Stand Out in Inbox with Dynamic AMP Emails by

Nearly 4billion people worldwide rely onemail toget important information about promotions, orders, product updates, andmore. Whoa! But what happens when thecontent being sent changes? Product availability. Order status. Once sent, static email becomes irrelevant faster than aninternet cafe inSilicon Valley.

That’s why we’ve collaborated with Gmail tobethefirst e-commerce platform tolaunch dynamic email fore-commerce merchants. Built with brand-new AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) technology, emails will now display accurate andup-to-date information atevery open, delivering fast andefficient experiences andrecovering more sales for merchants.

Opening anemail more than once finally makes sense! Whether it’s anorder status update oranabandoned cart communication, your email automatically syncs with your store tokeep your content up-to-date.

Scroll down foremail examples that are available forfree in right now.

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How Dynamic Emails Win Attention andSave Clicks

For thefirst time, AMP emails contain always-up-to-date information forusers toengage, making your emails actionable, helpful, andfun.

Atlaunch, we’re implementing four email types for merchants andtheir customers.

Interactive abandoned cart email

Anabandoned cart email isamessage sent tostore visitors who didn’t complete their purchases. This email ispersonalized, allowing your visitors tosee their cart contents andareminder tofinish their checkout. merchants who use this feature inits automated mode recover anaverage of15% ofabandoned carts.

AMP forEmail makes abandoned cart emails more compelling with live anddynamic product information andanew layout that mimics your store product page toencourage recipients tointeract with thecontent by:

Early tests have already confirmed higher engagement andconversion rates fornew interactive abandoned cart emails over traditional abandoned cart email content.

Real-time order status email

Tracking order status has always been atedious process foronline shoppers. ASisyphean dance ofsaving confirmation numbers, checking emails, andclicking through toone orseveral pages to(hopefully) get updated status reports ontheproduct inquestion. Sigh.

Now, customers can get accurate andalways up-to-date order status information from asingle email. Each time your customer opens their confirmation email, they’ll see thelatest updates andinformation about their order. Ifyou change thestatus from “Paid” to“Shipped” inthe Control panel, your customer will see it.

One-click email verification atsign up

Online verification issecure… but annoying. AMP emails improve theexperience bykeeping new merchants intheir email without redirecting tothird-party services.

Ifyou sign upwith today, you’ll verify your email address right inyour confirmation email with asingle click.

Change order status inemail (coming soon)

Today, ifacustomer places anorder through an store, that merchant gets notified via email. Normally, this email would take you toyour toreview theorder andchange its status to“Processing” once it’s been confirmed. You would then need toreturn totheControl Panel atalater time tochange thestatus to“Shipped” once theorder has been sent tothecustomer.

With AMP forEmail, merchants will soon beable tomanage orders right intheir order notification emails. You’ll have thepower toquickly andefficiently manage orders from anydevice without clicking through toawebsite ormobile app, creating aseamless— andeffortless— store management experience. Keep aneye onyour order emails forinteractive content.

How toSee Dynamic Emails inYour store

Dynamic emails will beautomatically enabled onall stores forUSmerchants— noadditional action required. We’ll berolling all these new features out toour merchants inthecoming weeks, sokeep aneye onyour store forupdates.

For now, dynamic content isonly available through Gmail processed emails, with more supported email clients coming soon.

Sell Anywhere— Including Email

With , you can sell anywhere— onyour website, Instagram, Facebook, Amazon, eBay, mobile apps— andnow inyour emails too.

Together with Gmail, we’ve built asolution that has thepower totruly revolutionize email fore-commerce. AMP forEmail issupported onall pricing plans, including our Free plan. Sign uptoday!

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