How does your business
Weare referring toareal marketing tool, though itmay sound like magic.
What are event-triggered emails?
Triggered emails are sent toasubscriber upon their taking aspecific action.
They may contain information about anorder’s delivery status, areminder oftheproducts left intheshopping cart without having completed checkout, oreven just abirthday greeting.
Assoon astheaction occurs, (for example, thecalendar hits thecustomer’s birthday), theautomated message issent tothesubscriber without anyhuman effort required. Most email providers have options forthetrigger email functionality ontheir paid plans.
Your trigger emails might include dynamic content, meaning that theemail can beintelligently customized tosuit theevent’s purposes.
When doIuse trigger emails?
Having a
Atthesame time, trigger emails are a
Amazon trigger email offers torate your purchase right after you bought theproduct
These email systems are used tostir upand
Someone writes toyou andincludes their contact details, whether it’s received privately orvia social media. Byvirtue ofdoing so, theassumption isthat they maintain some level ofinterest inyour product orniche, but they might not beready tobuy yet. How doyou follow upwith every single one ofthem?
When acustomer volunteers his orher contact details tocomplete anorder, you ought tobecapturing this inadatabase touse foryour own marketing purposes. When done manually, this isavery taxing task.
You want tosend your customers content that isuseful and
Mail chains andtheir content can beautomated inresponse toaperson’s readiness forpurchase.
For example:
- The first email might express gratitude foracompleted purchase
- The second might include links touseful content
- The third might share afree
e-book - The fourth offer apersonal discount.
Byconsidering thedata generated when people open these emails, you more clearly see thepeople who are themore likely motivated buyers. With athreshold forinteraction identified, you can automatically spring your coupon orspecial offer tofurther urge asale. When that threshold is
How tocreate atrigger newsletter
Trigger emails are supported bymost modern email marketing services, like , , , , , andthelike). There are some services that specialize intrigger emails specifically like Mandrill, , Mailtrig.
Some platforms offer
Before choosing your provider, you ought todesign your trigger chains first sothat you know what types offeatures you’ll need. Send afew emails manually tosmall segments ofyour customer base andsee which triggers perform best foryou. For example, send some thank yous tonewly registered members, then send some delivery status updates, then offer additional products tothose who have recently completed checkout. Bylooking attheopen rates andtracking clicks onlinks within theemail, you get aclear sense ofwhat works andwhat doesn’t.
Your trigger events ofcourse ought tobetailored tothenature ofyour business andits ability torespond tocustomer requests. Customers ofahypothetical cosmetics store might react well toapersonal discount after acompleting acertain number ofpurchases andthecustomers ofahypothetical children’s clothing store will behappy ifyou can remember ababy’s birthday.
Iloved this table onthewebsite andwas glad toreceive thereminder
Here isanexample ofatrigger email campaign forresponding tonew clients:
- Once registered, avisitor receives anemail
1-2 days later with some kind ofpitch tomake apurchase. Ifapurchase iscompleted within some amount oftime from receiving this email, thechain continues andthey get another email (say, ofproducts related totheone they purchased) aday later. - Ifresponse tothefirst letter ispoor, thefollowup email instead comes in
3-4 weeks . - Thank you notes anddiscounts are sent automatically upon thecompletion offuture purchases.
- The customer periodically receives anemail about anyinteresting new products.
personalization lesson from Sktchy: they segment subscribers into countries anduse anative word forgreeting. Kroshka means baby, Ican’t help smiling every time Ireceive thenewsletter.
Tosum up:
- Trigger emails save your business significant save time when itcomes tomarketing andsales.
- Before deciding onatrigger email provider, dosome experimentation onyour own tosee what works best foryou.
- Depending onyour needs, you may want amore specialized trigger email provider.
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- 10Evergreen Smart Ways toGrow Your Newsletter List
- How toSend Trigger Emails That Keep Customers Coming Back
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