Whether you are anewbie who just opened afirst online store oran
Astrong concept forcategory images isamust ifyou want tomake this page appealing. Italso makes iteasy toadd new categories when you create anew type ofproduct toyour store.
The difference between aproduct image andacategory image isthat ٳlatter ismore abstract andrequires some logic tomake its meaning crystal clear.
Keep inmind ٳfollowing nuances tocreate ٳ
First, let’s talk about some image suggestions that make acategory page look professional.
Use Large Images
Try touse large images: they let your customers quickly understand what you sell andsee your products indetail, andthey look perfect onretina screens.
It’s recommended touse large images with awidth ofatleast 650px(1000pxisٳbest).
You can even use pictures taken with your smartphone: ٳresolution will befine, just make sure ٳphoto represents your products inٳbest way.
Learn more onhow totake quality pictures: Simple Product Photography Tips toBeautifully Showcase onYour Store
The Yarose store uses large quality images fortheir product categories.
Related: Optimizing Images forWeb: APractical Guide
Keep Proportions
Your category pictures should beeither vertical orhorizontal— never both. Category pictures ofٳsame proportions improve ٳnavigation andmake ٳstorefront look professional.
Choose which isright foryour product type. Ifit’s hard tosay what isbetter foryour store, use a
Check out ifyou’d like tohave acloser look.
Taylor Family Farm
Related: Simple Ways toMake Your Products More Appealing toConsumers
Unify Style
Thoughtful stylization isacrucial element ofaprofessional web page. Category pictures unified byone andٳsame perspective, background, andlight will never confuse your customers— itwill lead them directly where they want, with nosecond thoughts.
Read also: How toMake aGood Background inPictures ofYour Products Without Using Photoshop
Create Meaningful Pictures
The category picture serves certain goals: helping your customers navigate inyour store andattracting attention toyour products.
The pictures you use should have adirect meaning sothat itonly takes seconds forٳvisitor todecide where toclick next.
Your 4Walls uses pictures oftheir own products that explain directly what ٳcategory isabout.
Ifyou refer tophoto stocks andclipart websites foryour product category images, keep inmind that they normally offer very generic andabstract pictures that you shouldn’t use because they can confuse your visitors. For example, check out what offers forfamily:
Donot use abstract andgeneric images from photo stocks.
Imagine you still found ٳpicture that perfectly suits your storefront.
Unfortunately, you should beready foranother headache: Some customers won’t behappy when they realize that ٳboots onٳcategory image that they loved are not forsale inyour store. They might want toleave ٳstore atthat point.
Stock pictures may look fine but don’t represent what’s really instock inyour online store.
Strive forDistinguishable Images
Don’t gotoextremes inanattempt tostylize your product category images. Using either your logo orjust apicture that fits ٳpage design forall ٳcategories might beabad idea.
Remember : this ishow long itshould take your customer tounderstand what exactly your website oronline store isabout.
The has distinguishable categories.
The example below shows that ٳuse ofsimilar pictures makes ithard todistinguish ٳdifference between ٳcategories atfirst sight.
Simple Practices toShoot Beautiful Category Pictures
Even ifyou are short oftime andother resources, you don’t have touse stock images orlook forother shortcuts. There are simple ways todesign your product categories andmake them look stunning— all you need isyour products andyour smartphone camera.
Take alook atٳtwo ways toshoot your category pictures below.
Pile upabunch ofyour products andtake ashot
Use ٳpicture ofone ofyour bestsellers from this category
Learn more: How toTake Great Photos forYour Online Store
Your Next Steps
Now it’s time to andcheck ifyou:
- Use large images
- Stick toٳsame proportions
- Choose aunified style
- Make sure your images have adirect meaning
- Doyour best touse distinctive images
Have you already done it? Have you run anytests onwhat image types work better?
- How toDesign Product Category Pictures
- How toCreate Cinemagraphs forProduct Pictures
- How toOptimize Product Images
- How toResize anImage
- Image Resizers Overview