How to Sell Your Old Coins Online for Cash the Right Way

Thinking about selling some old coins?

Maybe you’ve got anÌýold coin collection atÌýhome you’d like toÌýearn some extra cash byÌýselling, orÌýyou’re simply considering diving into theÌýcoin selling niche. ItÌýcan beÌýstressful not knowing where toÌýstart, orÌýhow toÌýmake theÌýmost ofÌýyour coin collection.

But there’s noÌýneed toÌýworry; now it’s easier than ever toÌýsell old coins online. We’ve put together this quick guide toÌýhelp you sell old coins ²¹²Ô»åÌýget theÌýmost from your coin’s value, regardless ofÌýyour reason forÌýselling them.

Continue reading asÌýweÌýwalk you through theÌýbest ways toÌýsell your coins online.

InÌýthis guide, you’ll find out how toÌýconnect with potential buyers, how toÌýget theÌýmost from your coins, theÌýbest places toÌýsell coins online, ²¹²Ô»åÌýhow toÌýstart making sales without having toÌýinvest aÌýfortune upfront.

How toÌýsell online
Tips from e-commerce experts forÌýsmall business owners ²¹²Ô»åÌýaspiring entrepreneurs.
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IsÌýSelling Old Coins Profitable?

According toÌýtheÌýpresident ofÌýtheÌýProfessional Numismatists Guild (PNG) organization, even during times ofÌýeconomic uncertainty (like 2020), theÌýcoin selling industry was not affected ²¹²Ô»åÌýcontinued toÌýexceed monetary sales from previous years. despite theÌýeconomic impact ofÌýlast year.

Statistics like this, plus theÌýtestimonies from thousands ofÌýothers benefitting from theÌýselling ofÌýcoins, speak volumes ofÌýtheÌýindustry’s resilience ²¹²Ô»åÌýsustainability, setting itÌýasÌýaÌýsmart one toÌýventure into.

Can You Sell Old Coins Online? IsÌýItÌýaÌýGood Idea?

IfÌýyou are thinking about selling old coins, selling them online isÌýone ofÌýtheÌýbest ways toÌýget theÌýmost from your coins’ value.

There are not many options when itÌýcomes toÌýselling coins face-to-face, ²¹²Ô»åÌýsome ofÌýtheÌýones available can beÌýrisky orÌýproblematic.

For example, going toÌýaÌýcoin shop isÌýnot always theÌýbest option asÌýoftentimes coin dealers offer prices way below theÌýcoin’s value, especially ifÌýthey can tell you are new toÌýtheÌýgame.

OnÌýtheÌýother hand, online coin selling helps you reach aÌýwider audience, provides you with theÌýopportunity toÌýadvertise your collection onÌýsocial media, including Facebook groups dedicated toÌýtheÌýtopic, ²¹²Ô»åÌýallows you toÌýsell your old coins onÌýanÌýalready existing customer base like eBay orÌýAmazon.

Ultimately, selling coins online can help you close deals ²¹²Ô»åÌýget paid faster than ifÌýyou were toÌýuse other methods.

Before You Start Selling Old Coins Online

Before you decide theÌýbest route forÌýyou toÌýsell old coins, there are aÌýfew things toÌýtake into consideration. You’ll probably want toÌýthink through things like coin identification, condition, ²¹²Ô»åÌýappraisal before putting your coins out there forÌýsale; this way you can ensure you know how much your coins are worth ²¹²Ô»åÌýavoid under orÌýoverpricing.

ToÌýmake good money, start selling old coins after you determine their value. Contact anÌýappraiser who will analyze your coins ²¹²Ô»åÌýgive anÌýopinion onÌýtheir value. You can then sell old coins toÌýaÌýcoin shop, auction house, onÌýeBay, orÌýrun your own website.

Identify Your Coins

You must beÌýaware ofÌýwhat kind ofÌýcoins you have inÌýyour possession before you start selling them. Knowing theÌýworth ofÌýanÌýold coin requires you ²¹²Ô»åÌýtheÌýbuyer toÌýknow theÌýexact history ²¹²Ô»åÌýtype ofÌýcoin that isÌýbeing sold.

Here are aÌýfew tips toÌýhelp you identify what kind ofÌýcoin you have:

These are all important telltale signs ofÌýaÌýcoin’s worth, but they are not theÌýwhole story when itÌýcomes toÌýcoin identification. You should also check forÌýfactors like theÌýimage onÌýtheÌýcoin, theÌýcoins’ size, thickness ²¹²Ô»åÌýdiameter, its condition ²¹²Ô»åÌýmore toÌýhelp you understand your coin collection.

All ofÌýthese are helpful when identifying what kind ofÌýcoins you have, therefore helping you know how much these can beÌýsold for.

Get Your Coins Appraised &ÌýWhere Can You Get Them Appraised

Even ifÌýyou think you’ve identified theÌýkind ofÌýcoins you have, itÌýisÌýalways good, ²¹²Ô»åÌýsometimes necessary, toÌýhave anÌýappraiser take aÌýlook atÌýthem toÌýhelp you figure out their exact value. This can prevent you from losing money orÌýoverpricing your coins, which leads toÌýnoÌýsales.

AnÌýappraiser will analyze each ofÌýyour coins, checking forÌýshape, condition, etc., ²¹²Ô»åÌýlet you know each one ofÌýyour coins’ prices.

Finding anÌýappraiser

You can find anÌýappraiser byÌýdoing aÌýquick online search orÌýasking someone inÌýtheÌýindustry forÌýrecommendations onÌýaÌýtrustworthy one. Even ifÌýyou think you’ve found aÌýreliable appraiser, weÌýadvise doing some research before ²¹²Ô»åÌýafter appraising your old coins toÌýmake sure you are getting theÌýmost value forÌýwhat you have.

Finding aÌýtrustworthy appraiser isÌýnot always easy, but you can always consider coin grading companies like ²¹²Ô»åÌý, which are known forÌýtheir ethics ²¹²Ô»åÌýreliability.

When itÌýcomes toÌýold coin appraising prices, itÌýwill vary depending onÌýeach ofÌýyour coins’ value. For example, aÌýcoin worth $150Ìýmight only cost you $20ÌýtoÌýget itÌýgraded, while aÌýcoin worth $50,000Ìýcould cost you $125.

InÌýtheÌýend, deciding whether orÌýnot toÌýhave aÌýcoin appraised will mainly depend onÌýtheÌýcoin’s rarity ²¹²Ô»åÌýuniqueness.

Quick Do’s ²¹²Ô»åÌýDon’ts When Selling Your Coins

IfÌýyou are new toÌýcoin selling, orÌýsimply lack experience, you’d always want toÌýtake theÌýtime toÌýresearch ²¹²Ô»åÌýeducate yourself onÌýtheÌýtopic toÌýget theÌýmost from your coins.

How Can You Sell Your Coins?

Now that you have anÌýidea ofÌýwhat kind ofÌýcoins you are dealing with, itÌýisÌýtime toÌýget those sales!

WeÌýunderstand your options are many, which can get overwhelming. We’ve put together aÌýshortlist with aÌýfew recommendations onÌýhow toÌýsell your old coins, with one ofÌýthem requiring nothing else from you but aÌýcomputer, yes noÌýneed toÌýeven leave your bed. WeÌýare not joking!

Coin shops

AsÌýweÌýtalked about inÌýtheÌýprevious sections: you can sell old coins forÌýcash atÌýanyÌýlocal coin shop. Just make sure their prices are fair ²¹²Ô»åÌýcheck with multiple coin dealers before settling forÌýanÌýoffer.


You can choose toÌýsubmit your coins toÌýauctions. These tend toÌýhappen either online orÌýinÌýperson, ²¹²Ô»åÌýcan beÌýeither locally, regionally, orÌýnationally. Just beÌýmindful that auctions can beÌýunpredictable, ²¹²Ô»åÌýmany times you could end upÌýearning less forÌýtheÌývalue ofÌýyour coin.


Consider selling your coins onÌýeBay. Selling online isÌýultimately your best bet when selling old coins.

eBay allows you toÌýintroduce your coins toÌýanÌýalready existing customer base, exposing your coins toÌýhundreds ofÌýpotential buyers. You’ll want toÌýmake sure toÌýinclude high-quality images ²¹²Ô»åÌýcompetitive prices toÌýstand out from other eBay sellers.

Just keep inÌýmind that eBay takes aÌýpercentage ofÌýyour sales which can beÌýaÌýproblem forÌýmany.

Coin shows

AtÌýaÌýcoin show, hundreds ofÌýpeople come together toÌýbuy ²¹²Ô»åÌýsell old coins. You can end upÌýlanding aÌýgreat deal byÌýattending aÌýcoin show, although this isÌýnot always theÌýcase.

When itÌýcomes toÌýselling coins atÌýaÌýcoin show, itÌýwill all depend onÌýtheÌýbuyers attending theÌýshow ²¹²Ô»åÌýhow well you can communicate with them.

Your own website

Although many ofÌýtheÌýoptions mentioned above can work toÌýget your hands onÌýtheÌýgame, ultimately, you’ll want toÌýhave aÌýwebsite ifÌýthis isÌýsomething you see yourself diving deep into.

Having your own website isÌýprobably theÌýbest way toÌýstart selling coins online; you’ll not only have full control ofÌýtheÌýprices ofÌýyour coins but will get theÌýfull profit from anyÌýofÌýyour sales.

AÌýwebsite isÌýalso aÌýgreat tool toÌýadvertise your business ²¹²Ô»åÌýprovide your customers with secure transactions when purchasing anyÌýofÌýyour coins.

Last but not least, ifÌýyou were toÌýsell your coins onÌýplatforms like eBay, with aÌýwebsite you can easily sync itÌýtoÌýanyÌý3-party listing.

Setting upÌýYour Online Coin Shop with ºÚÁÏÃÅ

IfÌýyou are ready toÌýget started onÌýselling coins online orÌýare simply looking forÌýaÌýway toÌýexpand your brick-and-mortar coin shop, you can easily set upÌýyour own site forÌýfree with ºÚÁÏÃÅ.

With our free plan, you’ll get aÌýwebsite with upÌýtoÌýfive products that can beÌýeasily synced toÌýanyÌýplatform you’d like. There isÌýnoÌýexperience necessary asÌýyou can easily add your products ²¹²Ô»åÌýphotos with just aÌýfew clicks.

WeÌýare aÌýPCI DSS Level 1ÌýCertified Service Provider; all ofÌýyour payments ²¹²Ô»åÌýtransactions data will beÌýsafe ²¹²Ô»åÌýsecurely stored.

With ºÚÁÏÃÅ, there isÌýnoÌýneed toÌýworry about language barriers, noÌýmatter where your customers are from orÌýwhere inÌýtheÌýworld they are visiting your store.

ºÚÁÏÃÅ offers over 45Ìýautomatic translations forÌýyour storefront, making itÌýeasy forÌýinternational shoppers toÌýshop from your store.

This isÌýsomething not many competitors can offer, setting you ahead ofÌýtheÌýcompetition.

Ready toÌýStart Selling Old Coins Today?

NoÌýmatter theÌýpath you choose toÌýsell coins online orÌýface-to-face, always remember toÌýfocus onÌýcoins that are high inÌýdemand, make sure toÌýeducate yourself onÌýtheÌýtopic ²¹²Ô»åÌýidentify your coins soÌýyou can get theÌýbest offer forÌýyour coin’s value, ²¹²Ô»åÌýmost importantly take itÌýslow ²¹²Ô»åÌýdon’t rush things.

Become anÌýºÚÁÏÃÅ merchant today ²¹²Ô»åÌýget ready toÌýstart selling your coins atÌýaÌýprice most convenient toÌýyou ²¹²Ô»åÌýyour buyers, with noÌýneed toÌýworry about coin dealers orÌý3-party fees.


About The Author
Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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