Starting aÌýbusiness isÌýaÌýthrilling adventure, but many entrepreneurs struggle toÌýsecure theÌýfunding needed toÌýbring their ideas toÌýlife. Traditional options like loans orÌýventure capital can beÌýhard toÌýaccess, especially forÌýnew founders.
What ifÌýthere was another way?
While crowdfunding isÌýcommonly linked toÌýpersonal orÌýcharitable projects, itÌýcan also beÌýaÌýpowerful way toÌýfund aÌýbusiness, especially inÌýits early stages. InÌýfact, theÌýBusiness andÌýEntrepreneurship category , accounting forÌý41.4% ofÌýfunds raised.
Whether launching aÌýtech innovation, aÌýcreative product, orÌýaÌýsocial enterprise, you could benefit from aÌýcrowdfunding campaign. Let’s learn more about how itÌýworks!
What IsÌýCrowdfunding?
Crowdfunding isÌýraising capital through small contributions from many people (backers orÌýdonors), typically via online platforms. It’s often used toÌýfund projects, medical aid, businesses, products, orÌýcharitable causes.
Crowdfunding allows individuals orÌýorganizations toÌýgather financial support without relying onÌýtraditional sources like banks, venture capitalists, orÌýwealthy investors, which often involve strong credit history, high interest rates, andÌýmoney that needs toÌýbeÌýpaid back.
With crowdfunding, anyÌýmoney raised isÌýtypically free ofÌýinterest andÌý
Another benefit often overlooked about crowdfunding isÌýthat itÌýallows you toÌýgauge interest inÌýyour product orÌýbusiness idea before fully committing toÌýproduction orÌýscaling. IfÌýpeople are willing toÌýback your business, it’s aÌýgood sign ofÌýdemand forÌýyour product orÌýservice.
Generally, crowdfunding can provide access toÌýcapital, market validation, andÌýaÌý
IsÌýCrowdfunding Right forÌýYou?
Crowdfunding offers anÌýeasy way forÌýstartups toÌýraise capital, requiring smaller investments than traditional methods. But isÌýitÌýright forÌýeveryone?
Fortunately, one ofÌýtheÌýmost appealing features ofÌýthis funding method isÌýthat anyone andÌýeveryone can doÌýit. Although there isÌýnoÌýguarantee ofÌýsuccess, asÌýlong asÌýyou have aÌýgood funding platform andÌýunderstand how toÌýappeal toÌýyour audience, you should beÌýable toÌýsee some benefit from it.
Let’s take aÌýcloser look atÌýthis approach toÌýfundraising andÌýfigure out ifÌýthis isÌýtheÌýright choice forÌýyou.
Are You aÌýGood Storyteller?
When itÌýcomes toÌýcrowdfunding forÌýstartups, users must beÌýable toÌýput together aÌýstrong andÌýcompelling story. You must beÌýconvinced that your product orÌýprototype offers something great.
When telling your story, you’ll need theÌýability toÌýcraft itÌýinÌýaÌýway that implies toÌýyour audience how your product isÌýanÌýindustry
DoÌýYou See aÌýDemand forÌýYour Product?
This goes hand inÌýhand with having aÌýcompelling product story. Before you even put together aÌýstory forÌýyour campaign, you’ll need toÌýensure that your product isÌýappealing toÌýtheÌýpublic.
Can your business idea genuinely benefit aÌýwide audience? IsÌýthere aÌýclear demand forÌýwhat you’re offering? Does your product solve aÌýcommon problemÌý— orÌýdoes itÌýbetter than your competitors?
Even ifÌýyou have anÌýexcellent product, itÌýcan beÌýdifficult toÌýsecure backers ifÌýdemand isÌýlacking andÌýfew people are anticipating it. Without aÌýclear market interest, attracting support forÌýyour project may prove challenging.
DoÌýYou Have Reasonable Financial Goals?
Although itÌýisÌýpossible toÌýraise millions through crowdfunding, most campaigns stay within theÌýthousands. This isÌýwhy you might consider aÌýplan BÌýtoÌýsupport your campaign orÌýevaluate whether your product idea requires aÌýmuch bigger financial foundation than crowdfunding.
Can You Offer Compelling Rewards?
Last but not least, what’s inÌýitÌýforÌýyour bakers? Most backers expect something inÌýreturn, ranging from aÌýdiscount once your product isÌýlaunched toÌýmonetary compensation once your business isÌýrunning andÌýthriving.
Creating aÌývaluable reward forÌýyour bakers isÌýaÌýhuge determining factor inÌýwhether you can make aÌýsuccessful crowdfunding campaign.
After examining what itÌýtakes toÌýcreate aÌýsuccessful crowdfunding campaign, doÌýyou see your business idea relating toÌýall ofÌýthese? IfÌýyes, you should beÌýready toÌýchoose your crowdfunding platform andÌýstart raising funds toÌýturn your idea into aÌýviable business.
Choosing aÌýCrowdfunding Platform
Once you’re ready toÌýlaunch your campaign, you’ll find aÌýwide range ofÌýcrowdfunding platforms toÌýchoose from.
Crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, GoFundMe, andÌý
With each offering something different, selecting theÌýright one can feel overwhelming. Ultimately, you’ll want toÌýpick theÌýplatform that best aligns with your target audience andÌýtheÌýindustry you aim toÌýengage.
Choosing theÌýright crowdfunding platform depends onÌýseveral factors, including theÌýtype ofÌýproject you’re working on, your target audience, andÌýyour funding goals.
Let’s briefly explore some available options, keeping inÌýmind that each platform has strengths andÌýconsiderations.
Kickstarter isÌýtheÌýmost
However, aÌýsignificant drawback isÌýthat ifÌýaÌýproject doesn’t reach its funding
Also, Kickstarter projects can’t offer certain rewards forÌýbackers, such asÌýequity, revenue sharing, orÌýinvestment opportunities.
This crowdfunding platform allows individuals, startups, andÌýorganizations toÌýraise funds forÌýaÌýwide range ofÌýprojects, including new products, creative endeavors, charitable causes, andÌýmore.
Indiegogo provides various tools forÌýcreators, including marketing support andÌýbacker management.
Unlike Kickstarter, itÌýoffers both “fixed funding” (where you only keep theÌýfunds ifÌýyou reach your goal) andÌý“flexible funding” (where you keep whatever you raise, even ifÌýyou don’t meet your goal).
StartEngine focuses onÌýequity crowdfunding, where backers invest inÌý
With aÌýplatform like Patreon, you can receive unlimited backer support andÌýdonations, unlike theÌý
Creators across various fields, such asÌýartists, musicians, writers, podcasters, video creators, andÌýothers, use Patreon toÌýconnect with their audiences andÌýget paid forÌýtheir work.
While Patreon isÌýmainly targeted atÌýcreators, businesses can also use itÌýtoÌýoffer exclusive perks andÌýcontent toÌýtheir loyal customers.
Just beÌýwary ofÌýPatreon’s fees, asÌýthey tend toÌýbeÌýslightly higher than those ofÌýtheÌýprevious platforms.
How toÌýCreate aÌýSuccesful Crowdfunding Campaign
Preparing your crowdfunding campaign isÌýtheÌýmost crucial step andÌýwill beÌýaÌýhuge indicator ofÌýyour overall success. Failure toÌýproperly put together aÌýreliable plan could result inÌýaÌýwaste ofÌýyour time.
Successful crowdfunding campaigns require careful planning, aÌýcompelling story, andÌýstrategic execution. Let’s examine each step.
Consider theÌýLength ofÌýYour Campaign
The length ofÌýyour campaign will depend onÌýyour specific financial goals. AÌýcampaign length ofÌý30ÌýtoÌý60Ìýdays isÌýaÌýrule ofÌýthumb andÌýsimply designates what typically works best before bakers orÌýcampaign creators begin toÌýfeel worn out.
IfÌýyou can easily manage aÌýcampaign lasting more than two months andÌýfeel confident about your promises, then you can doÌýso. Just make sure you plan your length accordingly.
Identify Key Messages andÌýGoals ofÌýYour Campaign
You’d want toÌýdetermine your specific campaign goals toÌýalign them with your key messages; these will make your campaign stand out.
What exactly are theÌýkey messages andÌýgoals ofÌýaÌýcrowdfunding campaign?
AÌýkey message isÌýtheÌýmain idea orÌýtheme you want toÌýconvey toÌýpotential backers orÌýsupporters. ItÌýshould beÌýclear, concise, andÌýmemorable. Your key message could beÌýyour project’s purpose, impact, orÌýwhy people should care about it.
Your goal, onÌýtheÌýother hand, should beÌýaÌýspecific andÌýmeasurable outcome that you want toÌýachieve through your campaign. This could beÌýaÌýcertain amount ofÌýfunds raised, aÌýnumber ofÌýbackers reached, orÌýeven raising awareness forÌýaÌýcause.
When determining your key messages andÌýgoals, consider what will resonate with your target audience. What are their interests andÌýpriorities?
Identifying your key messages should also help you develop aÌýgreat campaign title, making itÌýmore appealing toÌýyour audience.
Consider examining similar campaigns done inÌýtheÌýpast toÌýunderstand more about how they earned bakers’ attention andÌýtrust.
Start with aÌýCompelling Story
​​Share your personal journey behind theÌýproject. People love connecting with authentic, fun, andÌýrelatable stories.
IfÌýitÌýsuits your product, consider incorporating
Define Your Audience
Who isÌýmost likely toÌýsupport your project? Define their demographics, interests, andÌýpain points. How can you appeal toÌýthem andÌýmotivate them toÌýsupport your campaign?
Use Engaging Visuals
While you can doÌýaÌýstandard pitch video, animations orÌýengaging visuals can help explain your product orÌýcause better.
For example, ifÌýyou are promoting aÌýnew app, consider creating aÌýshort animated video that showcases its features andÌýexplains why they are innovative andÌýhow they benefit your audience.
Highlight Your Accomplishments
IfÌýyou have anyÌýprevious successes orÌýachievements related toÌýyour project, highlight them. This will demonstrate credibility andÌýshow you have theÌýskills andÌýexperience necessary toÌýbring your project toÌýlife.
Design aÌýCampaign Page
Ensure your page isÌývisually appealing andÌýtheÌýprimary information, such asÌýproject description, rewards, andÌýtimeline, isÌýeasy toÌýfind.
Offer Compelling Rewards
Encourage your backers with fun orÌýmeaningful rewards forÌýtheir contributions.
One standard reward forÌýcrowdfunding campaign backers isÌýreceiving theÌýfinal product orÌýservice once theÌýcampaign isÌýcompleted.
Alternatively, rewards can beÌýasÌýsimple asÌýaÌý
Creating aÌývaluable reward forÌýyour backers isÌýaÌýhuge determining factor inÌýwhether orÌýnot you can successfully run aÌýcrowdfunding campaign.
What Happens After You’ve Launched Your Crowdfunding Campaign?
Once your campaign isÌýrunning, most ofÌýtheÌýhard work isÌýover, andÌýit’s just aÌýmatter ofÌýwaiting. All you’ll need toÌýdoÌýisÌýkeep theÌýmomentum going.
ToÌýdoÌýthis, you’d want toÌýpost every day about your story andÌýcampaign onÌýsocial media, continue pitching people, andÌýpay close attention toÌýanyÌýquestions from your bakers.
You’ll also want toÌýtry toÌýprovide updates regularly toÌýlet your audience know you are still counting onÌýtheir support.
You can also use this time toÌýdevelop aÌýstrong promotion plan toÌýreach aÌýwider audience. For example, you can create anÌýemail campaign, focus onÌýpaid advertising, start aÌýblog, orÌýcontact your local press regarding your project idea.
Don’t hesitate toÌýask friends, family, andÌýcolleagues toÌýshare your campaign with their networks andÌýhelp you reach your goal. They’ll likely beÌýhappy toÌýhelp.
InÌýtheÌýend, theÌýsuccess ofÌýyour campaign will beÌýdetermined byÌýhow good ofÌýaÌýstoryteller you are andÌýhow much effort you put into letting others know about it.
IfÌýyou like toÌýbeÌýproactive andÌýahead ofÌýtheÌýgame, even ifÌýyour campaign isÌýnot over yet, ºÚÁÏÃÅ offers aÌýfree plan toÌýhelp you put together your online store andÌýhave itÌýready forÌýtheÌýtime you open forÌýbusiness. With noÌýfees, you have nothing toÌýlose.
Famous Businesses That Started Through Crowdfunding
IfÌýyou’re still doubting whether crowdfunding can help you kickstart your journey asÌýaÌýbusiness owner, let’s look atÌýsome
Pebble Technology
Pebble was one ofÌýtheÌýearliest success stories inÌýcrowdfunding, raising significant capital forÌýits smartwatch project. The company launched its smartwatch onÌýKickstarter inÌý2015, quickly becoming one ofÌýtheÌýplatform’s
Pebble’s early success helped pave theÌýway forÌýfuture crowdfunding projects inÌýtech.
- Platform: Kickstarter
- Initial goal: $100,000
- Raised: Over $20Ìýmillion
Oculus VR
Oculus Rift, theÌývirtual reality headset that Oculus VRÌýlaunched through crowdfunding, gained massive attention andÌýultimately caught theÌýeye ofÌýFacebook.
- Platform: Kickstarter
- Initial Goal: $250,000
- Raised: $2.4Ìýmillion
Exploding Kittens
AÌýpopular card game that was successfully crowdfunded through Kickstarter.
- Platform: Kickstarter
- Initial goal: $10,000
- Raised: $8.7Ìýmillion.
Coolest Cooler
The Coldest Cooler launched onÌýKickstarter. Its goal was toÌýcreate aÌý
The pitch was aimed atÌýoutdoor enthusiasts who would appreciate innovative capabilities andÌýconvenience.
- Platform: Kickstarter
- Initial goal: $125,000
- Raised: over $12Ìýmillion.
Final Thoughts onÌýCrowdfunding Your Business
Crowdfunding aÌýbusiness isÌýlike sharing your dream with theÌýworld andÌýinviting others toÌýjoin your journey. It’s not just about raising moneyÌý— it’s about building aÌýcommunity, earning trust, andÌýproving your idea before itÌýeven launches.
OfÌýcourse, crowdfunding takes some planning, clear communication, andÌýaÌýsolid strategy toÌýsucceed, but when done right, itÌýcan beÌýaÌýviable option forÌýfunding your business. WeÌýhope this article helps you achieve just that!
- How toÌýChoose theÌýBest Tools toÌýHelp You Launch Your Startup
- Federal Funding Programs forÌýSmall Businesses Startups
- How toÌýCrowdfund Your Online Startup
- Getting Started with Business Loans forÌýStartups