The toy market isalways astrong Իsafe bet ڴǰentrepreneurs looking tostart orexpand abusiness. Selling toys isagreat option
The Toy market revenue worldwide in2020is$94.70billion. Since 2012, ڴǰ8years, theglobal revenue ofthetoy market has increased by22%. (Source: Insights)
Ofcourse, there are challenges involved inselling toys. First Իforemost, you need topick toys that will sell well. When selling children’s toys, it’s usually best tohave agood variety ofoptions. This iswhy itissocrucial tofind quality toy manufacturers ڴǰyour business.
Most retailers who sell toys donot manufacture thetoys themselves. Rather, they reach anagreement with toy manufacturers tosell their products intheir stores. Major retailers Իsmall businesses alike rely ontoy manufacturers Իtoy suppliers tokeep themost popular items instock. But ifyour business isnew toselling toys, you may bewondering how tofind toy suppliers.
Who are thebest toy manufacturers? What kinds oftoys should you sell? And what resources can you use tofind Իconnect with toy suppliers?
What Types ofToys Can You Get From Toy Suppliers?
For retailers, toys isavery broad category ofitems. Children’s toys come inall shapes Իsizes, serve different purposes, Իtarget different age groups. When searching ڴǰatoy Իgame manufacturer, it’s usually best tofind asupplier who offers agood mix ofproducts.
With that said, itisnot abad thing tospecialize inone area orone type oftoy. Togive anidea oftheoptions available, here are some ofthemost popular toy categories today.
Plush toys
Plush toys, like stuffed animals Իdolls, are always extremely popular with young children. Plush toys are also easy tomanufacture Իare very lightweight. This makes them some ofthemost
Plastic toys
Plastic toys also come with alot ofvariety. This category includes plastic playsets, plastic dolls oraction figures, Իmore. Plastic toys may bemore expensive tomanufacture than plush toys. They should also behandled more delicately during shipping. But
Electronic toys
Electronic toys include things like remote control cars Իgames. Ifyou plan tosell electronic toys, product quality matters alot. Parents will befrustrated ifthey buy anelectronic toy ڴǰtheir children, Իthetoy stops working soon after purchase. This can lead tonegative reviews ڴǰyour store thanks tomanufacturing problems out ofyour control.
But, you can control themanufacturers you partner with. Besure toread reviews oftoy suppliers before purchasing electronic orremote control toys from them. This category isgreat ڴǰsales, but only iftheproducts are worth their cost.
Educational toys/games
Educational toys will always have abig market because they serve two purposes. Kids enjoy playing with them, Իthey learn Իbuild new skills while playing. Parents appreciate this dual function Իare always happy toprovide educational resources ڴǰtheir children. Putting astrong emphasis oneducational toys inyour store can beagood way toattract business.
How ToFind theRight Toy Suppliers For Your Business
Regardless ofwhich types oftoys you choose tosell, finding areliable toy Իgame manufacturer iscrucial.
Product variety Իproduct quality are therefore two ofthemost important factors toconsider when choosing toy suppliers. Another factor tokeep inmind isthemanufacturer’s location. Many ofthetop toy manufacturing companies intheworld are based inChina. The best Chinese toy manufacturers offer anunbeatable variety of
Sohow doyou identify thebest Chinese toy manufacturers ڴǰyour business? Actually traveling toChina isnot arealistic option ifyou’re trying toset your business upquickly. But this isalso not necessary. Most ofthetime, you can find good Chinese toy manufacturers online.
One ofthebest ways tolocate toy suppliers istosearch B2B platforms ڴǰ
Best Toy Manufacturing Companies
Tohelp get you started onyour search ڴǰthebest toy manufacturers, here are some oftheleading companies intheindustry.
isone ofthebiggest Իbest toy manufacturing ltd. companies intheworld. Based inJapan, Bandai offers atremendous variety oftoys, action figures, electronics, Իgames. Bandai isconsidered ahighly reliable toy manufacturer, with quality products Իgreat distribution.
Dongguan Yikang Plush Toys
isone oftheleading plush toy manufacturers inChina. Retailers looking tosell stuffed animals Իother plush products can find unbeatable variety Իquality from Yikang Toys.
isone ofthegiants ofthetoy manufacturing industry. The brand issobig that wetend toforget Lego isactually acorporate name, Իnot thename oftheproduct itself. Lego sets are aneternal staple ڴǰolder children, Իparents love their products ڴǰafew reasons. Legos are fun ڴǰkids, easy toplay with, Իallow kids tolearn Իexpand their creativity. Lego sets can beabit pricey, but they are one ofthemost essential toy products you can sell.
Woodfield Toys Ltd.
isamong thebest Chinese toy manufacturers today. Asthename suggests, Woodfield specializes inwooden toys, but offers avariety ofother products aswell. Inaddition toproducts like dollhouses Իtrain sets, Woodfield Toys also offers avariety ofbaby toys Իaccessories. Woodfield Toys Ltd. also offers dropshipping, which can beextremely convenient ڴǰonline retailers.
isone ofthe
Learn More About Selling Toys Online
Whether you’re just starting your business, orbringing anexisting business into theecommerce marketplace, selling toys online isanexciting opportunity. The more prepared you are ڴǰtheunique challenges you will face, thebetter success you will have. And ishere tohelp you every step oftheway.
Read our beginner’s guide toselling toys online tolearn more. Or, once you’re ready toopen orexpand your online store, ’s ecommerce software can help with that aswell.
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