Unless you’ve been living under aÌýrock orÌýonÌýtheÌýMoon, weÌýbet you’ve heard ofÌýTikTok! It’s one ofÌýtheÌýmost popular social media platforms around today. Love itÌýorÌýhate it, with over 1Ìýbillion monthly active users, TikTok can beÌýanÌýexcellent way toÌýgrow your reach asÌýaÌýsmall business owner.
TikTok isÌýall about short videos which are used inÌýcreative ways. Why not harness your creative potential forÌýyour brand? This blog post will share some best practices forÌýusing TikTok toÌýreach new audiences while engaging with current customers.
Why IsÌýTikTok SoÌýPopular?
TikTok isÌýaÌýsocial media platform forÌýcreating andÌýsharing short videos (up toÌýaÌýthree minute limit). Because ofÌýits large user base, TikTok offers many opportunities toÌýget involved with your audience, including hashtags, contests,
ItÌýisÌýaÌýcommon misconception it’s only kids andÌýteens that use TikTok.
Distribution ofÌýTikTok users inÌýtheÌýUSÌýasÌýofÌýMarch 2021, byÌýage group (Source: )
Other popular social media platforms have since copied TikTok
It’s easy toÌýreact to, share, comment, stitch, andÌýduet videos onÌý
Another great thing about theÌýplatform isÌýthat there are tons ofÌýcommunities: from #sewingtok andÌý#parenttok toÌý#witchtok andÌý#alttok. OnÌýTikTok, you can find doctors that debunk health myths, grandmothers that make comedy videos, andÌýbeauty gurus that doÌýquantum physics. Everyone has their own angle! So, what does this mean forÌýyou? ItÌýmeans that ifÌýyou can make aÌývideo about your product orÌýservice, you can find people onÌýTikTok that will beÌýinterested inÌýit.
TikTok has turned into anÌýexcellent platform forÌýsmall business owners toÌýget their products inÌýfront ofÌýcustomers. However, ifÌýyou’re not aÌýsocial media expert, you might beÌýfeeling overwhelmed with various tools andÌýcontent types available. Need aÌýshortcut? Check out some different types ofÌývideos you can create forÌýyour TikTok account toÌýspark interest inÌýyour products.
Show How You Make Your Product
IfÌýyou sell aÌýproduct you make yourself, there are aÌýton ofÌýoptions forÌýcreative TikTok videos that show off your products andÌýprocess. Start with aÌývideo that shows how your product isÌýmade: theÌýprep work that goes into it, theÌýconstruction process, andÌýtheÌýresult. Try using aÌýtrending song orÌýsound inÌýtheÌý
Check out theÌývideo byÌýBread ByÌýElice, anÌýaccount ofÌýaÌýbaker andÌýrecipe developer. It’s aÌýshort video with chilled out music that shows theÌý
Or, you can make aÌýlonger video commenting onÌýyour construction process andÌýexplaining how you created your product inÌýdetail. Take inspiration from theÌýowner ofÌýSoulstice Ceramics, who has aÌývideo all about how she makes one ofÌýtheir most popular products! Notice how she starts andÌýends theÌývideo with aÌýsnapshot ofÌýtheÌýfinal product toÌýgenerate interest:
Create ASMR Videos with Your Product
IfÌýyou don’t keep upÌýwith current trends, you might not know that ASMR describes theÌýtingling sensation some people get when hearing soft sounds (such asÌýwhispered voices) orÌýcrisp sounds (for example, fingernails tapping onÌýaÌýmetallic surface). InÌýrecent years, ASMR videos have entered theÌýmainstream andÌýare now popular onÌýTikTok, where they can generate millions ofÌýviews.
You can harness theÌýpopularity ofÌýASMR videos toÌýhighlight your product. Make aÌývideo that shows theÌýprocess ofÌýcreating orÌýusing your product but focuses onÌýtheÌýsoothing sounds associated with it.
For example, MorrisonMade Leather made aÌývideo with
Some MorrisonMade Leather videos have hundreds ofÌýthousands ofÌýviews. But their ASMR video has over seven million views! Imagine theÌýnew audiences they reached with aÌýsingle TikTok video. Talk about aÌýrevenue boost!
Tap into Popular Topics Unrelated toÌýYour Product
Maybe itÌýsounds counterintuitive toÌýmake aÌývideo onÌýaÌýsomewhat unrelated topic. But trust us! People download TikTok toÌýbeÌýentertained, not toÌýwatch promotional videos. SoÌýyou want toÌýensure you reach aÌýlarge audience, but without being salesy orÌýmaking your product anÌýeyesore.
The solution? Make videos that aren’t about your product. Bring inÌýsome other topics you andÌýthousands ofÌýother people are passionate about.
Make aÌývideo that combines different types ofÌýcontent, topics, andÌývisuals. For example: some makeup artists make videos ofÌýapplying makeup while reading viral stories from Reddit orÌýcommenting onÌýrecent news.
AÌýgreat example ofÌýmixing inÌýanÌýunrelated but popular topic isÌýBakersmann Cookies. There are dozens ofÌýgreat product videos that get thousands ofÌýviews onÌýtheir account. But their most popular tiktoks are aÌý“Cookies andÌýCrime” series that generates millions ofÌýviews!
The video’s visuals are what you’d expect from aÌýbaker’s
You may have noticed that true crime podcasts are popular these days. This creator did, andÌýreached out toÌýaÌýnew audience byÌýadding aÌýcreative spin toÌý
Show off theÌýResults ofÌýUsing Your Product
Nothing proves your product isÌýworth buying like aÌývideo that shows theÌýdesired results from its use.
Post such videos yourself, orÌýask your customers toÌýshoot andÌýpost short clips ofÌýthem using theÌýproduct! Sending samples toÌýinfluencers forÌýaÌývideo review isÌýanother tried andÌýtrue method that shows your product inÌýaction.
You can use social media monitoring tools (like Hootsuite, Talkwalker, orÌýMentionlytics) toÌýtrack mentions ofÌýyour brand onÌýsocial media andÌýfind
For example, this video features aÌýPeter Thomas Roth skincare product. The tiktok isÌývery simple, with noÌýmusic, effects, orÌýcreative presentation. But itÌýdemonstrates theÌýimmediate product result that potential customers are looking for. NoÌýwonder theÌývideo has more than 27Ìýmillion views!
After theÌývideo went viral, theÌýskincare company reposted theÌývideo, along with several other tiktoks ofÌýskincare experts andÌýinfluencers dueting with theÌýoriginal. Not only did they get free video promotion, but they also landed themselves aÌýton ofÌý
Solve aÌýCommon Problem toÌýProve Your Expertise
One ofÌýtheÌýbest ways toÌýget attention toÌýyour product orÌýservice isÌýtoÌýprove your expertise inÌýyour niche. When potential customers understand that you know what you’re talking about, they’re more likely toÌýbuy from you.
ToÌýprove your expertise, share valuable tips that help toÌýsolve aÌýproblem that plagues your target audience.
For instance, Cliff Tan, anÌýarchitect andÌýinterior designer, shares tips andÌýsolutions forÌýcommon interior design problems inÌýhis TikTok account. This allows him toÌýdemonstrate his expertise inÌýtheÌýfield andÌýproves that his services are
InÌýthis video, Cliff Tan shares aÌýtip toÌýstyle aÌýroom toÌýavoid itÌýlooking cluttered. Notice how heÌýuses cutout pieces ofÌýfurniture toÌýillustrate his advice. This tiktok alone has almost 1.5Ìýmillion views:
Now, we’ve already talked aÌýlittle bit about
Adapt TikTok Trends toÌýYour Product orÌýService
IfÌýyou spend some time onÌýTikTok, you’ll notice that some videos follow aÌýsimilar pattern. They either use theÌýsame audio orÌýfilter, start with theÌýexact phrase, orÌý
For example, there isÌýaÌýTikTok trend that reveals how aÌýperson changes after doing some activity orÌýliving somewhere. Here’s theÌýversion ofÌýtheÌýtrend byÌýEncore French Lessons:
That TikTok account promotes theÌýservices ofÌýaÌýnative French teacher. Making aÌýjoke about French colloquial expressions helps make theÌýcontent relatable toÌýstudents andÌýintroduces phrases they might beÌýunaware of. Learning while having fun? Definitely aÌýreason toÌýfollow. Think ofÌýways you can use this platform toÌýbeÌýboth amusing andÌýeducational, andÌýyour follower count will surely thank you!
Share Tips from Other Creators
TikTok isÌýhome toÌýthousands ofÌýcreators, all from different niches. IfÌýyou found anÌýawesome lifehack that could help your target audience, don’t fret that you weren’t theÌýfirst one toÌýshare it. Make your own version ofÌýyou testing out theÌýtip andÌýpost itÌýinÌýyour profile. Make another one sharing theÌýresult, orÌýrecommending how you’d make itÌýwork even better next time.
ToÌýgive credit toÌýother creators, mention their profile inÌýtheÌýdescription ofÌýtheÌývideo. Or, stitch orÌýduet their clips soÌýthat viewers can check out theÌýoriginal.
For instance, NikkieTutorials shares aÌýwinged liner hack byÌýKatie Jane Hughes andÌýdemonstrates how itÌýworks forÌýher inÌýher video:
Post Your Customers’ Reactions
Okay, beÌýhonest: you probably shared aÌýsurprising orÌýadorable video with one ofÌýyour friends just inÌýtheÌýpast few days. WeÌýall doÌýit! Why? Because videos that spark emotions are more likely toÌýbeÌýenjoyed, andÌýshared. That means more people are going toÌýsee them.
Another reason toÌýmake anÌýemotional video isÌýthat when weÌýbuy something, weÌýoften strive forÌýaÌýcertain aspirational emotion. WeÌýwant toÌýmake our loved ones happy when weÌýbuy them aÌýbirthday present, andÌýweÌýwant toÌýfeel comfy andÌýsecure when weÌýbuy aÌýnew mattress. Why not show your potential customer what they’ll feel with your product inÌýhand?
Check out this video from thejonnycakes, aÌýbaker that makes
Shoot How You Pack Orders (and Make ItÌýPersonal)
Showing theÌý
One ofÌýtheÌýthings that set small businesses apart from big retailers isÌýthis personal approach. Can you imagine Jeff Bezos packing your Amazon order?
Seeing that aÌýsmall business owner has just packed anÌýorder themselves andÌýspent time shooting andÌýediting aÌývideo about itÌýisÌýmore memorable than just receiving anÌýorder confirmation email.
Pearlury, aÌýhair accessories store, regularly posts theÌýprocess ofÌýpacking orders, always thanking theÌýcustomer inÌýtheÌýdescription. Seeing how carefully andÌýbeautifully theÌýorder isÌýpacked would make anyone want toÌýreceive one ofÌýtheir packages.
Another way toÌýengage with customers isÌýtoÌýshoot videos inÌýresponse toÌýtheir comments. Jaime Ibanez, anÌýexotic snacks andÌýdrinks seller, made aÌývideo forÌýaÌýcustomer who asked toÌýrecord theÌýprocess ofÌýpacking their order:
Not only does heÌýstrengthen relationships with customers byÌýreplying toÌýthem with aÌývideo, but heÌýalso highlights his product range forÌýnew potential customers. Talk about aÌý
Duet Your Customers’ Videos
ByÌýnow, itÌýmight beÌýclear toÌýyou that aÌýbig part ofÌýrunning aÌýsuccessful TikTok account isÌýinteracting with other users, including your customers. We’ve also discussed making emotional videos that show off aÌýcustomer’s reaction toÌýyour product. SoÌýnow, why not switch places?
You can duet your customers’ videos toÌýanswer their questions, give advice onÌýtheÌýbest way toÌýstore orÌýuse your products, orÌýjust show your appreciation forÌýthem forÌýbuying from you.
For example, Jess L.ÌýM.ÌýAnderson, anÌýauthor, dueted aÌývideo ofÌýaÌýcustomer unboxing her novel andÌý.
Make Videos That Spotlights Your Brand Values
IfÌýyou’re aÌývegan, you’d choose aÌýshop selling
Customers tend toÌýchoose brands that have theÌýsame values asÌýthey do. Make sure your brand values are highlighted inÌýyour videos soÌýthat your target audience can spot them inÌýanÌýoverflowing content feed.
Take notes from LaÌýLaÌýLand Kind Cafe. ItÌýisÌýaÌýcafe with theÌýpurpose ofÌýhiring foster youth andÌýaÌýmission “to normalize kindness.” That isÌýprecisely what they doÌýwith their , which generates millions ofÌýviews: they say nice things toÌýpeople onÌýtheÌýstreet asÌýthey drive by. AÌýsimple concept that perfectly fits their mission.
Share Your Glow UpÌýStory
Nicole McLaughlin made aÌývideo about her journey asÌýaÌýdesigner. The description says itÌýall: “From making shoes onÌýmyÌýliving room floor toÌýhaving myÌýown studio &Ìýfootwear collab.”
Last But Not Least: Have Fun
TikTok isÌýabout creativity andÌýshowing off your content creation talents. But even more than that, it’s about building community andÌýhaving fun. Don’t beÌýafraid toÌýcrack aÌýjoke that your audience can relate to! From participating inÌýfunny trends toÌýreimagining aÌýpopular audio clip, there are tons ofÌýopportunities toÌýbeÌýfound onÌýTikTok.
Follow theÌýexample ofÌýDePauw University: they made aÌýfun video with one ofÌýits professors. Notice that while most videos inÌýtheir account get thousands ofÌýviews, this one has close toÌýaÌýmillion:
Start Making TikTok Videos
ItÌýcan beÌýtough toÌýstand out inÌýtoday’s crowded marketplace. But TikTok isÌýanÌýexcellent platform forÌýdriving interest andÌýengagement with your product orÌýservice, especially with theÌýright content strategy inÌýplace. Whether you’re trying toÌýget theÌýword out about your new product, promote your service, orÌýoffer some valuable insights into how your products
We’ve broken down different types ofÌývideos that help get people interested inÌýwhat you doÌýorÌýsell. Which one sounds like itÌýwould work best with your store? Share your opinion inÌýtheÌýcomments, andÌýlet’s brainstorm together.
WeÌýwould also love toÌýhear what type ofÌýTikTok strategy has worked best forÌýyour brand, soÌýfeel free toÌýleave aÌýcomment onÌýyour successes below!
- What isÌýTikTok andÌýWhy It’s SoÌýPopular?
- How toÌýMake Money onÌýTikTok: AÌýGuide forÌýBusiness Owners
- Trending Products toÌýSell onÌýTikTok
- How toÌýSell andÌýAdvertise onÌýTikTok
- How toÌýUse TikTok: AÌýBeginner’s Guide
- How toÌýUse TikTok toÌýDrive Interest forÌýYour Business
- How Small Business Owners Use TikTok toÌýGrow Sales
- How ToÌýGoÌýLive onÌýTikTok
- How toÌýGrow Followers onÌýTikTok: Best Practices
- How toÌýUse TikTok toÌýStart Selling Your Products Online Today
- The Entrepreneur’s Guide For How toÌýGoÌýViral onÌýTikTok
- TikTok Search: How toÌýFind People, Brands, andÌýProducts onÌýTikTok
- How toÌýMake Money onÌýTikTok
- The Dos &ÌýDon’ts ofÌýCollaborating with TikTok Creators asÌýaÌýBusiness
- Advertising onÌýTikTok from AÌýtoÌýZ
- The Ultimate Guide toÌýTikTok Ads