Top 11 Most Popular Drupal Modules

When wemention modules, what comes tomind? Isitsomething mechanical? Something ofatechnological nature? Orisitsomething that has alot ofmobility interms ofits place andfunction? Or, doscenes ofbusy futuristic cockpits with alot ofdifferent levers andbuttons come tomind?

Ifanyofthese things, oranything similar, pop into mind when theterm “modules” ismentioned, then you are definitely ontheright track. Modules inthecontext ofCMS companies, such asDrupal, are reusable components that can beused intemplates oradded topages. Implement modules via drag-and-drop areas andflexible columns. It’s like adding all ofthose flashing buttons andchrome levers tothe“cockpit” ofyour website.

What this ultimately does isadd amuch greater amount offunctionality forvisitors that come toyour site tomake forastreamlined anduser-friendly experience. While these modules are great atmaking your site amemorable andappealing experience, itcan behard toknow which ofthemany Drupal modules are worth using andwhich ofthem would simply get intheway. That’s what we’re here tohelp with.

Let’s take alook atsome ofthemost popular Drupal modules toget your site to“out ofsight” levels offunctionality!

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1.Webform Module

This is, andshould benear thetop ofeveryone’s list when setting uptheir site. When wesay this module handles forms, that means all forms ofall kinds. Itcan handle anextremely broad range offorms, which are anecessary part ofmany websites. Ranging from survey forms tofeedback forms tocontact forms, thelist offorms issoextensive it’ll need aform offorms just tocontain itself! Whether ornot aform ofall forms could even contain itself, this should definitely beineverybody’s initial repertoire when setting uptheir first online Drupal site.

That’s how theWebform module forDrupal looks from heinside. .

2.Paragraphs Module

The puts alot ofpower into thehand ofthecreator. This module isthego-to option foranything that requires aparagraph-like field. Examples would bevideos, slideshows, quotes, text blocks, images, andsoon. While itisaseemingly simple module toutilize, its range ofuses isaswide asacreator can think of. This should definitely beinevery creator’s toolkit when picking their first Drupal modules.

Paragraph Drupal module inaction. .

3.Display Suite

Get agood lay ofthe(online) land with the. Being one ofthecore Drupal modules, thedisplay suite allows creators tobuild andedit page layouts attheclick ofabutton. Itdoes this byproviding anintuitive andeasy-to-use drag anddrop interface that makes arranging content easier than ever.

This works intandem with thevarious templates andlayouts that Drupal provides. This lets acreator select asolid foundation tostart on, then work from there asthey design their dream website layout. With theability todefine custom fields andcustom view modes, thepossibilities are endless with Drupal’s Display suite.

Lots ofoptions! .

4.Admin Toolbar Module

Possibly one ofthemost, ifnot themost, important Drupal modules isthe. This isanextremely useful tool forsite admins andsite builders. What itdoes isadd greater functionality totheinitial Drupal toolbar. The initial toolbar isfairly limited, andmight behard forsomeone starting fresh toeasily craft thesite they want. Using theAdmin toolbar helps bring out themaximum potential ofthedefault toolbar byadding easy-to-use drop-down menus foreach ofDrupal’s inherent tools.

Toolbar forprofessional Drupal admins. .

5.Drupal GraphQL Module

This one’s important, but tounderstand the, it’s important toknow what GraphQL isinthefirst place. GraphQL isamodern querying language that replaces older languages tomore easily communicate with APIs. Itworks more efficiently, offering quicker delivery speeds andcutting down onanyunnecessary ٰڴھ—w󾱳 might bearesult ofusing anolder querying language. Inthecontext ofDrupal modules, theGraphQL module allows Drupal sites toutilize GraphQL inmany ofits normal functions.

6.Pathauto Module

The has asimple job with avital impact onthesuccess ofanyDrupal site. Agood site creator should understand SEO andhow effective use ofSEO will help get their site out tothemasses. This module helps create SEO-friendly URLs, while also allowing site admins tomanipulate thepatterns ituses andupdate itwith different tokens. This module isamust-have foranybody that wants toensure their site’s relevance insearch engines.

Atiny illustration ofhow Pathauto module forDrupal generates URLs. .

7.Devel Module

Noreason toget scared bythename. This isactually one ofthemost integral modules forsite developers andsite admins toget themost out oftheir Drupal modules. Everything needs agood test run every now andthen, andthis module allows developers totest their sites bygenerating alot ofcontent fornodes, comments, users, andvarious entities. Don’t let those bugs get byyou. Make sure that your site passes thetest ofthe.

8.Google Analytics

Analytics isacontent creator’s favorite ɴǰ—o atleast, itshould be. Tobebrief, analytics are all ofthedata that comes from thevarious types oftraffic that awebsite gets. Similar totracking view counts andlikes onaYouTube video, theGoogle analytics Drupal module allows website creators tounderstand iftheir content ishitting its mark, andwhere itisgetting across intheonline world most effectively.

And ithas advanced settings! .

9.Date Module

This one’s asimple, yet very necessary one. Simply put, this onyour site with avariety ofcustomization options. While it’s not theflashiest ormost interesting ofDrupal modules, knowing what thedate iswill always beanappealing facet ofanywebsite.

10. jQuery Update

This last one isforthecoders. Another simple one with avery important job, the makes sure that all ofthecore JavaScript code onasite stays uptodate. Itdoes this byautomatically updating theversion ofjQuery inDrupal core toits most current form.

11. Shopping Cart

isapowerful andeasy-to-use shopping cart solution that seamlessly integrates with your Drupal website. Simply andyour products, categories andcheckout pages will automatically embed onyour Drupal site andadjust themselves tothegiven page size andlayout.

With , your store data isfully hosted on secure servers. So, regardless ofthehosting forDrupalyou use, you get free ofcost:

So, you don’t need toworry about shopping cart software updates, security patches andserver maintenance. Your store gets all thenew features andbug fixes automatically.

The More theMerrier

These great Drupal modules will besure toget you heading intheright direction. Always beonthelookout, however, forall oftheother fun andintuitive Drupal modules that theonline world has tooffer.

About The Author
Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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