A Highly Effective SEO Strategy To Increase Traffic
Inthis post:
- There Are Two Types ofTraffic
- The Big Problem With SEO
- Exactly How toGenerate SEO Traffic
- Success Story: This
E-Commerce Merchant Makes $10,000aMonth - Why IRecommend This Strategy for
E-commerce SEO - Related Questions
There Are Two Types ofTraffic
Everyone wants tobeinposition #1onaSERP (Search Engine Result Page) when apotential client searches fortheir products orservices through asearch engine like Google. Weall know that most people click thetop results anddon’t bother tonavigate further down theSERP forhidden website gems.
There are lots ofways toimprove your ranking position, but let’s start with how you can get your site tosimply appear insearch engines like Google. There are two main ways toget traffic: Paid Traffic andFree Traffic.
Paid traffic isoften referred toasSEM (Search Engine Marketing) orPPC (Pay Per Click). This method often consists ofpaying search engines like Google orGoogle Shopping, and/or social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest orSnapchat todisplay your
Although SEM andPPC are great ways ofincreasing traffic, this isn’t always thebest way togoforbeginners. Why? Because they require anongoing budget, digital marketing skills, anditcan beexpensive andtime consuming toensure you are generating ROI (aka return oninvestment— aka actually making money from your paid advertising).
Ontheother hand, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) isoften referred toasorganic orfree traffic. This traffic isfree inthesense that you are not paying Search Engines orSocial Media platforms per click toyour website.
However, building traffic from SEO does require time andeffort. Todoso, you have tocreate theright type ofcontent toget people interested inyour site. But, using theright techniques, once you generate SEO traffic, chances are high that your increased traffic will sustain itself over alonger period oftime.
The Big Problem With SEO
Simply put: thebig problem with SEO isthat somany internet marketers out there are still suggesting time consuming andineffective techniques that stopped working years ago. These techniques include keyword stuffing, backlink building, article spinning, building Amazon affiliate type niche sites andmore.
Such techniques may have worked like acharm two (or ten) years ago, but some can have detrimental consequences today! Google has changed theway they refer traffic towebsites via their search engine over theyears. Ifyou’re relying onoutdated techniques you’re wasting your time, money, orworse, destroying your site’s chances ofranking.
Another mistake: many bloggers andinternet marketers confuse content creation with vlogging, andare actually writing about their day orabout things they are interested in
Ihate wasting mytime. Ihate not getting agood ROI! You probably dotoo. For awhile, Iwas stuck with nopath forward, wringing myhands infrustration. Then, two years ago, Idiscovered some new SEO techniques. New tools formySEO toolkit, ifyou will. Sonow, I’m going toshare mysuccesses with you. Read on, SEO hunter!
Exactly How toGenerate SEO Traffic
Organic traffic isthetraffic you generate toyour website bycreating content like articles orvideos, without paying per click toget traffic toyour website. You should start with theAlphabet Soup Method tofind search terms people are actually looking up. You can dothis byusing Google’s native Suggested Search features andrunning your ideas through thealphabet. And don’t worry, this cool tool isfree!
Then you need tocarry out Competitive Analysis tosee which topics are worth writing about, andinwhich order. Isuggest using theContent Mix tohelp you decide ontheorder. And Ican’t stress enough how important that you build upE.A.T. (Expertise, Authoritativeness andTrust) forGoogle.
Let’s detail exactly how todoeach ofthese things:
1.Carry Out Your Search Analysis
You need theright content tocreate asustainable andtargeted source oftraffic. You may besurprised tolearn that people still read blogs (you’re reading this one, aren’t you?) andthat thevideo world isbooming asfar asSEO content creation with alarge audience isconcerned.
Ifyou remember anything from this article itshould bethis: togenerate traffic, you need tocreate content about things that people are actually searching forinsearch engines like Google orYouTube.
Ifyou create theright blog content you can generate traffic toyour site right from
But, what should you write about? Stumped? Maybe you’ve even enlisted thehelp ofkeyword tools tofind topics towrite about. Most keyword tools tell you how much traffic you can get forPPC advertising, rather than theactual traffic via SEO. That’s where theAlphabet Soup Method comes inhandy. Itmeans finding keywords byusing Google Suggested Search features, andrunning through thealphabet.
Let’s gothrough theABCs ofAlphabet Soup:
2.Use The Alphabet Soup Method
The Alphabet Soup Method consists inusing Google’s Suggested Search terms toget ideas about what people are actually searching for.
Let’s say your
This gives you anidea ofthetype oftopics people are actually searching forinthesearch engine. Intheexample above, you may notice people are looking forAdult electric scooters. Ifyou sell these products you may want tocover that topic onyour blog. Oreven Accessories, which are items you may sell inyour online store.
The goal istorun through theentire alphabet andjot down your ideas. SoElectric Scooter B,C,D…
You can also add question words like How to tosee thetype ofquestions people are asking online tohelp write articles foryour blog. You can add astar (*) before orafter your search soGoogle can suggest other terms.
Also, it’s always agood idea totake alook atthesuggested questions atthetop ofthepage andsuggested searches atthebottom ofthesearch peage foreven more ideas.
Another way tofind topics istouse forums like Quora andReddit. These might help give you asense ofwhat people are saying orsearching forinyour niche. You can also head over to where you can find tons oftopics towrite about foryour blog.
3.Carry Out Competitive Analysis
Once you have some topic ideas, it’s time tocarry out competitive analysis anddecide which are worth writing about. Some topic ideas you have found via theAlphabet Soup Method may betoo competitive, others may below hanging fruit! You should then evaluate your topic onGoogle tosee whether there isalot ofcompetition surrounding itornot.
Carry out Competitive Analysis bytyping your topic ideas inGoogle andlooking attheresults. Ifyou find alot ofhigh quality, relevant,
Ifthetopic isalready covered byauthority orpopular sites, government websites, orsites with high traffic, itmay bebest toleave that topic alone fornow. Asanew site, itwill bedifficult foryou to
Ontheother hand, ifyou find little ornorelevant information about your topic, orifthetop results seem tobefrom forums, pdf documents, orother
4.BeSure toFollow theContent Mix
The content mix isasuggested order inwhich towrite your blog posts. Content mix can help your content rank faster byplanting aninitial content Seed foryour site. You don’t want tostart with competitive topics because Google will not rank your content right away intheir search engine. You need tostart with short, less competitive topics andtomove towards more competitive ones inthefuture, generating acatalog of
What isThe Content Mix?
Here isasuggested Content Mix andtheorder inwhich towrite your content:
- Start with 10x Response posts: Answer aquestion inabout 1,350words
- Next write 10x Staples Posts: About 2,200words,
list-type posts - Then write 10x Pillar Posts: Between 3,500to5,000words depending onthelevel ofcompetition.
Income School suggests you start with aResponse Post. These are posts ofabout 1,350words andcover
Next, most ontoaStaple Post. Staple Posts are longer posts (2,200+ words) onmedium competitive topics. They are more detailed andusually composed oflist posts, orthings that are easily shareable onsocial media.
Lastly, aPillar Post: amuch longer article (3,500+ words) onahighly competitive topic. Itshould provide
You’ve probably heard this amillion times, but itisstill worth repeating: Content isKing! People visit websites because they want relevant,
What does this mean foryou? Your website needs tooffer quality, helpful, relevant information toyour visitors. Ofcourse, thehigher you rank onGoogle, themore traffic you’ll get inturn. But how can you write quality content that will rank?
First, create anoutline ofyour article. Fill itwith unique research, making sure tohave anAnswer Target atthebeginning, andrelated questions attheend. Answer Targets allow you tosuccinctly anddirectly answer thequestion thesearcher islooking for.
This type ofcontent organization may also allow you toget aRich Snippet ofcontent inGoogle search results. These are featured bits ofanarticle that can allow you torank inposition 0,before anyother content.
Avoid writing article reviews or10Best Products For… type articles. These are becoming harder andharder torank forasthey become more popular, andoften not very helpful forreaders.
Abetter approach would betopurchase orindividually test all theproducts you would like tosuggest toyour audience inavideo, andactually tell them which isthebest one inyour opinion.
Gone are thedays oflink building! Ifyou provide unique research andtrue value through your content, other sites will gladly link toyour content, andhelp keep visitors trickling inyears after you first uploaded it.
So, inshort: Be
Create Timeless (“Evergreen”) Content
Bevery selective about thekind ofcontent you create, sothat itcan offer value toyour site visitors several years from now aswell astoday. For example, ifyou write about thelatest cell phones, thechances that your article isstill relevant in10years from now isvery low.
Keep inmind that ifyou write about topics that are not evergreen, you will have toupdate your content every couple months oryears.
Ifyou focus onproviding your audience with helpful information that may still berelevant infive orten years from now, then you will have content that ismore evergreen andwill not need tobeupdated asoften.
Keep Customer Intent inMind
Customer Intent issuper important inan
Besure that thetopics you chose tocover can also beused aslead magnets toget your traffic totake action insome
Always beashelpful aspossible before trying tomake asale. Providing
Ilike touse ZotaBox, aplugin that works well with
Stay Strong Through The Ghost Town Phase
One other thing that Ilearned about with theProject 24SEO strategy isthat there issomething called theGhost Town Phase. This isthephase where you will not have anytraffic onyour
Many internet marketers give uporsell their blogs during this phase. However, Icannot emphasize enough theimportance ofbeing patient, persistent, andnot giving upduring this period. Because with this method, you really can generate 175,000+ monetizable pageviews per month in24months!
5.Build Your E.A.T. (Expertise, Authoritativeness &Trust)
Demonstrating Expertise, Authoritativeness, andTrust (E.A.T.) are extremely important foryour blog’s success. This isbecause Google wants toensure itsuggests information from people who are authoritative onthetopics they write about. This isespecially true forYMYL (Your Money orYour Life) industries like health, finance, legal, technical, news, politics and
Google isputting more andmore focus onE.A.T. (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) due to.
For example, you will probably trust ablog offering medical advice that was written byaqualified MD, rather than apoorly written post bysomeone who doesn’t even work inthemedical field. Google thinks ofarticles thesame way, andiscurrently lowering therankings ofsites that lack E.A.T.
Building your E.A.T. involves a
6.Consider YouTube asasource oftraffic
YouTube isthe ontheinternet, after Google (though technically, itbelongs toGoogle!). Ihave been aYouTuber forquite afew years now teaching andit’s myfavorite way toreach out tomyaudience. But too many SMBs still consider YouTube avloggers game, andare missing out onahuge opportunity togenerate traffic, build E.A.T. andultimately increase sales.
Myadvice: create aYouTube channel toshare your knowledge. Google will also consider your blog more ofanauthority ifyou have your own YouTube videos linking toyour content. The video below isanexample ofhow Iuse YouTube toreach myaudience, provide value, andsuggest my forSMBs looking tolaunch anonline store faster, better andcheaper than working with athird party.
Check out thevideo above foranexample ofhow Iuse YouTube toshare my
Success Story: This E-Commerce Merchant Makes $10,000aMonth
The SEO strategy Idescribe inthis blog post has helped lots ofbusinesses, but this story will probably interest you themost asan
Then Rick discovered theSEO strategy Idescribed above. Heincreased his sales toover $10k/month andstopped wasting his time andmoney. Hemanaged toeffectively boost thetraffic andsales onhis
Why IRecommend This Strategy forE-commerce SEO
The answer issimple: Irecommend this method for
Ifyou’d like some guidance onhow tobest perform theSEO strategy described inthis article, there isnobetter way than toturn tothecourse that actually created it.
The membership includes over 20courses oninternet marketing including ablogging (SEO) course, abrand new YouTube course, aPodcasting Course, andaPhotography course. Amembership also includes aweekly podcast, anumber ofmarketing tools, access toacommunity of
AsaProject 24student forover 2years now, Ican say that this course exceeded myexpectations andhas paid foritself time andagain. Ipersonally have a, andalways recommend students head over toProject 24tolearn about SEO andgenerating traffic once their store isready tolaunch.
Ihope this information saves you hours ofresearch andtime testing outdated SEO methods! Iknow that Iwould have loved this information five years ago… But, I’m grateful tohave itnow, andtobeable toshare itwith you today.
Related Questions
What ise-commerce SEO?
IsSEO important fore-commerce?
SEO iscrucial for
How can ane-commerce site use SEO?
Is good forSEO?
What isaGoogle search result that can befound inposition zero?
Position zero inGoogle, (P0), zero click results, orRich snippets are rich content results that appear before anyother organic result ontheSERP. They directly answer thesearcher’s question intheform oftext, atable, images oravideo. Being inposition 0can greatly increase asite’s chance ofgetting clicks.
Isitbetter topay forSEO services, ortodoitmyself?
There isnomagic SEO formula torank #1inSERPS andgenerate high traffic. Many merchants expect their sites tomagically rank higher bythrowing money attheir SEO problem, andsome companies promise SEO ROI for$10,000to$100,00+ but never deliver. Becautious when paying forSEO services andfind awinning content strategy within your own organization before outsourcing.
Learn more
- How toMake Your Ecommerce Product Catalog Searchable andFlexible
- The Ecommerce Guide toSEO That Never Gets Old
- How toGet Free Backlinks forYour Online Store
- AHighly Effective SEO Strategy ToIncrease Traffic
- Following Google Recommendations
- Boost Ranking onGoogle with GTIN andBrand Names
- Your Guide ToThe Perfect Web Address
- How todoKeyword Research Best Practices
- Search Engine Optimization For Beginners
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- The Best SEO Analysis Tools For Ecommerce
- SEO Meta Tags: The Ultimate List
- Make Your Products More Discoverable inSearch Engines
- 6Common SEO Practices You Need toLeave inthePast