An Entrepreneur's Guide to Eco-Friendly Packaging

ItÌýisÌýnoÌýsecret that our planet deals with global problems like air pollution, climate change, water contamination, ²¹²Ô»åÌýliteral . Now, that’s theÌýbad news.

The good news isÌýthat asÌýmore people become aware ofÌýenvironmental issues, perspectives ²¹²Ô»åÌýhabits change inÌýtheÌýright direction. Best ofÌýall, many businesses have started toÌýchange their business strategy toÌýmake their businesses more sustainable.

One ofÌýtheÌýbest (and easiest) ways toÌýbecome aÌýgreener business isÌýtoÌýswitch toÌýeco-friendly packaging. Not only doÌýyou have theÌýopportunity toÌýreduce your business’s impact onÌýtheÌýplanet, but you will also enjoy theÌýother benefits that will improve your business. InÌýfact, people are willing toÌý. Eco-friendly packages can also significantly improve your brand awareness.

InÌýthis article, weÌýwill explain theÌýbenefits ofÌýeco-friendly packaging ²¹²Ô»åÌýprovide you with some tips onÌýhow toÌýmake theÌýswitch. Let’s go!

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Tips from e-commerce experts forÌýsmall business owners ²¹²Ô»åÌýaspiring entrepreneurs.
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The Problems with Regular Packaging

Conventional packaging that most businesses use isÌýusually made ofÌýpetroleum-based materials. Petroleum-based packaging, like plastic, releases different kinds ofÌýtoxins into theÌýatmosphere ²¹²Ô»åÌýwater, especially ifÌýitÌýisÌýheated up.

Unfortunately, , like Styrofoam, isÌýcommon inÌýmany parts ofÌýtheÌýworld ²¹²Ô»åÌýreleases toxins into theÌýatmosphere ²¹²Ô»åÌýgroundwater. Even theÌýash from burned plastic contaminates water systems ²¹²Ô»åÌýsoils.

AsÌýyou can probably guess, plastic waste impacts our society ²¹²Ô»åÌýenvironment inÌýmany ways. Air ²¹²Ô»åÌýwater pollution are well-known problems. Unfortunately, , partly because ofÌý. WeÌýcan all agree that this isÌýunacceptable.

Share ofÌýtheÌýpopulation with access toÌýdrinking water facilities

Using plastic packaging isÌýoptional. IfÌýyou switch toÌýeco-friendly packaging, you are helping protect water ²¹²Ô»åÌýair quality forÌýhumans, other species, ²¹²Ô»åÌýfuture generations. WeÌýall need toÌýbeÌýaÌýpart ofÌýfinding solutions toÌýclimate ³¦³ó²¹²Ô²µ±ð—s·É¾±³Ù³¦³ó¾±²Ô²µ toÌýclean packaging isÌýone step inÌýtheÌýright direction.

Benefits ofÌýEco-Friendly Packaging

Obviously, there are aÌýlot ofÌýdownsides toÌýpetroleum-based packaging. Eco-friendly packaging isn’t just great because it’s not ±è±ô²¹²õ³Ù¾±³¦â€”t³ó±ð°ù±ð are many other benefits! But first, what even isÌýeco-friendly packaging?

Well, anyÌýpackage made ofÌýeasily recyclable, toxin-free, ²¹²Ô»åÌýallergen-free materials isÌýconsidered eco-friendly. InÌýother words, packaging that has aÌýminimal negative impact onÌýnatural resources, communities, ²¹²Ô»åÌýother species.

When you make theÌýswitch toÌýeco-friendly packaging, you can have aÌýsense ofÌýpride that you are doing your part toÌýmediate climate change ²¹²Ô»åÌýreduce pollution. However, there are many reasons toÌýswitch toÌýeco-friendly packaging. Here are some advantages:

Sustainable Packaging IsÌýBiodegradable

Did you know that aÌýsingle plastic cup needs ? During that period, itÌýreleases toxins into theÌýatmosphere ²¹²Ô»åÌýgroundwater. Plus, plastic will just break down into , which still cause significant environmental damage. Plastic packaging’s advantage isÌýthat itÌýlasts forever. Unfortunately, that pro creates aÌýlot ofÌýcons forÌýour planet.

Sustainable packages can biodegrade aÌýlot quicker than plastic. They are made ofÌýnatural materials like bamboo, bio-plastic polymers, cardboard, recycled paper, ²¹²Ô»åÌý³¾´Ç°ù±ð—e±¹±ð²Ô ! They doÌýnot have aÌýlong lifecycle ²¹²Ô»åÌý(mostly) doÌýnot release harmful chemicals ²¹²Ô»åÌýtoxins into theÌýatmosphere.

Mushroom packaging forÌýMrÌýBailey xÌýadidas Originals OZLUCENT sneakers

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

AÌýcarbon footprint isÌýtheÌýamount ofÌýgreenhouse gasses, like methane ²¹²Ô»åÌýcarbon dioxide, released byÌýindividuals and/or businesses. Companies that use packages made ofÌýrecycled orÌýrecyclable materials such asÌýpaper, steel, orÌýcardboard have aÌýrelatively low carbon footprint.

Biodegradable materials generally are not harmful toÌýtheÌýplanet ²¹²Ô»åÌýproduce less orÌýnoÌýgreenhouse gasses. IfÌýyou want your ecommerce company toÌýbeÌýcarbon-neutral, eco-friendly packaging will help you reach that goal!

Sustainable Packages are Easily Recycled ²¹²Ô»åÌýReused

Eco-friendly materials are easily reused, repurposed, ²¹²Ô»åÌýrecycled. Businesses can even reuse waste from general business routines, like using excess paper toÌýprotect fragile items instead ofÌýbubble wrap. Businesses can also set upÌýaÌýreturn process soÌýthat customers can return packaging toÌýuse again.

Another way toÌýmake your business greener isÌýtoÌýdirect your customers toÌýreuse orÌýrecycle theÌýpackages you send. You can teach them how toÌýrecycle orÌýreuse packaging after they receive their product, like using packages forÌýstorage.

Kiehl’s offers customers toÌýrecycle empty product packages inÌýtheir stores toÌýearn points inÌýtheir reward program

Appropriate Protection ofÌýtheÌýProducts

Thanks toÌýadvanced technology ²¹²Ô»åÌýcreative people, entrepreneurs can now order larger quantities ofÌýcustomized sustainable packages. Business owners can literally customize everything about their packaging with theÌýright manufacturer. You will get completely unique ²¹²Ô»åÌýproperly sized custom inserts, mailer boxes, poly mailers, shipping boxes, carton boxes, etc.

All these forms ofÌýpackaging can beÌýmade ofÌýeco-friendly materials ²¹²Ô»åÌýensure adequate protection. Manufacturers can develop different shapes ²¹²Ô»åÌýsizes forÌýeach product. With custom packaging, you shouldn’t receive returns due toÌýdamage during transportation. Customizing packages helps you properly pack ²¹²Ô»åÌýship your products while reducing your impact onÌýtheÌýplanet.

Damaged product isÌýtheÌýmain reason forÌýreturning online purchases, according toÌýonline shoppers worldwide (Source: )

Improvement ofÌýReputation ²¹²Ô»åÌýBrand Awareness

Did you know that ifÌýthey use high-quality packaging ²¹²Ô»åÌýmaterials? Shoppers will support businesses like yours that produce products ²¹²Ô»åÌýuse packaging that isÌýsafe forÌýpeople, theÌýcommunity, ²¹²Ô»åÌýtheÌýplanet.

Being eco-friendly can turn customers into repeat buyers loyal toÌýyour brand. They will then recommend your business toÌýothers, increasing attention ²¹²Ô»åÌýprofit. Eco-conscious practices will improve your reputation ²¹²Ô»åÌýboost theÌýsentimental value ofÌýyour business.

Also, custom sustainable packaging will help you stand out from your competitors. With amazing designs ²¹²Ô»åÌýaÌýmission focused onÌýsustainability, you can ensure aÌýwonderful unboxing experience ²¹²Ô»åÌýmake your customers remember you. Plus, they will often publish their unforgettable experience onÌýsocial media ²¹²Ô»åÌýshare theÌýemotions they experienced while opening your product with theÌýrest ofÌýtheÌýworld.

Believe itÌýorÌýnot, every month. InÌýfact, some unboxing videos can get over . Unboxing content becomes viral quickly. IfÌýyour logo isÌýonÌýtheÌýbox, which itÌýcertainly should be, you will get free marketing ²¹²Ô»åÌýattract new customers.

There are all kinds ofÌýunboxing videos onÌýYouTube

How DoÌýEntrepreneurs Switch from Regular toÌýEco-Friendly Packaging?

Becoming aÌýsustainable business isÌýresponsible… But itÌýcan beÌýdemanding. Making anÌýenvironmentally-conscientious change, like switching toÌýeco-friendly packaging, isn’t that easy. However, with aÌýdose ofÌýmotivation, itÌýdoesn’t have toÌýbeÌýthat hard. Let’s find out how toÌýtake theÌýfirst step: switching toÌýeco-friendly packaging.

Invest Time ²¹²Ô»åÌýMoney inÌýEducation

Before making theÌýswitch, weÌýrecommend investing time (and sometimes money) toÌýeducate yourself about sustainable packaging. There’s aÌýlot ofÌýpeer pressure toÌýswitch toÌýenvironmentally-conscientious practices. However, entrepreneurs need toÌýfigure out onÌýtheir own why they should make theÌýchange. Only then can they establish long-term goals based onÌýsustainability.

With some research, you will discover which eco-friendly materials are theÌýbest forÌýyour business needs, why they are beneficial, how much they will cost, ²¹²Ô»åÌýanyÌýother information you need toÌýmake theÌýswitch.

Collaborate with Packaging Manufacturers

Connecting with can pave theÌýway toÌýswitching toÌýeco-friendly packages. AÌýpartnership with aÌýsustainable packaging manufacturer will allow you toÌýorder large quantities ofÌýcustom packages atÌýonce. Some even have theÌýcapacity toÌýcustomize packaging toÌýfit your products, including custom designs forÌýyour store.

Entrepreneurs should first order packaging samples toÌýconfirm quality ²¹²Ô»åÌýrelevance toÌýtheir business needs. Most places will send reduced orÌýfree samples toÌýhelp you figure out ifÌýtheÌýpackaging isÌýgood forÌýyour business. Once you find theÌýbest ²¹²Ô»åÌýmost affordable packaging, you can start theÌýprocess ofÌýswitching over.

Order custom packaging that fits your product toÌýminimize waste

What toÌýDoÌýIfÌýIÌýCan’t Switch toÌýSustainable Packages Completely?

Making changes inÌýtheÌýbusiness world always comes with risk. There could beÌýmultiple reasons why companies can’t completely switch toÌýeco-friendly packages. Some business owners might find such changes overwhelming, while others believe eco-friendly packages are not theÌýright option forÌýthem. WeÌýwould like toÌýhelp entrepreneurs ²¹²Ô»åÌýgive them anÌýidea ofÌýhow theÌýtransformative process should start.

Start with Small Steps

WeÌýunderstand that some entrepreneurs are not inÌýaÌýposition toÌýswitch toÌýeco-friendly packages right away. NoÌýone says you need toÌýdoÌýeverything atÌýonce. Start with small steps. For example, you can start using eco-friendly materials toÌýcreate custom inserts. Even something small will reduce theÌýenvironmental impact ofÌýyour packaging. Over time, you can slowly switch completely toÌýsustainable packaging.

Educate Your Customers

Also, you can take theÌýopportunity toÌýhelp educate your customers about environmental issues. Invite your customers toÌýrecycle orÌýreuse packaging instead ofÌýthrowing itÌýinÌýtheÌýgarbage. Strongly recommend using your boxes forÌýother purposes, like forÌýstorage orÌýasÌýaÌýtoy. That way, you can indirectly reduce theÌýnegative impact ofÌýpackaging.

Half Magic Beauty educates their customers onÌýrecycling their product packaging inÌýaÌýsocial media post

Educate Your Employees

involved inÌýtheÌýpackaging process helps implement more sustainable practices. You need toÌýteach them theÌýbest way toÌýpack theÌýproducts ²¹²Ô»åÌýhandle anyÌýwaste produced during theÌýprocess. Reducing plastic waste isÌýkey toÌýimproving our environment.

Customize Your Eco-Friendly Packages

Entrepreneurs can also change theÌýdesign ²¹²Ô»åÌýquantity ofÌýtheir packages toÌýreduce their environmental impact. For instance, ifÌýyou sell small items, you don’t need gigantic boxes ²¹²Ô»åÌýanÌýoverabundance ofÌýpacking peanuts toÌýget your products toÌýyour customers. Instead, you can customize your packaging ²¹²Ô»åÌýensure its design fits your product.

You also save money byÌýcustomizing packaging because smaller packages will certainly cost you less than using consistently large boxes.

IfÌýyou run anÌýºÚÁÏÃÅ store, check out theÌýArka app inÌýtheÌýºÚÁÏÃÅ App Market. Arka provides branded ²¹²Ô»åÌýunbranded packaging forÌýecommerce businesses made from eco-friendly materials. You can start using custom packaging with asÌýlittle asÌýten boxes toÌýsee ifÌýArka isÌýtheÌýright fit forÌý²â´Ç³Ü—a²Ô»å your products.

Examples ofÌýeco-friendly packaging byÌýArka

Focus onÌýEco-Friendly Shipping

OfÌýyour whole production process, focusing onÌýeco-friendly shipping practices will doÌýwonders forÌýtheÌýenvironment. Unfortunately, there are not many options forÌýeco-friendly shipping.

One way toÌýimprove your shipping process isÌýtoÌýship orders out inÌýbundles (especially easy with smaller packages). That means when aÌýcustomer purchases multiple products from you, you send all their items inÌýone package. For example, aÌýshopper buys two orÌýthree different products aÌýmonth, ²¹²Ô»åÌýyou send all their items asÌýone order atÌýtheÌýend ofÌýtheÌýmonth.

However, are people willing toÌýwait longer toÌýget their orders? AsÌýweÌýsaid, education isÌýkey. For example, you could make videos explaining what bundle shipping isÌý²¹²Ô»åÌýwhy their patience helps theÌýplanet. Knowledge isÌýeverything!

Cost ofÌýEco-Friendly Packages

Most ofÌýyou are probably wondering whether eco-friendly packaging isÌýmore expensive than conventional packaging. The answer toÌýthat question might beÌý²õ³Ü°ù±è°ù¾±²õ¾±²Ô²µâ€Â£´Ç! InÌýtheÌýlong run, you will actually save money byÌýswitching.

IfÌýyou collaborate with aÌý that uses only sustainable materials, you can order packages inÌýbulk. That will automatically reduce theÌýprice ofÌýyour order. OnÌýtheÌýother hand, ifÌýyou plan toÌýreuse packages (which isÌýanÌýavailable option), you won’t have toÌýspend anything onÌýnew ones.

Plus, ifÌýtheÌýpackage’s customized shape isÌýaccurate ²¹²Ô»åÌýsmall, you will have more space toÌýstore orders, whether inÌýyour house orÌýaÌýwarehouse. You won’t need more space toÌýstore orders orÌýunused packaging, reducing rent ²¹²Ô»åÌýshipping costs.

Unfortunately, it’s hard toÌýsay how much money you will have toÌýspend onÌýeach package. ItÌýdepends onÌýtheÌýsize ²¹²Ô»åÌýweight ofÌýyour order, design requirements, packaging material, ²¹²Ô»åÌýquantity. But often, you can actually save money byÌýswitching away from plastic.

For example, you may spend around $138ÌýforÌý100Ìýunits ofÌýcompostable size 7ÌýxÌý11Ìýbubble mailers. OnÌýtheÌýother hand, plastic 8ÌýxÌý11Ìý(almost theÌýsame size) bubble bags will cost you per 100Ìýunits. The difference isÌýsignificant!

Compostable bubble mailer byÌýArka

Wrap Up

Without aÌýdoubt, switching toÌýeco-friendly packages isÌýhighly beneficial. Sustainable packaging isÌýgood forÌýtheÌýplanet, reduces costs, ²¹²Ô»åÌýimproves your brand identity. InÌýcase you currently can’t switch toÌýsustainable materials completely, weÌýadvise you toÌýuse some ofÌýtheÌýalternatives mentioned inÌýthis article. WeÌýall need toÌýdoÌýour part inÌýsecuring aÌýfuture without pollution. Let’s build aÌýcleaner planet together!


About The Author
Phil Akhzar is the founder and CEO of Arka. It provides custom branded and unbranded eco-friendly packaging for ecommerce businesses.

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