There are several schools ofÌýthought andÌýpractices regarding optimal manufacturing, with one ofÌýthese being lean manufacturing. The idea ofÌýlean manufacturing isÌýtoÌýfocus onÌýcontinuous improvement ofÌýprocesses andÌýtechniques toÌýoptimize productivity while cutting down onÌýwaste.
ItÌýinitially stemmed from production systems crafted byÌýauto manufacturers inÌýtheÌý1930s but didn’t receive theÌýlean manufacturing title until around fifty years later. Let’s take aÌýcloser look!
What isÌýLean Manufacturing andÌýHow Does ItÌýWork?
The central idea behind lean manufacturing isÌýtoÌýimprove efficiency byÌýcutting down onÌýwaste. ByÌýwaste, weÌýmean processes, activities, andÌýservices that consume time orÌýresources without bringing anyÌývalue toÌýtheÌýcustomer.
While this isÌýaÌýbit ofÌýaÌýsimplification ofÌýtheÌýentire process, theÌýidea alone helps toÌýcreate manufacturing that not only saves money forÌýtheÌýmanufacturer but also brings sustainable value toÌýcustomers.
The 5ÌýLean Manufacturing Principles
AÌýbook from 1996, titled , detailed five lean manufacturing principles that have become widely referenced.
These are asÌýfollows.
Determine value asÌýitÌýisÌýdefined from theÌýcustomer’s perspective. Businesses need toÌýunderstand value from theÌýcustomer’s eyes andÌýtheÌývalue they place onÌýaÌýproduct orÌýservice. InÌýturn, this helps toÌýclarify theÌýprice that customers are willing toÌýpay forÌýaÌýspecific product orÌýservice. The business must then work toÌýcut down onÌýwaste inÌýanÌýeffort toÌýcome closer toÌýthat agreeable price point.
2.ÌýValue Stream
The next step isÌýtoÌýdelineate theÌývalue stream ofÌýtheÌýproduct orÌý
Every point ofÌýtheÌývalue stream should beÌýmapped, from initial design toÌýproduction, distribution, andÌýmore. Locating each point allows aÌýbusiness toÌýexamine that particular point forÌýpotential waste.
3.ÌýCreate aÌýFlow
The next step ofÌýtheÌýprocess isÌýtoÌýoptimize theÌývalue stream toÌýcreate aÌýcontinuous flow throughout. This means aÌýflow where products are being completed close toÌýtheÌýrate that they are needed forÌýoperations. Disruptions toÌýproduction orÌýsupply, incorrect inventory forecasting, andÌýmore all lead toÌýsignificant waste.
AÌýgood example ofÌýthis isÌýanÌýoverstock scenario, where soÌýmuch isÌýmade that additional costs are incurred from storage fees orÌýeven where some inventory has toÌýbeÌýdisposed of.
4.ÌýAÌýPull System
AÌýpull system means that new production isÌýonly begun when there isÌýactual demand forÌýit. This also places responsibility onÌýtheÌýbusiness toÌýaccurately forecast inventory andÌýdemand toÌýensure theÌýright time forÌýproduction. OfÌýcourse, there isÌýcertainly aÌýbalance, asÌýbusinesses don’t want toÌýbeÌýleft
5.ÌýAspire toÌýPerfection
The final principle isÌýforÌýbusinesses toÌýalways strive forÌýtheÌýperfection ofÌýtheir manufacturing systems. InÌýother words, consistently monitor production metrics, processes, andÌýsystems, toÌýlocate areas ofÌýimprovement. Ideally, waste will continue toÌýdecline asÌýbusinesses learn toÌýoptimize their systems andÌýeliminate inefficiencies.
AtÌýtheÌýend ofÌýtheÌýday, this leads toÌýreduced costs andÌýwaste forÌýtheÌýbusiness, which translates toÌýenhanced value forÌýtheÌýcustomer. InÌýmany cases, literal perfection isÌýlikely unrealistic, but this doesn’t mean theÌýbusiness should ever stop attempting orÌýlooking forÌýfurther improvement.
The 7ÌýWastes ofÌýLean Manufacturing
So, now that weÌýhave anÌýidea ofÌýwhat isÌýnecessary forÌýlean manufacturing, let’s take aÌýlook atÌýtheÌýtypes ofÌýwaste aÌýbusiness can eliminate. There are commonly said toÌýbeÌý7Ìýwastes ofÌýlean manufacturing. However, there isÌýalso anÌýeighth that isÌýoften debated.
Let’s take aÌýlook atÌýtheÌýprimary seven first andÌýthen discuss theÌýeighth. The 7Ìýwastes ofÌýlean manufacturing are:
- Defects: Defects can lead toÌýcostly waste. Not only isÌýitÌýaÌýloss ofÌýtheÌýraw material andÌýproduction costs, but itÌýcan also lead toÌýadditional loss through customer returns andÌýdissatisfaction.
- Overproduction: Overproduction ofÌýgoods isÌýoften aÌýtelltale sign ofÌýpoor forecasting andÌýmismanagement ofÌýdemand. This leads toÌýoverstock that then causes further delays inÌýtheÌýstorage andÌýmanagement areas. Lean management inÌýmanufacturing needs toÌýensure accurate forecasting toÌýavoid overproduction.
- Waiting: Idle time from employees andÌýmachines causes disruption toÌýtheÌýflow asÌýmentioned above. Businesses are paying forÌýwaiting time through idle employee wages, power costs, andÌýmore.
- N
on-utilized talent: When employees with certain skill sets aren’t utilized, this can lead toÌýinefficiencies across theÌýwhole value stream. One ofÌýtheÌýgreatest lean manufacturing tools anyÌýorganization has isÌýtheir staff. - Transportation: Transportation requires aÌýsignificant amount ofÌýresources through fuel, maintenance expenses, andÌýman hours. Meaning, unnecessary transportation can rack upÌýtheÌýwaste through all ofÌýtheÌýabove. This happens through
half-loaded trucks, uncoordinated deliveries, andÌýmore. - Inventory: AsÌýdiscussed above, incorrect inventory management can easily lead toÌýincreased waste through storage andÌýwarehousing costs andÌýdifficulties.
- Motion: Too much motion can easily cause delays andÌýinterruptions toÌýtheÌýflow. This means unnecessary motion, soÌýproducts orÌýmaterials shouldn’t beÌýgetting shifted around orÌýadjusted more than they need toÌýbe.
The eighth waste ofÌýlean manufacturing isÌýE
InÌýother words, theÌýproduct orÌýservice features deliver over what theÌýcustomer isÌýgenerally willing toÌýpay forÌýsaid product orÌýservice. So, while this isÌýgood forÌýtheÌýcustomer, itÌýisÌýoften unnecessary waste when itÌýwasn’t asked for.
Moreover, itÌýbenefits theÌýwhole organization andÌýtheÌýemployees byÌýcutting down production andÌýprocessing time.
IfÌýyou notice theÌýbold letters throughout, that isÌýbecause, with theÌýeighth type ofÌýwaste, itÌýbecomes anÌý
5SÌýLean Manufacturing
Another school ofÌýthought onÌýlean manufacturing comes inÌýtheÌýform ofÌý. This method isÌýbased onÌýJapanese words andÌýisÌýdesigned toÌýcreate anÌýorganized environment that isÌýconducive toÌýproduction.
The 5S’s are:
- Sort (Seiri): Remove unnecessary tools andÌýobjects. Only leave tools andÌýparts required forÌýtheÌýprimary purpose.
- Set inÌýorder (Seiton): Organize theÌýobjects, tools, parts, andÌýmore inÌýaÌýneat way that makes them easy toÌýretrieve andÌýuse.
- Shine (Seiso): Keep theÌýworkplace clean.
- Standardize (Seiketsu): Maintain regular cleaning andÌýorganization with daily schedules andÌýactivities.
- Sustain (Shitsuke): Continue theÌýfive S’s byÌýkeeping theÌýabove four inÌýplace.
AtÌýfirst, this method can seem oversimplified, but itÌýisÌýexcellent inÌýpractice. Following theÌýabove points can help toÌýbring theÌýworkplace toÌýaÌýhigh standard that makes optimal production much more streamlined.
One example isÌýneeding aÌýtool andÌýhaving toÌýlook forÌýit, which instantly creates wasted time. Instead, employees should know exactly where toÌýgoÌýforÌýwhat they need.
What isÌýlean manufacturing?
Lean manufacturing means manufacturing that focuses onÌýoptimal productivity andÌýefficiency while reducing waste toÌýtheÌýminimal amount.
What are theÌýfive principles ofÌýlean manufacturing?
The five principles ofÌýlean manufacturing are:
- Value
- Value Stream
- Flow
- Pull System
- Aspire toÌýPerfection
What are theÌýtypes ofÌýlean manufacturing waste?
The types ofÌýwaste are categorized asÌýfollows, andÌýform theÌýacronym DOWNTIME:
- Defects
- Overproduction
- Waiting
- N
on-Utilized Talent - Transportation
- Inventory
- Motion
- Excess production
IsÌýthere aÌýlean manufacturing certification?
Yes! There isÌý offered asÌýpart ofÌýaÌýpartnership between theÌýAssociation forÌýManufacturing Excellence, SME, andÌýtheÌýShingo Institute. Certification programs offer training, education, andÌýdevelopment toÌýhelp companies understand andÌýapply lean practices toÌýtheir production andÌýactivities.
How can IÌýbegin toÌýimplement lean manufacturing?
The first step inÌýimplementing lean manufacturing isÌýtoÌýunderstand theÌýabove principles andÌýtypes ofÌýwaste.
Then, you can try starting with theÌý5S’s ofÌýlean manufacturing. InÌýaddition, you should create aÌývalue stream ofÌýyour business andÌýanalyze all parts ofÌýtheÌýstream toÌýlocate areas ofÌýwaste andÌýinefficiency that can beÌýimproved.
Wrapping Up
Lean manufacturing can beÌýanÌýexcellent way forÌýbusinesses toÌýsave money, effort, andÌýtime simply byÌýreviewing their current operations. Although itÌýmay require some significant changes, these will benefit both theÌýbusiness andÌýcustomers inÌýtheÌýlong run. The business will beÌýable toÌýdeliver production more efficiently andÌýcustomers will beÌýfully willing toÌýpay forÌýtheÌývalue ofÌýtheÌýproduct orÌýservice they are receiving.
WeÌýhope this article helps you understand lean manufacturing andÌýits benefits. Will you start toÌýimplement lean manufacturing into your operations?
- White Label Manufacturing: Producing White Label Products
- Manufacturing Chain: Supply Chain inÌýManufacturing Industry
- What isÌýLean Manufacturing
- What isÌýAdditive Manufacturing
- What isÌýContract Manufacturing
- How toÌýChoose theÌýRight Manufacturing Advisory Service
- Revealing Manufacturing Resource Planning
- Good Manufacturing Practice
- Demystifying theÌýCost ofÌýManufactured Goods
- Design forÌýManufacturing: Creating Products with Precision andÌýStyle
- Website Design forÌýManufacturers
- Innovative Manufacturing Solutions