondeals onsites like AppSumo. The admins monetize this group byproviding lifetime deals with companies.
Creating anengaged private Facebook community won’t happen overnight. Ittakes time toattract people toyour page andgenerate engagement. Even then, only asmall percentage ofpeople who join your group will post content.
Asthepage’s creator andAdmin, you will need totake thelead initially. Leave thoughtful comments that are astarting point foradiscussion andgenerate engagement. Create posts that start conversations among thegroup.
Set aside abit oftime each day toengage with your online community.
Once you have anactive community, you’ll probably find thesize ofthegroup starts tosnowball. You’ll get people joining your group because ofreferrals. This isgreat foryour business because astheadmin, you are naturally placed intheposition ofauthority. You’ll have alot ofnatural goodwill from members, which will make iteasier foryou tosell your products orservices tomembers ofthecommunity. Just remember: it’s important tomake content andconversations not directly related towhat you sell aswell, toestablish yourself asanexpert inyour community.
Create Facebook Videos
Ifyou want toengage with people onFacebook, you should beusing . Itallows you tostretch your marketing budget andreach more prospective customers effectively. You can transmit more information with video than text anddoitfaster. Plus, video content also gives you achance toconnect with your audience because they can hear thetone ofyour voice andsee your facial expressions.
When creating video content forFacebook, you need tokeep afew rules inmind.
Firstly, video content onFacebook isset tomute bydefault. People won’t hear what you have tosay. Marketers often get around this byadding large subtitles ortext tovideo content.
The initial text needs tocatch people’s attention asthey scroll down theFacebook newsfeed.
Secondly, ensure that your video stands out from thenews feed.
Experiment with high contrast colors. You also need agood opening shot foryour video. That first
After all, they’re onFacebook primarily tocatch upwith their friends andview content from brands they already know. Your Facebook marketing content should convince your audience toadd your brand tothelist ofbrands they follow.
Run Online Contests
Online competitions are agreat way tobuild your brand recognition, grow your audience, andgenerate online sales. The fundamentals ofrunning acompetition onFacebook are remarkably straightforward.
First, consider what you’re going togive away toyour audience. The offer you provide should berelevant toyour business. The more expensive theprize, themore likely you are toget ahigh level ofengagement. Ideally, you should also use competition software torun theoffer.
Competition software will help you boost engagement andincentivize referrals. Here’s alist of.
LGran acontest where participants were encouraged toupload photos ofhappy moments with friends andfamily anduse thebrand’s hashtags. The prizes include alarge OLED TV, anentertainment system, andLG’s signature
Aside from encouraging users togenerate content, hosting giveaways andcontests isagreat way toget potential customers’ email addresses. For instance, thealkaline water brand Waiakea ran acompetition togrow their email list andexpand their potential customer base. They used Vyper, anonline competition platform, torun their competition.
The competition generated over 62,000email leads injust four weeks. They offered agreat prize, promoted theoffer through their email list andsocial media, andran retargeting ads toboost engagement. breaks down theframework they used forrunning thecompetition.
Use Facebook toOffer Customer Support
One oftheimportant differentiators foronline businesses iscustomer service. Great customer service helps you retain customers andconvert leads. Facebook offers you anopportunity toprovide instant responses tocustomers.
Here are thetop four ways you can turn your brand into astar onthis popular platform:
- Being there: Make sure that your business page has anactive presence asoften aspossible.
- Reacting swiftly: Take care ofcomplaints quickly before they escalate orshare too far online.
- Leading conversations: Beproactive, not reactive.
- Wowing customers: Give customers anexperience they will never forget. For example, ifacustomer posts acomplaint onyour Facebook page, you can message thecustomer directly, address thecomplaint, andoffer either arefund, areplacement item, orafree upgrade.
Facebook Messenger isanexcellent tool forconnecting with your customers, providing customer service, andreminding shoppers about offers anddiscounts. You can also use ittoadd alive chat toyour website.
More: How toSell onFacebook Messenger
Add onOnline Store toYour Facebook Page
Ifyou sell products that comply with Facebook’s Իٳ, you can add aShop section toyour page. This way, both desktop andmobile users can discover andbuy your products inthefamiliar Facebook interface.
AFacebook Shop onANNA Cake Couture page
You can connect your online store toFacebook with . Not only will you beable toadd aShop section toyour Facebook page, but you’ll also beable tosell your products onmultiple platforms atonce— onyour site, marketplaces, andeven other social media like Instagram orTikTok. The best part? Your product catalog andsales will besynced inone place, soyou can easily manage products andorders from asingle dashboard.
Learn more: Sell onFacebook: Blow UpYour Sales With ’s Social Selling Tools
Ifyou’re looking toboost your sales, Facebook marketing may bejust what you need.
This post has covered seven big Facebook marketing
- Sell onFacebook: Blow UpYour Sales With Social Selling
- How Does Facebook Work forSmall Businesses?
- How toReceive Payments onaFacebook Business Page
- How toGrow aFacebook Business Page forFree
- What toPost onFacebook: 20Post Ideas forYour Business Page
- A
Step-By-Step Guide toUsing Facebook Business Manager - 7Strategies toBoost Sales With Facebook Marketing
- How toSell Products Using Facebook Live Shopping
- Make your Products More Discoverable onFacebook &Instagram
- What IsFacebook Pay, andShould Your Company Use It?
- ABeginner’s Guide toSelling onFacebook Marketplace
- Sell onFacebook Messenger
- Sell Products inFacebook Shops