Asanaspiring online seller, two terms you should befamiliar with about theonline selling world are ebusiness andecommerce. Many people consider these two terms interchangeable. Therefore, it’s nosurprise that wethink making adistinction between them isunimportant. Ifsuccess inonline selling isimportant toyou, you should know thedifference between these two terms, andwhen toapply each one.
What isthedifference between ecommerce andebusiness? This article will answer thequestion byintroducing both concepts andshowing you how they are different.
What isEcommerce?
Ecommerce isanabbreviation forelectronic commerce, anditistheprocess ofselling goods andservices using theinternet. Tomost people, ecommerce simply means selling only physical goods using theinternet, asseen onplatforms like Amazon andeBay. However, ecommerce goes way beyond that. Itisaterm foranycommercial transaction that occurs online. Itdoes not have tobeonly physical goods, but also encompasses digital goods, online courses, andmore.
The rise ofecommerce inthe21st century has been steady. However, since thestart ofthecoronavirus pandemic, there has been massive growth inthesector. Consequently, there isaprojection ofa of$21trillion by2027. This further shows how large thesector isandhow important itisforinterested individuals toknow about it.
Types OfEcommerce Models
There are four primary forms ofelectronic commerce, andeach one isperfect fordifferent abusiness model andneed.
Business toConsumer (B2C)
The Business toConsumer (B2C) model involves abusiness selling its goods andservices toconsumers. Itisthemost popular form ofecommerce. The majority ofBusiness toConsumer ecommerce involves online shopping. However, itrequires that businesses doalot ofproduct marketing toengage many customers.
Examples ofaB2C model include:
- Online shopping ofgoods such asclothes, shoes, without visiting aphysical shop.
- Agame company offering its customers
in-game purchases
Business toBusiness (B2B)
Businesses use theBusiness toBusiness model tosell products andservices toone another. Depending ontheitem they are transacting, thebuyer can sometimes beaconsumer, orthebuyer can resell tothe
Anexample ofa
Consumer toConsumer (C2C)
Consumer toconsumer ecommerce model ischaracterized andpropelled by
Prominent examples ofbusinesses running theC2C ecommerce model are online shopping involving anindividual offering apersonal artifact forsale on.
Consumer toBusiness (C2B)
- Social media influencers using social platforms like Instagram, Facebook, andTwitter topromote abusiness forafee.
- People who are selling their services asfreelancers onplatforms such asUpwork (previously Elance) andFiverr.
What isEbusiness?
Ebusiness simply means conducting business using theinternet andonline technology. Unlike ecommerce, ebusiness isnot exclusive tobuying andselling products andservices online. Ituses thepower oftheinternet toenhance other forms ofbusiness activities which includes servicing customers, payment processing, managing production control, recruitment, collaborating with business partners, sharing information, running automated employee services, recruiting, etc. Ebusiness involves running aphysical store both online andoffline inamutually exclusive manner, anditismore efficient.
Types OfEbusiness Models
Ebusiness also has two significant forms/models employed bydifferent types ofbusiness.
Pure Play Model
These businesses can operate both online oroffline. Sofar, they only deal with aparticular product. Example isabusiness that deals with only football boots andmakes sales online andoffline.
Note: There are situations inwhich Pure play business doesn’t have tobe
Bricks andClicks
This isthemost popular ebusiness model, inwhich astore operates both online andoffline. Italso goes bythenames click andmortar andclicks andbricks. The business model comprises aphysical store (brick/ brick andmortar) andanonline store (clicks). Customers can make purchases byvisiting thephysical store orbygoing through theonline store.
Due totheemergence ofthecoronavirus pandemic, many businesses now run thebricks andclicks business model. Examples of
Ecommerce Vs. Ebusiness: What IstheDifference Between Ecommerce andEbusiness?
After getting toknow thetwo terms intimately, wecan comfortably answer thequestion: what isthedifference between ecommerce andebusiness. Below are five differences between thetwo terms apart.
Ecommerce isasubset within anebusiness superset
When comparing both terms, itiscorrect tosay that ecommerce isasubset ofebusiness. Ebusiness incorporates internet or
Types ofonline activities
Ecommerce involves businesses andcustomers making commercial transactions online. Ontheother hand, ebusiness involves making online commercial transactions, obtaining raw materials, andeducating customers. Also, inecommerce, there isamonetary transaction limit. However, there isnomonetary limit tothetransaction onebusiness.
Main benefactor
The person who benefits most from ecommerce business isthecustomer who ismaking theonline purchase. However, there isawide variety ofpeople who are themain benefactor inebusiness. This includes customers, business partners, suppliers, etc.
Use oftheInternet
From theabove explanation, ecommerce isanelectronic business that only occurs ontheinternet. However, inebusiness, business processes can occur both online using theinternet, intranet, andextranet electronic networks andoffline.
Ecommerce requires abusiness orcustomer tohave access toawebsite. This depends onthetype ofecommerce business model you are running on. However, there are ecommerce platforms such aseBay, Selar, etc., that provide such templates. Ontheother hand, ebusiness requires enterprises toaccess awebsite. Also, ebusiness includes having good Customer Relationship Management andEnterprise Resource Planning fortheeffective running ofbusiness online.
Wehope our article has given you abetter understanding oftheterms ebusiness andecommerce. Even though thewords look similar, they are very different. However, knowing thedifference between ebusiness andecommerce can help you design your business model using thepresent technology tosuit yourself andyour customers.
Choosing theright model depends onwhat you want. For example, you have toknow whether you wish toconduct transactions online only oryou want toenhance your business with online technology without adding anonline store toyour website? Answering these questions comes with knowing thedifferences between ebusiness andecommerce, which weexplained inthis article. Bediligent about what you want andconsider all differences before choosing between thetwo concepts foryour business model.
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