How to Build Your Ecommerce Website From Scratch (3 Easy Steps)

Congratulations are inorder! Seriously. Your goal ofstarting your ecommerce business has likely been weighed down bythestress that comes with learning everything you need toknow toget started. But now, here you are. One step closer totaking theleap into thelandscape ofyour dreams, reaching forthat business empire with all you have. Solet’s get you going headed intheright direction.

Bynow, depending onhow much coffee you consume atnight andhow many nights you have been making lists inyour head ofhow tobuild out your ecommerce idea, it’s probably becoming clear that information overload isareal thing. Our job istohelp you understand thecrucial parts (and give you some insider tips) ofquickly creating apowerfully engaging, customer-making machine. We’ll show you how tocreate anonline store, getting itset upandrunning smoothly.

Wehave created alist that’s above all, simple toimplement. It’s just 3easy steps. So, let’s get started with step 1:decide onaweb builder.

How tosell online
Tips from e-commerce experts forsmall business owners andaspiring entrepreneurs.
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Take theGuesswork Out OfChoosing AWeb Builder

When thethought ofcreating your very own successful online business first crept into your mind, you knew right away that you would need a,um…website.

But, ifyou are like most ofus, you don’t know thefirst thing about coding orprogramming. Sohow can you possibly make awebsite build happen? Maybe you’ve heard ofsomething called a“website builder” which issupposed todothework foryou. But then, how doyou choose awebsite builder that isn’t too bulky, complicated, orout ofyour budget? Questions like these can leave you stuck, taking themomentum out ofyour pursuit like letting theair out ofaballoon.

Asyou may have noticed, questions surrounding website features like: doIwant anextensive blog section? Anenhanced photo gallery forproducts? Social media features such asFacebook andInstagram, etc? can overwhelm thejust-starting-out entrepreneur.

Therefore, first, you must decide what you want your website todo, Then you can start picking abuilder. Ifitconfuses you tothink about what features are standard, that’s also not your fault. There are thousands ofchoices out there. So, look around atafew sites ofpotential competitors inyour industry, andaudit their site forwhat potential ܲ-󲹱 foryour own site.

Write those items down andyou have your cheat sheet tohelp guide you forward. Use this cheat sheet tonarrow down thewebsite builders that fit thebill. Now, different builders require different skill levels andare priced atdifferent tiers.

Iknow, Iknow…

But, before you start thepainful task ofsearching out each web builder individually, toattempt todecide iftheir learning curves are worth it, just know…we’ve made itsuper easy. We’ve already built abarrier-breaking website builder with virtually nolearning curve toܲԻٲԻ—cdz full offeatures that are satisfying toeven themost robust ecommerce needs.

Not tomention, itcomes with acost that doesn’t make anysense (in agood way!). But more about all ofthis inabit.

After you decide onawebsite builder, you must choose either atemplate oradesigner tocreate your online store. Stay with us. You’re getting closer andcloser toselling products online.

ToTemplate orNot toTemplate: That istheQuestion.

That istheONLY question you need toanswer atthis point. Sodon’t let this part ofyour journey become muddy with competing ideas. Weare here not tolet it. Choose anoption andthen move ahead with your plan. For your online store design, choose atemplate design orpay apro tocustomize your design. That’s it.

Templates work great! You want tomake sure theproducts you wish tosell fit theoverall feel ofthedesign. Otherwise known asthetheme. Also, ensure thetheme functions inaway that works, showcasing product photos.

Either way, alarge amount ofmoney doesn’t need tobespent tobesuccessful here. Asabusiness owner, donot fall into thetrap ofthinking custom isalways better. Many times, adding specialized applications toyour templated ecommerce site does more toadd afunction than you expected. Often, these applications act inacustomizable way making your website look, feel, andfunction aswell asthebest site builder that money can buy.

has got you covered with this too. When itcomes totemplates, anapp store with hundreds ofapplications, andtheability tocustomize, wehave your back. But, before Igive you thedetails ofjust how, let meexplain your third step.

Learn How toChoose andConnect Your Domain

Your website built from scratch isalmost complete. Hopefully, you are beginning tounderstand that it’s NOT too late foryou tojoin theranks ofsuccessful ecommerce companies. There isnotime like thepresent, andsince you are very close tostarting, let’s put off not put this off until tomorrow andinstead, plow ahead.

You are atyour last step ofthis part ofyour eCommerce journey. Now, it’s time tochoose adomain name.

This isthename people will type into search engines tofind your site. Acouple oftips inselecting adomain name are these:

  1. Simplicity (think about what you want tosell)
  2. Double-Check Spelling
  3. Avoid Numbers orHyphens
  4. Add Keywords only ifthey make sense

Next, you’ll need toregister your domain through ahosting service. Some website builders come with this function built inside oftheir platform.

Now you’re ready tomake sure you’re connected totheinternet. After afew minutes have passed from thetime you registered your domain, type inyour website.

Doyou see itinyour search engine? Boom! Congrats! Now you’re almost ready tostart selling.

Stay tuned forfuture articles that will highlight how toset upyour inventory, ship, work with 3rd party logistics (3PL), add products toyour functional (!) ecommerce website, set upashopping cart, offer credit card payment processing, andmore.

Knock-Out All 3Steps in1Move (For Free)

lends its helping hand totheentrepreneur longing tocreate aplatform tosell that iseasy andefficient. Using asingle control panel, you can build anecommerce website, name it, andlaunch itacross all social media andecommerce platforms. Plus, you can also monitor your sales andmarketing efforts online from…you guessed it, thevery same control panel.

Now, what doyou think isafair price foracustomizable ecommerce platform. One that has hundreds ofadd-on applications available. (for analytics, payment processing, marketing strategy, etc.)

Weask because offers aFree plan toget started.

This means there isnobarrier from starting tobuild your website from scratch, RIGHT NOW. Sowhat are you waiting for? You deserve tochase your ambitions. Start now! You can combine all three steps tobuilding anecommerce store from scratch into asingle action.

Completing your setup can bedone inone setting. Soagain, let’s stop waiting andget started right now.

About The Author
Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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