How to Get Approved to Sell on Walmart Marketplace

IfÌýyou are thinking about joining theÌýWalmart Marketplace toÌýgrow your business, but don’t know where toÌýbegin, we’ve put together this handy article toÌýhelp you get started. This comprehensive guide will cover everything you need toÌýknow about getting approved onÌýWalmart Marketplace andÌýselling your products.

Since Walmart Marketplace started over aÌýdecade ago, theÌýplatform has gone through various changes, improving processes andÌýtools toÌýhelp sellers earn money andÌýsell goods. IfÌýyou’d like toÌýknow more about selling onÌý, read onÌýforÌýmore information.

How toÌýsell online
Tips from e-commerce experts forÌýsmall business owners andÌýaspiring entrepreneurs.
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What IsÌýWalmart Marketplace?

Walmart Marketplace isÌýaÌýcomprehensive andÌýcurated digital environment ofÌýprofessional sellers large andÌýsmall whose goods andÌýproducts fit alongside Walmart’s first-party items. The company isÌýalways onÌýtheÌýlookout forÌýquality partners toÌýbolster its listings.

When you become aÌýmember ofÌýWalmart Marketplace, you can expand your business, reach new customers, andÌýgrow sales inÌýanÌýeasy-to-use e-commerce community. Walmart Marketplace offers theÌýopportunity toÌýreach anÌýenormous audience ofÌý120Ìýmillion monthly visitors, tapping into aÌýmarket that would otherwise beÌýunattainable. AsÌýsuch, Walmart Marketplace isÌýanÌýexcellent place toÌýboost your brand awareness.

InÌýaddition, Walmart Marketplace sellers can also use theÌýplatform toÌýenjoy various omnichannel capabilities. For example, Walmart isÌýanÌýestablished andÌýtrusted brand both in-store andÌýonline. You can take advantage ofÌýthis byÌýletting your customers manage their returns via their Walmart account orÌýinÌýone ofÌýmany Walmart stores across AmericaÌý— this isÌýWalmart Marketplace’s Enhanced Returns policy. When you become aÌýWalmart Marketplace seller you offer flexibility toÌýyour customers and, inÌýturn, earn repeat custom.

What Are theÌýWalmart Marketplace Costs?

Walmart Marketplace offers competitive andÌýtransparent commission rates toÌýall Marketplace sellers. InÌýaddition, sellers doÌýnot have toÌýworry about anyÌýhidden fees (setup orÌýmonthly) when conducting business through Walmart Marketplace. You only pay Walmart Marketplace aÌýcommission when you make aÌýsale.

Commission rates are taken forÌýaÌýcompleted purchase andÌývary byÌýsales price andÌýproduct category. Typically, Walmart Marketplace takes between 6%ÌýtoÌý15%. Walmart Marketplace recently changed its fees inÌýcertain categories, but you’ll still enjoy low andÌýcompetitive rates.

These fees include:

Baby, beauty, grocery, health, andÌýpersonal care

Electronics products (accessories)

How Can IÌýFill inÌýanÌýApplication toÌýWalmart Marketplace?

IfÌýyou want toÌýapply toÌýbecome aÌýseller onÌýWalmart Marketplace, head over toÌýtheÌý.

The application process does not take very long provided you have all theÌýnecessary documents andÌýinformation ready.

The information you’ll need includes:

How DoÌýYou Get Approved toÌýSell onÌýWalmart Marketplace?

Walmart Marketplace demands theÌývery best from anyÌýsellers who occupy aÌýspot onÌýtheir platform. However, there are aÌýfew things you can doÌýtoÌýensure theÌýapplication process goes theÌýway you want. First ofÌýall, you need aÌýrecord ofÌýsuccess inÌýanÌýonline marketplace orÌýwith your own e-commerce store. This isÌýsomething Walmart looks forÌýinÌýall applicants andÌýsomething they take seriously soÌýthey can provide theÌýbest online experience forÌýtheir customers.

You should also make sure that nothing you sell appears onÌýtheÌýcompany’s . This includes alcohol, offensive items, specific types ofÌýfood, hazardous items, andÌýmore. Check this list before starting your applicationÌý— ifÌýone ofÌýyour items appears onÌýthis list, your application will beÌýdenied straight away.

Also, weÌýrecommend giving asÌýmuch detailed information about your business onÌýyour application. Otherwise, you’ll have toÌýengage inÌýcontinued correspondence with Walmart Marketplace toÌýprovide anyÌýmissing information inÌýyour application. Act quickly andÌýensure you provide all theÌýcorrect information toÌýavoid delays.

“Check Your Status”

IfÌýyou are waiting onÌýyour application’s approval, you’ll soon beÌýable toÌýstay updated with theÌýmarketplace’s “Check Your Status” feature.

Once you have completed your application, you’ll have toÌýwait forÌýaÌýwhile Walmart reviews andÌýapproves your business. However, theÌýcompany will soon beÌýlaunching aÌý“Check Your Status” feature that gives you continuous updates andÌýlets you know where your application isÌýinÌýtheÌýprocess. Keep your eyes peeled forÌýthis feature inÌýtheÌýnear future.

Walmart Fulfillment Services

Another thing you need toÌýconsider toÌýensure your application isÌýapproved isÌýyour ability toÌýfulfill orders quickly andÌýreliably. Walmart customers are used toÌýaÌýcertain standard with their deliveriesÌý— you should beÌýable toÌýget theÌýproduct toÌýthem within three working days. Walmart offers seller programs like TwoDay andÌýThreeDay toÌýentice people into buying certain products when scrolling through their search results.

Understand that you cannot use other fulfillment services provided byÌýdifferent marketplaces, such asÌýFulfillment byÌýAmazon. However, you can opt toÌýuse Walmart’s own fulfillment service (WFS), which isÌýaÌýlow-cost delivery option both sellers andÌýcustomers can trust.

IfÌýyou cannot organize your own reliable shipping, you can apply forÌýWFS instead. Once approved, you send your products toÌýaÌýWalmart Fulfillment Center, where they will store, pick, pack, andÌýship your orders whenever you make aÌýsale. These orders are guaranteed toÌýreach your customer within two days. InÌýaddition, Walmart will also handle customer care onÌýanyÌýofÌýyour orders. AsÌýsuch, customers may return items inÌýtheir local store orÌýthrough aÌýhome pickup alternative organized byÌýUPS orÌýFedEx.

InÌýshort, WFS lets you access Walmart’s comprehensive supply chain skills with aÌýreliable order fulfillment service. WFS exists toÌýhelp sellers earn more money through sales andÌýscale their business through theÌýWalmart Marketplace community.

How DoÌýYou Register onÌýWalmart Marketplace Once Your Application isÌýApproved?

Once your application has been approved, you’ll need toÌýregister your account andÌýstart selling asÌýquickly asÌýyou can. You should have theÌýfollowing details atÌýhand toÌýexpedite theÌýregistration process.

You’ll also want toÌýdecide onÌýyour integration method forÌýyour product listings. Choose between Bulk Upload, API, orÌýaÌýsolution provider. InÌýaddition, you’ll need toÌýprovide information regarding product listings, including your product price, categories, andÌýinventory.

Register with one ofÌýWalmart’s payment providers toÌýreceive payments from Walmart Marketplace. These include Payoneer orÌýHyperwallet.

The Final Step: Upload andÌýMaster Your Product Listings

Once you have registered forÌýanÌýaccount onÌýWalmart Marketplace, you need toÌýadd your products toÌýtheÌýsite. Luckily, this isÌýeasy toÌýdoÌýifÌýyou use Walmart’s feature. You can use this feature toÌýupload each item individually, orÌýmany items atÌýonce.

You can upload items via Bulk Upload inÌýtwo ways: use Full Item Spec orÌýSetup byÌýMatch.

Setup byÌýMatch involves Walmart Marketplace matching your items toÌýimages andÌýdescriptions already inÌýtheÌýsystem, which isÌýmuch faster forÌýyou. However, Full Item Spec takes aÌýfew more steps but isÌýstill easy toÌýuse andÌýstreamlined. Your items will also stand out more once they goÌýlive onÌýtheÌýwebsite.

You can add products through theÌýseller center, orÌýbyÌýusing code through theÌý.

Final Say

WeÌýhope our guide has provided you with theÌýinformation you need toÌýbegin your Walmart Marketplace application. With anyÌýluck, you’ll beÌýselling items onÌýWalmart.com inÌýnoÌýtime atÌýall.

For all your ecommerce needs, visit ºÚÁÏÃÅ today. We’ll help you set upÌýyour own ecommerce store andÌýmanage your online business with ease.


About The Author
Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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