Local Businesses, Step Up Your Game with Delivery Time Picker at Checkout

Restaurants, grocers, andÌýall local businesses, listen up!

We’re thrilled toÌýannounce ³Ù³ó±ðÌýarrival ofÌýaÌýnew, much-anticipated tool forÌýyour merchant toolkit. Now you can ask your customers forÌýtheir preferred delivery date andÌýtime atÌýcheckout:

Choosing aÌýpickup date andÌýtime has been available forÌýin-store purchases forÌýsome time already. But when weÌýsaw ³Ù³ó±ðÌýsame need forÌýlocal delivery, weÌýdecided toÌýmake itÌýavailable forÌýboth! Now your customers can choose aÌýconvenient delivery date andÌýtime inÌýaÌýcouple ofÌýclicks, noÌýmatter how they order from your store.

Our delivery time picker has rich setting details that cater toÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌýneeds ofÌýanyÌýbusinessÌý— from pizza places andÌýbakeries, toÌýflower shops andÌýfarms. You can set both day andÌýtime slots forÌýwhen you’re available toÌýdeliver orders. You can also take into account ³Ù³ó±ðÌýtime you need toÌýprepare andÌýorder forÌýdelivery.

Our new tool makes itÌýeasier than ever forÌýyou toÌýprepare andÌýdeliver orders onÌýtime. ItÌýalso simplifies purchasing forÌýyour customers, which weÌýhope will mean more orders forÌýyour store.

InÌýthis post, you’ll find:

How toÌýsell online
Tips from e-commerce experts forÌýsmall business owners andÌýaspiring entrepreneurs.
Please enter aÌývalid email address

How You Can Benefit from Delivery Time Picker

Since ³Ù³ó±ðÌýstart ofÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌýpandemic, local delivery has been aÌýlifesaver both forÌýbusinesses andÌýcustomers alike. ToÌýhelp maintain social distance, people have been using delivery forÌýordering everything from groceries andÌýhousehold goods toÌýtakeout food andÌýholiday gifts.

OfÌýcourse, itÌýdidn’t take long forÌýconsumers toÌýrealize that getting anÌýorder delivered right toÌýyour doorstep isÌýconvenientÌý— with orÌýwithout aÌýpandemic going on.

Customers have come toÌýexpect aÌýcertain level ofÌýservice from local businesses: they want their orders onÌýtimeÌý— andÌýoften asÌýfast asÌýpossible. They want toÌýknow when toÌýexpect their orderÌý— orÌý— better yet, toÌýbeÌýable toÌýchoose when it’s delivered.

Now you, asÌýaÌýsmall business with local delivery, can provide that serviceÌý— with aÌýlittle help from ºÚÁÏÃÅ E-commerce.

With ³Ù³ó±ðÌýdatepicker, there’s noÌýneed forÌýaÌýcustomer toÌýcontact you with details about their local delivery: they’ll beÌýable toÌýchoose their delivery time right from their checkout. You’ll see their chosen date andÌýtime inÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌýorder details, andÌýbeÌýable toÌýplan out aÌýroute forÌýyour deliveries accordingly.

Our delivery time picker isÌýhandy inÌýall kinds ofÌýsituations. Here are some examples:

You can adjust local delivery forÌýcases like ³Ù³ó±ðÌýones above, asÌýwell asÌýaÌýton ofÌýother useful scenarios. Specify your business hours, order fulfillment time, andÌýdelivery details. Customers will beÌýable toÌýchoose only from those dates andÌýtimes that you specify inÌýyour settings.

This tool isÌýaÌýmust ifÌýyou offer local delivery andÌýhave availability toÌýdeliver orders onÌýspecific dates andÌýtimes.

Our new tool isÌýhelpful both forÌýbeginner online sellers andÌýthose who already have anÌýestablished delivery routine. The settings are aÌýbreeze toÌýwork out, andÌýyou can change andÌýre-change ³Ù³ó±ðÌýspecifics toÌýsuit your business needs asÌýthey evolve.

How toÌýSet UpÌýandÌýUse Delivery Time Picker

You can explore different settings inÌýour delivery time picker toÌýfine-tune itÌýbased onÌýyour business needs. Let’s explore how toÌýuse our delivery time picker inÌýyour ºÚÁÏÃÅ store.

Note: Delivery time picker only works with local delivery options. It’s not enabled automatically. IfÌýyou’d like toÌýenable it, you need toÌýset itÌýupÌýforÌýeach local delivery option you have. You can doÌýthat onÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌý page inÌýyour Control Panel.

Ask forÌýdelivery date andÌýtime atÌýcheckout

Now your customers can pick aÌýconvenient delivery date andÌýtime when placing anÌýorder inÌýyour store. You can adjust ³Ù³ó±ðÌýtool toÌýyour needs: just specify inÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌýsettings which dates andÌýtimes are available toÌýcustomers.

Here’s how toÌýstart asking forÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌýdelivery date andÌýtime atÌýcheckout:

  1. InÌýyour ºÚÁÏÃÅ Control Panel, goÌýtoÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌý page.
  2. Choose ³Ù³ó±ðÌýlocal delivery method you want toÌýedit, orÌýcreate aÌýnew one following these simple : forÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌý“Local delivery” box, click “+ÌýAdd delivery.”
  3. Scroll down toÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌý“Set operating hours” setting click on. Set upÌýdays andÌýhours when you’re available toÌýdeliver orders.
  4. Scroll down toÌý“Ask forÌýdelivery date andÌýtime atÌýcheckout” andÌýturn itÌýonÌýasÌýwell. Choose how you want toÌýlimit your delivery time choiceÌý— byÌýdate orÌýbyÌýdate andÌýtime.

IfÌýyou pick ³Ù³ó±ðÌý“Ask forÌýdate andÌýtime slot” option, your customers will beÌýable toÌýchoose ³Ù³ó±ðÌýdelivery date andÌýtime atÌýcheckout using aÌýspecial form:

Note: Time options are displayed inÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌýtimezone you set upÌýonÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌý page ofÌýyour Control Panel. AtÌýcheckout, customers will see which timezone isÌýenabled forÌýyour store.

Read onÌýtoÌýlearn how toÌýuse ³Ù³ó±ðÌýdelivery time picker settings toÌýtheir fullest potential:

Specify delivery time slot length

Get precise with your delivery time byÌýspecifying each delivery time slot length.

AsÌýyou likely know, each online store organizes delivery differently, because each seller has different delivery needs. Some sellers ask forÌýjust aÌýdelivery date, andÌýdecide onÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌýtime ofÌýdelivery themselves. Others get precise andÌýallow customers toÌýchoose aÌýspecific time, right down toÌýaÌýtwo-hourÌý— orÌýeven 15Ìýminute time slot.

Specify delivery time slot length toÌýallow customers choose ³Ù³ó±ðÌýmost suitable delivery time forÌýtheir needs. The shorter your time slot length, ³Ù³ó±ðÌýmore convenient itÌýisÌýforÌýaÌýcustomer, asÌýthey’ll beÌýable toÌýplan their day according toÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌýarrival ofÌýtheir product.

Just make sure you can actually deliver your orders inÌýtime! It’s important not toÌýover-promise toÌýcustomers. WeÌýrecommend starting with aÌýlarger window ofÌýtime andÌýnarrowing down asÌýyou better understand your own delivery processes.

Here’s how toÌýspecify delivery time slot length:

  1. When editing your delivery option onÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌý page, scroll down toÌý“Delivery time slot length.”
  2. Choose your delivery time slot length (15Ìýminutes toÌýsix hours) depending onÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌýaccuracy ofÌýyour delivery. ByÌýdefault, time slots are set upÌýinÌýone-hour increments.

Let’s say you run aÌýfarm andÌýyour business isÌýdelivering farm-fresh groceries. Delivering each order individually toÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌýnearby city isÌýtoo expensive, soÌýyou decide toÌýbatch deliver three times aÌýday. This way, you have enough orders toÌýload upÌýaÌýcar andÌýenough time toÌýdeliver all your orders without delays orÌýwasted trips.

InÌýthis case, you might choose three hour delivery windows asÌýyour delivery time slot length. This means that your customers will beÌýable toÌýchoose their delivery time from these time slots: 9ÌýamÌý– 12Ìýpm, 12ÌýpmÌý– 3Ìýpm, 3ÌýpmÌý– 6Ìý±è³¾.

Here’s another example: you bake birthday cakes. It’s likely your customers expect toÌýget aÌýcake delivered fresh andÌýjust inÌýtime forÌýtheir party. InÌýthat case, itÌýmight beÌýideal toÌýset upÌýaÌý15-minute time slot length toÌýmaximize freshness.

Allow (or block) same-day delivery

Now you can enable orÌýdisable receiving orders forÌýsame-day delivery. Use this setting ifÌýyou need more time toÌýprepare anÌýorder, orÌýifÌýyou have toÌýplan ³Ù³ó±ðÌýcourrier’s route ahead ofÌýtime.

However, ifÌýyou can deliver orders ³Ù³ó±ðÌýsame day they are placed, allow your customers toÌýchoose same-day delivery. Usually, customers want toÌýreceive their orders asÌýfast asÌýpossible, soÌýsame-day delivery isÌýaÌýstrong competitive advantage.

ToÌýavoid delivering orders late into ³Ù³ó±ðÌýnight (and therefore, becoming ³Ù³ó±ðÌýdeÌýfactor delivery boy when your employees have all gone home), set upÌýaÌýtime-cap forÌýplacing orders forÌýsame-day delivery.

For example, you can stop same-day deliveries anÌýhour orÌýtwo before you close your store. This way, you can deliver all today’s orders onÌýtime andÌýinÌýanÌýappropriate window forÌýyour employees.

Here’s how toÌýallow same-day delivery:

  1. When editing your delivery options onÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌý page, enable ³Ù³ó±ðÌýÁª³§²¹³¾±ð-»å²¹²â delivery” setting.
  2. InÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌý“Cutoff forÌýsame-day delivery” field, specify ³Ù³ó±ðÌýlatest time forÌýsame-day delivery.

IfÌýaÌýcustomer places their order after ³Ù³ó±ðÌýtime you specified, they’ll beÌýable toÌýchoose aÌýdelivery time forÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌýnext operating day orÌýlater.

For example, ifÌýyou run aÌýrestaurant andÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌýkitchen closes atÌý18:00, itÌýmight beÌýhelpful toÌýset 17:00ÌýasÌýaÌýcutoff time forÌýsame-day delivery. This ensures that all your orders are prepared andÌýdelivered onÌýtime.

Specify order fulfillment time

ItÌýtakes time not only toÌýdeliver anÌýorder, but also toÌýprepare andÌýpackage it. InÌýsome cases, you need toÌýprepare anÌýorder from scratch. For example, ifÌýyou run aÌýrestaurant, itÌýmight take 20Ìýminutes toÌýmake your signature Caesar salad.

Or, ifÌýyou sell engraved jewelry, itÌýmight take upÌýtoÌýseveral days toÌýmake each bracelet. It’s important toÌýtake prep time into account toÌýavoid keeping your customers waiting longer than expected.

Here’s our solution: set upÌýorder fulfillment time. This isÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌýaverage time from order placement toÌýits delivery toÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌýcustomer. The formula isÌýsimple: ³Ù³ó±ðÌýtime itÌýtakes you toÌýprepare anÌýorder forÌýdelivery +Ìýyour average delivery time.

For example, you need 20Ìýminutes toÌýprepare anÌýorder, anÌýhour toÌýhand itÌýover toÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌýcustomer, andÌýten minutes asÌýaÌýbuffer. Mark 90Ìýminutes asÌýyour order fulfillment time andÌývoila! You get your orders toÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌýcustomer onÌýtime, without ³Ù³ó±ðÌýstresses ofÌýrushing around forÌýdelivery.

Here’s how toÌýspecify your order fulfillment time:

  1. When editing your delivery option onÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌý page, scroll down toÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌý“Order Fulfillment Time” field.
  2. Specify how many minutes, hours, orÌýbusiness days itÌýtakes toÌýfulfill anÌýorder.

IfÌýyou previously chose ³Ù³ó±ðÌý“Ask forÌýdate only” option, you can only set aÌýfulfillment time inÌýterms ofÌýdays.

With this feature enabled, customers won’t beÌýable toÌýchoose aÌýtime orÌýdate forÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌýorder toÌýbeÌýdelivered that comes before you are ready forÌýit.

So, that’s all great inÌýtheory, but how does order fulfillment time work inÌýpractice?

Here’s aÌýquick example toÌýillustrate this tool inÌýaction: your cafe delivers from 9:30am-6:30pm, andÌýyour order fulfillment time isÌýone hour. IfÌýaÌýcustomer places anÌýorder atÌý4:00pm, you’ll beÌýable toÌýdeliver itÌýatÌýaround 5:00pm. InÌýthis case, ³Ù³ó±ðÌýnearest window available forÌýyour customer toÌýchoose will beÌý4:30pmÌý— 5:30pm.

This gives you aÌýreasonable window ofÌýtime toÌýget your order toÌýthem, andÌýtakes ³Ù³ó±ðÌýguesswork out ofÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌýdelivery process forÌýthem.

Ready toÌýget your order out there ³Ù³ó±ðÌýmoment it’s placed? Leave ³Ù³ó±ðÌý“Order Fulfillment Time” field empty.

For restaurants: Blocking orders outside ofÌýoperating hours

Here’s aÌýbit ofÌýaÌýspecial caseÌý— when you don’t want toÌýask forÌýdelivery time andÌýdate.

When ordering from aÌýcafe orÌýrestaurant, customers expect toÌýget their food asÌýfast asÌýpossible. IÌýmean, imagine how angry aÌýcustomer would beÌýifÌýthey ordered pizza atÌý11pm, andÌýafter waiting forÌýanÌýhour found out that ³Ù³ó±ðÌýpizza place actually closes atÌý10Ìýpm, andÌýtheir pizza won’t get toÌýthem until tomorrow.

ToÌýavoid misunderstandings like these, just block placing orders outside ofÌýyour operating hours. Here’s how toÌýdoÌýthat:

  1. When editing your delivery option onÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌý page, enable ³Ù³ó±ðÌý“Set operating hours” setting.
  2. Check off ³Ù³ó±ðÌýdays andÌýchoose ³Ù³ó±ðÌýtimes when deliveries are available. You can choose several blocks ofÌýoperating hour intervals onÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌýsame day.
  3. InÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌý“Order outside ofÌýoperating hours” dropdown menu, choose “Blocked.”

IfÌýcustomers try toÌýplace orders after operating hours, they’ll see their delivery option asÌýunselectable, andÌýaÌýmessage about ³Ù³ó±ðÌýnext available time forÌýplacing ³Ù³ó±ðÌýorder.

This option isÌýhandy ifÌýyou don’t need advanced settings forÌýpicking aÌýdelivery date andÌýtime. Or, ifÌýyou’re okay with contacting customers yourself forÌýtheir delivery details.

Note: IfÌýyou set upÌýaÌýdate picker forÌýin-store pickup, placing orders outside ofÌýoperating hours will beÌýallowed byÌýdefault.

How toÌýManage Local Delivery Orders

You can see all your orders from ³Ù³ó±ðÌý page inÌýyour ºÚÁÏÃÅ Control Panel. That’s where you can change order statuses, see order details, edit andÌýfilter orders. IfÌýyou haven’t done soÌýalready, try managing your orders inÌýyour Control Panel.

ToÌýcheck ³Ù³ó±ðÌýdelivery date andÌýtime information specified byÌýaÌýcustomer, goÌýtoÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌý page. You’ll see ³Ù³ó±ðÌýinformation about ³Ù³ó±ðÌýorder delivery time onÌýeach order card onÌýthat page:

The delivery time selected byÌýyour customers will also beÌýdisplayed inÌýtheir order details:

ToÌýfind out which orders you have toÌýfulfill first andÌýwhich ones can wait, filter local delivery orders byÌýdelivery date andÌýtime. ToÌýdoÌýthat, click “Filter” andÌýthen click “Pickup orÌýdelivery date andÌýtime”:

You can specify ³Ù³ó±ðÌýtime range you are looking for, orÌýlook forÌýorders coming inÌýinÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌýnext 3Ìýhours, 24Ìýhours, onÌýanyÌýparticular day, orÌýover ³Ù³ó±ðÌýnext 3Ìýdays.

Customers will see ³Ù³ó±ðÌýdelivery time andÌýdate they chose inÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌýOrder Confirmation email they receive asÌýsoon asÌýtheir order isÌýconfirmed. Customers sometimes forget ³Ù³ó±ðÌýexact dates andÌýtimes they select, soÌýthis feature helps them avoid having toÌýcontact you directly toÌýconfirm aÌýdelivery date andÌýtime. They can just check their email:

ToÌýlearn more about local delivery settings, check out our .

More Tools forÌýLocal Businesses

Last year, weÌýadded lots ofÌýnew local delivery tools toÌýmake itÌýeasier than ever forÌýyou toÌýmanage local delivery. WeÌýhope this also makes ³Ù³ó±ðÌýcheckout process much smoother forÌýyour customers.

You can find new tools inÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌý“Local Delivery” section onÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌý page inÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌýºÚÁÏÃÅ Control Panel.

ToÌýprovide even more options toÌýyour local customers, beÌýsure toÌýtake advantage ofÌýall local delivery tools inÌýyour ºÚÁÏÃÅ store:

We’re constantly adding new tools forÌýlocal businesses toÌýmake your life easier andÌýencourage more sales.


About The Author
Anastasia Dmitrieva is a Product Manager at ºÚÁÏÃÅ during the day and a proud plant mum in her free time.

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