How to Find Distributors for Your Product

Quick answer

Here isÌýaÌýlist ofÌýplaces where you can find excellent distributors forÌýyour products:

  • Trade associations
  • Trade shows
  • Wholesale online directories
  • °¿²ÔÌý³Ò´Ç´Ç²µ±ô±ð
  • OnÌýsocial media

Continue reading toÌýlearn more.

You’ve created aÌýgreat new product ²¹²Ô»åÌýyou can’t wait toÌýget itÌýbefore customers. You’ve already started anÌýonline store ²¹²Ô»åÌýestablished aÌýpresence onÌýleading marketplaces. The next step isÌýtoÌýget theÌýproduct into asÌýmany retail stores asÌýpossible.

ToÌýdoÌýthis, you need theÌýhelp ofÌýaÌýdistributor. Distributors work with retailers ²¹²Ô»åÌýget your product into stores across theÌýcountry. The right partner can dramatically increase your sales ²¹²Ô»åÌýhelp you reach untapped market.

This article will help you find theÌýperfect distributors forÌýyour product.

How toÌýsell online
Tips from e-commerce experts forÌýsmall business owners ²¹²Ô»åÌýaspiring entrepreneurs.
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What are Distributors?

Distributors, within theÌýrealm ofÌýbusiness ²¹²Ô»åÌýcommerce, serve asÌýintermediary entities that acquire products from manufacturers orÌýproducers toÌýsubsequently vend them toÌýother businesses, retailers, orÌýconsumers forÌýaÌýprofit.

This process typically entails theÌýtransportation ofÌýgoods from theÌýdistributor toÌýtheÌýfinal recipients. ByÌýeffectively overseeing theÌýmovement ²¹²Ô»åÌýsales ofÌýproducts, distributors play aÌýpivotal role inÌýtheÌýsupply chain, ultimately enhancing theÌýaccessibility ofÌýgoods forÌýconsumers.

Why Work With Distributors?

The first thing you need toÌýunderstand isÌýtheÌýrole distributors play inÌýretail ²¹²Ô»åÌýtheÌývalue they add.

AÌýdistributor isÌýessentially aÌýwholesaler that stocks aÌýlarge number ofÌýproducts ²¹²Ô»åÌýsells them toÌýretailers. Instead ofÌýdealing with each product manufacturer individually, aÌýretailer can negotiate aÌýsingle deal with theÌýdistributor ²¹²Ô»åÌýget access toÌýaÌýrange ofÌýproducts.

For retailers, theÌývalue isÌýclear. Dealing with aÌýdistributor saves them from theÌýburden ofÌýproduct selection ²¹²Ô»åÌýnegotiating with dozens ofÌýmanufacturers. InÌýmany cases, distributors will also take back unsold products, extend credit, ²¹²Ô»åÌýhelp retailers sell more.

For manufacturers ²¹²Ô»åÌýproduct creators such asÌýyourself, distributors offer easy access toÌýaÌýnetwork ofÌýretailers. Instead ofÌýapproaching hundreds ofÌýdifferent stores, you can negotiate aÌýdeal with aÌýsingle distributor. The distributor will then work toÌýget your product placed inÌýretail stores that buy from it.

Moreover, distributors take over theÌýresponsibility ofÌýstoring ²¹²Ô»åÌýshipping products from you. Instead ofÌýpackaging ²¹²Ô»åÌýshipping everything yourself, you can simply sell theÌýproduct toÌýtheÌýdistributor which, inÌýturn, will ship them toÌýretailers.

IfÌýyou care about reaching more customers ²¹²Ô»åÌýgetting access toÌýlucrative markets, you’ll want toÌýuse distributors. However, asÌýyou’ll learn below, you might not need distributors inÌýsome cases.

DoÌýYou Need Distributors?

Before you start your search, you need toÌýfigure out whether you even need distributors. This wouldn’t have been aÌýquestion inÌýtheÌýpre-internet age. However, atÌýaÌýtime when selling directly toÌýcustomers isÌýeasier than ever, theÌýneed forÌýdistributors isn’t always clear.

Broadly speaking, there are aÌýfew different ways toÌýsell your products:

The more intermediaries there are between you ²¹²Ô»åÌýtheÌýcustomer, theÌýlower your profit margin. You might make $5ÌýonÌýaÌý$10Ìýproduct ifÌýyou sell directly toÌýcustomers. AsÌýyou add more middlemenÌý— aÌýretailer, aÌýdistributorÌý— they’ll take their cut ²¹²Ô»åÌýeat into your profits.

ToÌýfigure out whether you need these middlemen orÌýwhether you can sell directly toÌýcustomers, you need toÌýconsider theÌýfollowing:

Your product category

Not every product does well online. For example, food ²¹²Ô»åÌýbeverages, aÌý, make upÌýaÌýsmall portion ofÌýe-commerce sales.

The distribution ofÌýe-commerce revenues across different product categories

IfÌýyour product isÌýperishable, difficult toÌýtransport, needs toÌýbeÌýexperienced orÌýhas limited online demand, you’ll want toÌýsell via physical stores. And toÌýreach these stores, you’ll want toÌýuse aÌýdistributor.

Your target customers

The key toÌýsales isÌýtoÌýbeÌýwhere your customers are. IfÌýyour target customers don’t shop atÌýretail stores, you have noÌýreason toÌýpatronize them either.

Usually, ifÌýyour customers are older ²¹²Ô»åÌýless tech-savvy, you’ll want toÌýtarget physical stores.

Online demand

How strong isÌýtheÌýcurrent online demand forÌýyour product? AnÌýeasy way toÌýgauge this isÌýtoÌýcheck theÌýcompetition onÌýaÌýlarge retailer like Amazon. IfÌýyou have aÌýnumber ofÌýcompeting products, itÌýprobably means that there isÌýcustomer demand.

Another tactic isÌýtoÌýfind theÌýsearch volume forÌýyour product using aÌýtool like IfÌýaÌýlarge number ofÌýpeople search forÌýtheÌýproduct keyword, there isÌýaÌýgood chance some ofÌýthem will turn into buyers.

The monthly search volume forÌýthree different shoe related keywords

Manufacturing capabilities

When you sell directly toÌýcustomers, you can take products off theÌýmarket inÌýcase you run into anyÌýsupply issues. Distributors, however, will expect you toÌýhave enough volume toÌýmeet retailers’ demands.

IfÌýyou’re unsure ofÌýyour manufacturing capabilities, you might want toÌýstick toÌýyour owned channels initially.

Target retailers

Large retailers such asÌýWalMart, Costco orÌýTarget often ink deals directly with manufacturers. Non-chain retailers, however, will usually avoid dealing directly with manufacturers since itÌýincreases their administrative burden.

IfÌýyour target market has mostly chain retailers, you can think ofÌýapproaching them directly. IfÌýitÌýisÌýmostly small stores, you’ll have toÌýgoÌýthrough aÌýdistributor.

Once you’ve figured out that you doÌýindeed need distributors, you can goÌýabout finding theÌýright one forÌýyour products.

Finding Distributors forÌýYour Product

The distributor isn’t just aÌýcompany you sell your products to. ItÌýisÌýaÌýpartner inÌýyour business’ growth. Picking theÌýright distributor isÌýcrucial forÌýlong-term success.

There are aÌýnumber ofÌýways you can find distributors forÌýyour product:

Trade associations

Most industries have local trade associations where manufacturers, retailers, ²¹²Ô»åÌýdistributors can come together. This should beÌýtheÌýfirst stop onÌýyour journey toÌýfind aÌýdistributing partner.

InÌýtheÌýUS, theÌý (NAW) offers aÌýlist ofÌýregional ²¹²Ô»åÌýlocal chapters ofÌýdifferent trade associations. Use this toÌýfind distributors that serve your industry ²¹²Ô»åÌýregion.

has another list ofÌýtrade associations forÌýdifferent industries. Find anÌýassociation that serves your industry ²¹²Ô»åÌýbecome aÌýmember.

Once you join aÌýtrade association, try toÌýfind how other manufacturers sell their products. What distributors doÌýthey use? What markets doÌýthey target? What kind ofÌýresults doÌýthey get from their efforts?

InÌýmost industries, there will beÌýbest practices, proven players, ²¹²Ô»åÌýestablished channels. Adopting these best practices isÌýrecommended forÌýanyÌýnew entrant.

Trade shows

Another way toÌýfind distributing partners isÌýtoÌýattend trade shows that target your industry. AÌýlarge trade show can bring together hundreds ofÌýdistributors ²¹²Ô»åÌýmanufacturers under theÌýsame roof. Attending one can give you aÌýquick idea ofÌýtheÌýdistribution landscape, available options, ²¹²Ô»åÌýindustry best practices.

has aÌýtrade show calendar covering major shows inÌýdifferent industries.

Use theÌýtrade show calendar toÌýfind shows that cover your industry

ExpoDatabase has aÌýmore comprehensive list ofÌýtrade shows, though many ofÌýthese are smaller shows targeting local markets.

AsÌýwith trade organizations, try toÌýinteract with other businesses inÌýtheÌýindustry (preferably nondirect competitors). Figure out who theÌýtop distributors are, what are their requirements, ²¹²Ô»åÌýwhat kind ofÌýresults they get. Try toÌýget aÌýreferral orÌýanÌýintroduction. Good word ofÌýmouth matters aÌýlot inÌýthis decision.

Wholesale directories

AÌýwholesaler isÌýessentially theÌýretail-facing side ofÌýaÌýdistributor. There are plenty ofÌýdirectories where you can find wholesalers who cover your industry. While they’re usually positioned towards retailers, they’ll beÌýhappy toÌýhear from manufacturers wanting toÌýwork with them.

has aÌýgood list ofÌýwholesalers across different verticals.

Search onÌýWholesaleCentral toÌýfind wholesale distributors covering your product category

Google search

When theÌýabove approaches fail, you can fall back onÌýgood “ol Google.

Search forÌýkeywords like theÌýfollowing:
[Product Category] distributors
[Product Category] distributors inÌý[local market]

You’ll usually find wholesalers ²¹²Ô»åÌýdistributors covering your industry atÌýtheÌýtop ofÌýtheÌýsearch results. Get inÌýtouch with them ²¹²Ô»åÌýask about their requirements, terms, ²¹²Ô»åÌýresults.

Social networks

Lastly, you can always turn toÌýsocial mediaÌý— Facebook, LinkedIn, blogs, forums, etc.Ìý— toÌýfind distributors. Find groups onÌýFacebook, LinkedIn orÌýforums that cover your industry. Ask how other product creators found distributors ²¹²Ô»åÌýwhat were their results like.

How toÌýEvaluate Distributors

Simply getting aÌýlist ofÌýdistributors isn’t enough; you also have toÌýmake sure that they’re theÌýright fit forÌýyour business.

Start byÌýcreating aÌýlist ofÌýyour own requirements. Understand deeply what kind ofÌýbusiness you want toÌýrun, your capabilities, ²¹²Ô»åÌýgoalsÌý— both long-term ²¹²Ô»åÌýshort-term.

Once you’ve figured this out, develop anÌý‘idealÂ’ distributor profile based onÌýthese requirements. This should beÌýbased on:

Search forÌýtheÌýdistributor onÌýsites such asÌýBBB.org ²¹²Ô»åÌýGoogle toÌýsee what others think about them

Once you’ve figured out your requirements, start evaluating distributors onÌýtheÌýfollowing factors:

Doing this exercise will help you find distributors who can benefit your business inÌýtheÌýlong-run.

The only thing you have toÌýdoÌýisÌýtoÌýconvince them toÌýwork with you.

How toÌýGet Distributors toÌýWork With You

While you evaluate distributors forÌýfit ²¹²Ô»åÌýcompetence, distributors will also assess your business. Effective distributors don’t want toÌýwork with just anyÌýsupplier. They want toÌýpartner with businesses with proven product demand, sales, ²¹²Ô»åÌýeffectiveness.

There are aÌýfew things you can doÌýtoÌýconvince distributors toÌýwork with you:

Think ofÌýthis asÌýdating where both parties evaluate each other forÌýtheÌýright fit. Once you find someone who wants toÌýwork with asÌýmuch asÌýyou want toÌýwork with them, you know you’ve found theÌýright distributing partner.

While you continue your search forÌýtheÌýright distributor, don’t forget toÌýcreate anÌýonline store ²¹²Ô»åÌýstart making sales. Even ifÌýyou don’t prioritize online channels, proof ofÌýsales ²¹²Ô»åÌýcustomer demand will make itÌýmuch easier toÌýget picked upÌýbyÌýaÌýtop distributor.


About The Author
Jesse is the Marketing Manager at ºÚÁÏÃÅ and has been in e-commerce and internet marketing since 2006. He has experience with PPC, SEO, conversion optimization and loves to work with entrepreneurs to make their dreams a reality.

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