How Much Do Artists Make?

The life ofanartist isoften filled with passion andcreativity, andwhile this isundoubtedly true, weall know there isalso afinancial side andaneed tohustle. There isacommon belief that artists always work fǰthemselves andmake theminimum needed tosurvive. While many artists doget towork fǰthemselves with very little tonosupervision, most artists find themselves working under acontract ǰasfull-time employees fǰsomeone inneed oftheir skills. Also, many might besurprised atthelevel offinancial stability agood majority ofartists achieve.

One ofthemost common questions asked bythose considering acareer inthearts is, “How much doartists make?” The truth istheanswer tothis question varies depending onthespecific field ofart, level ofexperience, andlocation, but wehope that after this quick read, you can have anidea ofhow much anartist can make based ontheir industry ǰspecific skills.

Let’s dive inandtake andhave aquick look atthelife ofanartist andhow much artists make.

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More Than One Type ofArtist

Contrary tocommon belief, while painting istheprimary branch ofart with alot ofhistory andculture behind it, anartist isnot limited tosomeone who paints ǰdraws fǰaliving. The truth is, anartist issimply acreator ǰanyone with theability andtalent toconceptualize anemotion, feeling, moment, ǰidea. This can besomeone inarchitecture, ceramics, music, makeup, ǰeven thefashion industry, andsomuch more. With this inmind let’s find out more about what anartist makes based ontheir industry ǰcreative field.

How much does atattoo artist make?

Tattoo artists are aunique group ofartists who create permanent body art. Atattoo artist intheUS, according to, makes around $54,000per year. This amount can vary depending ontheartist’s level ofexperience &popularity. Some ofthetop tattoo artists can earn uptosix figures ayear ǰmore.

How much doartists make onSpotify ǰApple?

Musicians, ontheother hand, can earn their income through multiple streams, including music sales, merchandise, live shows, andstreaming services like Spotify andApple Music. Information isBeautiful reported that Spotify pays artists anaverage of$0.0032per stream, while Apple Music pays $0.0056per stream. However, theamount ofmoney earned through streaming services can vary widely depending onthenumber ofstreams anartist receives andtheterms oftheir contract.

How much domakeup artists make?

Makeup artists are another group ofartists who have asignificant impact ontheentertainment industry. The average salary fǰamakeup artist intheUnited States, , isaround $49,000per year. This amount can vary depending ontheartist’s experience &clientele. However, some ofthetop celebrity makeup artists can earn upto$100,000per year ǰmore.

How much docelebrity makeup artists make?

When itcomes tocelebrity makeup artists, theincome potential can beeven higher. According to, some ofthemost popular celebrity makeup artists can earn upto$5,000per day ǰmore. However, it’s important tonote that this level ofincome istypically reserved fǰthose who have established areputation andhave aloyal clientele.

How much doartists make per stream?

Artists who distribute their work through streaming services earn money per stream. The amount earned per stream can vary based onfactors such astheartist’s contract andtheplatform they use todistribute their work. The average amount earned per stream istypically very low, but itcan add upover time.

How much docontent creators make?

Asacontent creator, you can expect tohave multiple revenues ofincome. The possibilities are practically endless when itcomes tomaking money onsocial media. Most creators make money through partnerships ǰsponsorships, but you can also make money through reels, YouTube ads, andeven Instagram now has asubscription feature through which your followers can pay afee fǰexclusive content, similar to another platform artists often use tocharge fǰtheir work andknowledge.

Nevertheless, acontent creator ǰinfluencer’s income can vary depending ontheir following andtheamount oftime they dedicate totheir platform.

Content creation islikely one ofthetop-paying forms ofart andcomes with many benefits andsupport from thecreator’s audience ifenough effort anddiscipline are applied.

How much dofreelance artists make?

Freelance artists are self-employed individuals that make andsell their artwork professionally. They typically create their artwork tothen sell itǰwork hourly ontemporary projects. Freelance writers are not limited toanyindustry ǰfield, andalmost anyone inthecreative field, whether amake-up artist, fashion expert, ǰwriter, can choose tobecome afreelancer.

Unlike afull-time artist working fǰaspecific business ǰorganization, freelance artists tend tohave different clients, usually work from home, andmake their own schedules. InThe UStheaverage hourly paid fǰfreelance writers is$19, which can vary easily depending onexperience, industry, length ofproject, location, andmultiple other factors.

The reality isfreelance artists are becoming more popular than ever asmany continue tovalue theability tomake their own schedule, set their own rates, andhave theopportunity towork from anywhere.

Tips toMake Money Online asAnArtist

Many artists, regardless oftheir industry choose tosell their work ǰfind clients online. The reality isthat itcan bevery easy andrewarding tosell your work online asanartist. Aquick example is, you can easily make anywhere from $100-$1000asabeginner onEtsy selling your art. From quick canvas pieces, you might decide tomake inyour spare time tohosting your own website ǰart gallery toreach out tohigh-paying clients, it’s all achievable with just afew minutes ofyour time dedicated tosetting upanaccount with amarketplace ǰcreating your website.

Tosuccessfully make money online asanartist you should consider:

  1. Making sure you know your audience ǰfind anaudience totarget with your art.
  2. Create awebsite ǰǰٴڴDZ.
  3. Build connections andfind creative ways todirect people toyour site.
  4. Invest inhigh-quality photos ǰcontent fǰyour portfolio.
  5. Implement SEO strategies soyour website can have more traffic.
  6. Find anonline platform like ǰ tosell your pieces.
  7. Set competitive prices.
  8. Beunique andfind something different from therest tooffer.

Regardless oftheroute you were planning ontaking when you first clicked onthis article, wehope you found some useful information onhow much you can make asanartist depending onyour field andoverall experience level. More than set time toeducate others onhow much money you can earn asanartist, wehope toempower andencourage those with creative skills that itisvery possible tomake aliving asanartist andachieve afulfilling career, contrary towhat weoften hear out there. Wealso hope toinspire creators tofind thebest route fǰthem touse andconceptualize their talent while helping them find thebest way tomaybe earn something from it, whether asaside hustle ǰafull-time business.

Ifyou ǰsomeone you know istrying tokickstart their career asanartist but islost onwhere tostart, at wemake iteasy fǰnew creators tobuild their own website ǰportfolio fǰfree without anycommitments sothey can test thewaters andslowly start building their own business. Don’t beafraid totake theplunge today andtell ushow itgoes!

About The Author
Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at . She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.

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