Ecommerce was introduced totheworld 40years ago (can you believe it?) andhas been rapidly developing into what weunderstand tobeecommerce asitistoday. Online shopping has become thenorm formany people andsome even prefer ittotraditional brick andmortar.
History ofEcommerce
Online Shopping’s Earliest High Notes:
1969— isfounded asanimmediate front runner increating online services such aselectronic mail andonline live chat services. CompuServe was later acquired byAOL in1998.
1979— Michael Aldrich invents online shopping. This isecommerce inits earliest form. He between consumers andbusinesses orfrom business tobusiness. Hemodifies atelevision andconnects ittoatransaction processing computer using atelephone line. This process, however, was not fully realized until theintroduction oftheinternet inthe90s when people could take advantage ofonline sales.
1982— launches thefirst ecommerce business andsells used computers online.
1989— Tim
The early 90s andintroduction oftheInternet
1993— The source code forthefirst web browser, invented by
1995— The National Science Foundation oftheNET. This gives users therights needed tostart anonline business andallow online shopping totake shape, leading tothelaunch ofmany
1995— eBay, one ofthefirst andpopular ecommerce sites forpeople tosell products isintroduced. Also, Jeff Bezos launches alittle online bookstore now known asAmazon. Bytheend of1996, hesees $15.7million inrevenue.
1998— creates apayment processing system forecommerce andisnow one ofthelargest most trusted online payment platforms intheecommerce industry.
The early 2000s andthedawn ofecommerce
2000— Google introduces giving a
2005— Etsy launches andisnow one ofthemost popular
2006— Shopify launches its storefront software that was created out offrustration with past storefront systems that were too complicated andexpensive. Shopify helped bring simple software forsmall business owners tostart anecommerce business.
2009— introduces arevolutionary way tostart anecommerce business. started out asafew lines ofcode that you could include inyour website tocreate anonline store. Itwas anew
The modern-day online store
2011— Facebook launches sponsored stories asaform ofearly advertising.
2014— Apple brings totheir iPhone. Apple Pay isbyfar one ofthemost popular mobile payment systems inuse today. The introduction ofthewallet andApple Pay has made iteven easier forconsumers topurchase items byusing their iPhones.
2016— Instagram starts intheapp. Instagram’s parent company Facebook also introduced Facebook Marketplace andadded apayment function into theMessenger app.
2017— The Ecommerce market rises tonew heights. Cyber Monday sales hit a byexceeding $6.5billion inrevenue from online sales, 17% increase from 2016.
2020— Ecommerce grows exponentially due tothe
Future ofEcommerce
Ecommerce has come along way since Aldrich’s processing machine, but this islikely just thebeginning ofabrave new world ofglobal commerce andconnection. Almost all
Today ecommerce isbeing adopted around theworld atarapid pace, many ecommerce processes are becoming automatic, andartificial intelligence isstarting tohave animpact onecommerce stores. Setting upanonline storefront isalready pretty intuitive with thetechnology andplatforms wehave right now, but thefuture ofecommerce will bring new technology that will make having anonline business even easier.
Growth ofonline sales
Ecommerce has continued tobreak records every year inrevenue. Online retail sales continue torise, anditdoesn’t seem that they are going toslow down anytime soon. Itisestimated that in that ecommerce will see $1.7trillion inrevenue just intheUnited States.
Inaddition totheU.S. market, global ecommerce isaccelerating aswell. Many other countries are starting toadopt online shopping.
Artificial intelligence (AI)
Online retailers implementing will benefit from having personalized targeted marketing, increased customer retention, automated processes, andmuch more. AIisrapidly advancing andthose implementing itinto their ecommerce platforms are reaping thebenefits.
AIallows companies tomake their customers’ online shopping experience more personalized. AIcreates adigital footprint foreach customer andwith this footprint ecommerce platforms can run retargeted marketing campaigns. With AIonline stores can recommend products ascustomers shop, itwill notice ifacustomer looks atacertain item foralong time andcan send them anotification later onifthat particular item goes onsale. This allows ecommerce stores toachieve ahigher conversion rate.
Mobile shopping
The younger generations rely heavily ontheir mobile devices foreverything sonaturally mobile sales are steadily increasing. Tosell products online inthefuture focusing onmobile sales isamust. Online shoppers are using mobile devices todoproduct research, this isincreasing through theuse ofsocial media.
Voice commerce
With theadoption ofmany smart devices such asGoogle Home orAmazon’s Alexa comes an forecommerce businesses. There have been advancements made insmart home technology where people can make online transactions through theuse oftheir voice. Inthefuture, someone could make apurchase bysimply saying Hey Google, put cat litter inmyshopping cart.
Voice SEO will bethenew way togrow your ecommerce business. With more people utilizing voice commerce, those selling online will need topredict thenatural language people will use with their smart home devices.
When analyzing thehistory ofecommerce you can see that commerce trends have changed considerably. After theintroduction oftheworld wide web physical stores have had toadapt tothemany evolving ecommerce marketplaces over thehistory ofecommerce. The
Ifyou have anecommerce business orare considering opening anecommerce store, understanding where ecommerce islikely going will increase your chances ofsuccess. While itisimportant tostay ahead ofthetrends totake full advantage, make sure you have thebasics down before you integrate new technologies. Make sure you have anecommerce platform that can create anecommerce store that will work foryou today andiscontinually
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