How to Get Better at Business Networking

You are probably familiar with the theory. Itsuggests that everyone issix orfewer steps away from anyperson intheworld. This “friend ofafriend” chain means that you literally “know” every person that might behelpful for, orinterested in, your business.

The only thing left istoactually find them andbuild aconnection with them.

Business networking isthetool that makes itpossible.

Ithelps entrepreneurs toform professional relationships, tocreate andact upon business opportunities, andtoshare information andfind potential partners. Aspromising asitsounds, ittakes some effort.

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What IsBusiness Networking?

The idea ofnetworking issimple: itinvolves activities that help you tosolve your problems bydeveloping mutually beneficial, long-term relationships with others.

Inbusiness, it’s essential forattracting new clients orpartners, looking forsuppliers, employees, orinvestors. You can learn how tonetwork ataconference oratbusiness meetings. You can also dothis incoworking spaces, atcollege reunions, during volunteering activities, when attending hobby clubs, aswell asthrough social media.

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Why DoYou Need toNetwork?

…Because personal connections work miracles. The numbers speak forthemselves: said that small meetings are their favorite form ofcommunication forbusiness talks, gaining new skills, andobtaining important information.

Fair enough. Weinterpret people not only bythechoice oftheir words but also through their body language, facial expressions, andtone ofvoice.

Experts believe are filled through networking. That’s why somany people now learn how tonetwork forajob. LinkedIn alone has .

People understand theimportance ofbusiness networking. 41% ofprofessionals wish they had more time forit. It’s understandable: business networking gives opportunities toexpand your influence, make new connections, andbuild your reputation.

Bynetworking actively, you remain aware ofwhat’s happening inyour industry. The better you understand your market, themore confident you become, anditalso makes your business more visible toothers.

Your introversion might beone ofthereasons you are running anonline store instead ofabrick-and-mortar one. What ifparties with friends are theonly social events you are comfortable with?

People tend tobelieve they are being noticed more than they really are. This iscalled the. Remember itwhile networking atconferences orevents. Inreality, noone ispointing fingers atyou formessing upthecards andhanding out thewrong one. Sodon’t let some minor inconveniences oryour nerves misguide you.

The results ofthe onthespotlight effect: predicted andactual percentage ofobservers able toidentify theindividual depicted onthetarget’s T-shirt

Taking thefirst steps ofbusiness networking can feel awkward, but itdoesn’t mean you should give uponyour networking skills. Give itsome time andpractice, andtheresults ofyour business relationships are going tobesoworth it.

Also read: How toHire andManage Staff forYour Growing Online Store

How toNetwork Effectively

Soyou are going toyour first business networking event, beitaconference orahobby club meeting. What doyou do?

1.Plan ahead what you want toget from theevent

Always plan your visits ahead ifyou don’t want tofind yourself lost atthecoffee table trying tofigure out your next move.

Think ofhow much time you want tospend atthemeeting, how many people you want tomake contact with, andmost importantly— state your aim, forexample, todraw new customers ortofind amicro influencer you can collaborate with.

Popular reasons tonetwork from theinfographic, based onaPopulus survey ofbusiness professionals

Also, dosome homework: learn who will beattending orspeaking andeven reach out tosome people via email beforehand sothat you have some common ground with them attheevent.

Remember todiversify your network. It’s better toknow adesigner, aninfluencer, andamarketing expert than just three influencers. Your business isgrowing, andsoon you’ll likely beinneed ofdifferent experts.

Don’t try too hard atkeeping upwith everyone. There’s , which suggests alimit tothenumber ofpeople with whom one can maintain stable social relationships. And itisonly 150. Sodon’t exhaust yourself trying tokeep upwith every person you meet while networking. It’s always about quality, not quantity.

2.Introduce yourself

Small things like ahandshake can make abig difference. ifyou shake hands with somebody, itincreases thepositive impact. The way you doitalso matters: afirm but friendly handshake isawin.

Mention your name asyou offer your hand, andsay what you do. Just don’t turn itinto a“commercial,” but keep itshort andsimple. Ajoke isnot thebest way tostart aconversation here, especially ifit’s more ofaformal event.

First impressions depend onwords less than wethink (Image credit: )

It’s okay tohave prepared lines ifyou feel nervous. Just don’t try toplan everything you’re going tosay. Scripts ofanykind feel unnatural, andthis way you risk tolook phoney. Prepare phrases that describe what you doandwhat you’re looking foratthis event. Your goal istosound confident, not simulated.

Get creative with business cards. 88% ofbusiness cards will bethrown out inless than aweek. Save some money andtrees: make sure your card isa)memorable, andb)handed out tosomeone who isactually interested ingetting intouch with you later.

Don’t hesitate tochoose unusual forms anddesigns, andalways update your info andcontacts onit.

You don’t need togotoo far with business cards tomake them stand out. proves it

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3.Master theart ofsmall talk

Love itorhate it, but small talk isagood conversation opener andspace filler. Tofind common ground andkeep theconversation flowing, try tostick tosafe topics such astravel, weather, hobbies, literature, sports, films, holidays, pets, orart.

You can also try mirroring while you small-talk. That means copying thebody language, gestures, andfacial expressions oftheperson you’re talking to. It’s called the“.

Notice small things: what this person finds interesting about theevent, what they think ofsome current news, andsoon. People value personal connections, asitshows them they’re not just assets foryour business growth.

4.Move tobusiness talk

Before you both forget why you came here andstart showing each other cute photos ofyour children andpets, move tothe“big” talk.

Ask what brought them totheevent orwhat they are hoping toget from it. Then elaborate abit more onyour business, but don’t sell toyour companion. Try tobehelpful: maybe you already know theperson they are looking for, oryou can offer some advice.

Also, beanactive listener. That makes people feel appreciated.

5.End aconversation with tact

Ifyou want tomove from thecurrent conversation, behonest anddon’t lie about having toleave. Itwould beawkward tomeet this person later intheline forthebathroom.

Just say that you enjoyed meeting andtalking tothem, but you hoped totalk tosome other people too. Offer toexchange business cards orask them ifyou can drop them anemail later. Ask ifyou can introduce them tosomeone you already met atthis event.

The shows how you can end aconversation without awkwardness

6.Follow upontime

Don’t take too long tofollow upwith people you made connections with, especially ifyou decided onsome time frame. Acall oranemail will show you’re areliable person, andthey’re important toyou. Make itclear you expect ittobealong-term network, beneficial forboth ofyou.

Make sure you are providing value. Ifyou found ablog post, ahelpful YouTube video, oraspecialist that theperson might beinterested in, don’t hesitate toshare your knowledge.

It’s important todothat onaconstant basis. Always share useful information with people inyour network, not only atevents, but also via email oronthephone. People should know you care forthem even when you’re not working together atthepresent moment. Ithelps tomaintain aconnection andalways keep intouch.

How toNetwork Online

has asocial networking profile. Not only theuser figures but also user engagement are . Users spend about aday onsocial media. Itwould beamistake toignore such anopportunity foronline networking.

worldwide will only grow andwill reach more than 3billion in3years

1.Choose platforms andbeactive

Think oftheplatforms your audience orpotential partners tend touse, andtry tobeactive onthem. You can join discussions inforums orFacebook groups, tweet, leave comments onFBpages, make connections with people based oncommon grounds like going tothesame university orattending acharity event.

Ifyou have ablog, keep posting regularly. Don’t forget torespond tocomments. Answers toonline questions are great forshowing your expertise andbuilding trust.

Ifyou want toget intouch with influencers, first make alist ofpeople you’re interested in. Use services like that can help tofind bloggers onTwitter. Search forkeywords ofyour industry +thewords “blogger,” “influencer,” or“author. Then find theplatform they use themost andbecome their active subscriber: comment ontheir pages, ask questions, tag them inyour posts. Remember tostay value-oriented: don’t turn communication into emoji exchanges.

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2.Gooffline ifneeded

Say you made connections with people online, andnow you want tocollaborate orpartner with them. When writing amessage oranemail, make your point clear: what doyou want from them? Ifyou want tomeet them offline, don’t bevague but specify what you want todiscuss.

Befriendly, but stick tothepoint

Also, don’t give uponunanswered emails andmessages. People get busy andforget things, socontact them again. You may get theanswer when you nolonger expect it.

What you’ve learned about effective business networking:

About The Author
Anastasia is a freelance author and writes about e-commerce, traveling, and lifestyle. In her spare time, she's a crazy cat lady and a chocolate addict.

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