How to Create Demand For Unique Products

Imagine someone just told you tobuy asmart fragrance diffuser for$100. Now, imagine you have noidea what that is, what itdoes orwhy it’s worth $100. There’s not much chance you’re rushing out your door tobuy asmart fragrance diffuser right now.

You might think that ifyou had anew, revolutionary idea, itwould beeasy tofind customers tobuy in. But thetruth is, sometimes new andinnovative products can besome ofthehardest tosell. What ifconsumers don’t understand theproduct? What ifthey aren’t aware oftheproblem your product can solve? How doyou sell something your customers don’t understand?

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Well thegood news is, that’s exactly thequestion we’re gonna answer here today. Let’s talk about how tocreate demand fornew andunique products.

Typically, your product will fall into one oftwo categories:

Let’s continue with our example, andimagine you’re now selling smart fragrance diffusers. We’ll say 10people per month search forthis specific item. This means that very few people are aware of orcurrently see aneed for your particular diffuser product. Wewould say product awareness islow, therefore demand isalso low. Sowhat doyou do?

How ToPrepare forLaunch

Toget started, you’ll need toanswer afew important questions:

Toget theanswers, you need to…

1.Define your audience

Ifwe’re using asmart fragrance diffuser asour example, what doweknow about it? Wecan say it’s adevice that can beturned onandcontrolled with asmartphone, atablet, oraPC. Itfills theroom with pleasant scents, andithelps remove thenot-so-pleasant scents.

With that information, wecan assume that our potential customers might include:

Once you define your target audience, itwill bemuch easier tochoose theappropriate marketing channels topromote your new gadget.

2.Study your competition

Your product might beunique, but chances are, your customers will still have some alternatives. For our example, wemight identify ordinary fragrance diffusers oreven scented candles ascompetition. Watch how those alternative products are marketed. Highlight their pros andcons. This will help you understand thestrengths andweaknesses ofyour own product.

After that, you need tocome upwith unique selling proposition— aUSP.

For example, some regular fragrance diffusers spray thesubstance every 9,18and36minutes. Some consumers might think that’s too frequent. With asmart fragrance diffuser, you can set thetime yourself with your smartphone. Sothat’s your key advantage.

When itcomes tonew andunique products, position them relative toknown competitors. Don’t present theinnovation out ofcontext— give consumers areference point tounderstand thebenefits ofyour new product.

How toGenerate Traffic toYour Store

People often use search engines like Google tofind products they know they need. But can they use search engines tofind products they DON’T know they need? That’s alittle more difficult. Let’s figure out how tomake ithappen.

1.Search advertising

Search ads can work ifyou use related search queries. For example, “best oil diffuser”.

Tofind related search queries foryour product, think about goods andservices that solve thesame orasimilar problem toyours. Then use special tools like tosee which keywords correspond with these goods andservices. Inthecase ofasmart fragrance diffuser, you can work with keywords forair fresheners, air purifiers, orodor removal services.

Additionally, you can use other related search queries, like “fragrance diffusers foracafe,” “fragrance diffusers foroffices,” andsoon. You will need aseparate list ofkeywords foreach case. Think about your customers’ related interests anduse them tonarrow your focus.

Queries you can use:

Search advertising allows you toreach out tocustomers who are already interested initems similar toyour product. Here’s , acompany that sells unique boxes totransport large cakes:

With Google Shopping, it’s not that delayed, they’re purchasing immediately because they’re already looking forwhat wehave. The keywords that weput into our shopping campaign are “cake transportation,” “how todeliver acake.” All theversions ofthat. Soifsomeone isgoogling those words, they’re looking forasolution right now andthey’re going topurchase atthemoment. Whereas social media, it’s still wonderful tobuild that following, but they might not beimmediate purchasers.

Learn more onthe E-commerce Show: CakeSafe: Marketing andInstagram Tips

Ifyour product iscomplex, expensive, orcompletely unknown, your customers need time tothink before they make apurchase decision. So, besure toset upretargeting— display ads onGoogle orFacebook toshoppers who visited your website but left without apurchase. Discounts orspecial offers will attract more visitors toreturn.

For example, wecan target our ads topeople who were looking forautomatic diffusers orpeople who are interested intheInternet ofThings. After they enter those items inthesearch bar, other websites will show them your ads.

2.Social media

Since most people aren’t familiar with your product, it’s important toraise awareness. Companies with alarge budget can promote with thehelp ofinfluencers. Instagram andYouTube are especially effective: you can show theproduct indetail invideos orphotos.

Inaddition tosocial media, you can post articles onthird-party websites your audience reads, ormake posts onforums.

How toSell aUnique Product onYour Website

Your website should provide information that teaches apotential customer about theproduct, how itworks, andwhy it’s better than traditional alternatives.

1.Show, don’t tell

Use videos andquality photos tohelp your customers understand how theproduct works.

You’ll probably have tomake several videos tosee what works better foryour customers. Andrea andDonna from FlipZees sell glasses that help you toput makeup on. That’s how they found their perfect format:

The first video wemade forour website was ademonstration video just toshow customers how theproduct works. Itwas about 50seconds long. And then werealize itlooks great, however, people didn’t know what itwas. Sobasically, werealized: “Oh, wedon’t have aproblem that shows theproblem andthen thesolution, now it’s just thesolution”. Sowemade another video with anactual professional model toshow aproblem andthesolution. And ashorter version, because then wefound out that forsocial media like Facebook orInstagram itcan’t belonger than 15seconds before people’s attention span disappears.

Learn more onthe E-commerce Show: From Friends toInventors toBrand Builders

Videos can beplaced onthehomepage andonproduct pages too.

FlipZees display avideo onthehome page

Add schemes orinfographics toavideo, they will help tomake adecision forthose people who can’t watch thevideo atthemoment.

demonstrates thelayers oftheir bed onapicture

Ifyou sell complex products, you can make aseries oftraining videos andupload them onyour website oraYoutube channel. The video should show theproduct inuse andexplain its advantages.

You can make atab forthose videos onthewebsite toupload videos about theproduct.

2.Complement your video

Describe advantages andways ofuse onthepage. For example, tell how andwhy smart fragrance diffusers are useful athome, inanoffice, inacafe.

describes theadvantages oftheir product

Asopposed toordinary products, template descriptions won’t work here, asyou need specific information about theproduct oracomparison with awell-known alternative.

3.Start ablog

Inyour store’s blog, you can tell how theproduct works andanswer themost common questions.

Write not only about theproduct itself, but also about related topics that your target audience isinterested in. This will help toattract search traffic. For example, you can write how tochoose fragrances fordifferent purposes orabout danger/safety ofaromatic compounds.

4.Show theproduct inuse

Ifyou sell technical solutions orcustom-made products, make case studies that demonstrate your work. They can beplaced both onablog andonaseparate page onyour website. Examples will help customers understand how your product works.

offers different solutions forsleeping problems

Now you know how tosuccessfully sell aproduct even ifnoone’s heard about it. Maybe you already sell such goods? Are you planning tostrike themarket with something innovative like CakeSafe orFlipZees did? Don’t hesitate toshare your thoughts andideas incomments!

About The Author
Kristen is a сontent creator at . She finds inspiration in sci-fi books, jazz music, and home-cooked food.

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