IfÌýbusinesses have learned anything inÌýtheÌýlast few years, it’s that customers love shopping online. And that’s good news forÌýlocal bakeries. The global market forÌýonline food ordering andÌýdelivery isÌýexpected toÌýpass
But how doÌýyou get started? Don’t worry. Launching aÌýdelivery service forÌýyour baked goods isn’t asÌýdaunting asÌýitÌýmay sound. And with anÌýecommerce platform like ºÚÁÏÃÅ, you’ll have control over everything from where you’re willing toÌýdrive toÌýhow much theÌýservice will cost.
What We’ll Cover
- How toÌýpick anÌýecommerce platform forÌýyour bakery
- How much your delivery system may cost
- What you’ll need forÌýyour product listings
- What theÌýonline order andÌýdelivery process looks like
- How toÌýget theÌýmost out ofÌýecommerce forÌýlocal bakery delivery
´¡ÌýStep-by-Step Guide toÌýPicking theÌýBest Ecommerce Platform forÌýLocal Bakery Delivery
Your bakery isÌýunique, soÌýyou need aÌýdelivery system that meets your specific needs, whatever they may be. Let’s take aÌýlook atÌýthree steps you can take toÌýfind theÌýperfect delivery platform.
Step One: Analyze theÌýfees
There’s aÌýgood chance you’ve used aÌýfood delivery service before, soÌýyou might already have aÌýcouple ofÌýoptions inÌýmind forÌýyour bakery. Nationwide companies like Grubhub andÌýUberEats could beÌýgood
This isÌýreally helpful since theÌýplatform manages things like drivers andÌýscheduling. You might also get access toÌýaÌýbigger share ofÌýtheÌýmarket thanks toÌýbeing listed onÌýtheÌýcompanies’ apps.
However, it’s not all good news. One ofÌýtheÌýbiggest issues with Grubhub andÌýUberEats isÌýtheÌýpartnership fees. With both options, toÌýoperating costs. Ouch.
But don’t lose hope! There are better options out there. For example, some ecommerce platforms let you set upÌýlocal bakery delivery without imposing anÌýadditional transaction fee beyond your monthly membership cost. And atÌýºÚÁÏÃÅ, weÌýprovide aÌýsimple way toÌýstart local bakery deliveries without taking aÌýcut ofÌýyour profits. Ultimately, look forÌýaÌýplatform that wants your business toÌýsucceed andÌýlets you keep your earnings along theÌýway.
Step Two: Make sure it’s available inÌýyour area
This one may seem obvious, but there’s aÌýhidden catch that you should beÌýonÌýtheÌýlookout for.
With some
SoÌýasÌýyou look forÌýaÌýlocal bakery delivery system, make sure you’ll beÌýgiving your business access toÌýasÌýmany customers asÌýpossible.
AtÌýºÚÁÏÃÅ, weÌýshare your goal ofÌýconnecting with aÌýwide range ofÌýshoppers, soÌýweÌýlet you control how far your bakery isÌýwilling toÌýdeliver.
Step Three: Think about your specific needs
NoÌýtwo bakeries are alike, soÌýyou need aÌýcustomized delivery system that meets your individual needs. When weighing your options, look forÌýaÌýplatform that gives you control over important functions like delivery times, minimum order requirements, andÌýcustomer relations.
Let’s talk more about that last one because itÌýreally matters. Customer relations through standardized options such asÌýUberEats can beÌýaÌýnightmare. IfÌýtheÌý
That’s why it’s aÌýgood idea toÌýlook forÌýlocal delivery systems that let you connect directly with your
How Does theÌýOnline Ordering andÌýDelivery Process Work?
Once you’ve got aÌýlocal bakery delivery system picked out, it’s time toÌýactually start selling. But how does that work? The process has two main steps: list your products then fulfill your orders.
How toÌýlist baked goods forÌýsale online
The actual process forÌýlisting your cakes, cookies, andÌýother goodies will depend onÌýtheÌýplatform you use, but you can generally expect toÌýneed aÌýfew simple things toÌýget started.
- Pictures ofÌýyour baked goods
- The price ofÌýyour product
- ´¡Ìýtitle/description
IfÌýall that sounds confusing, don’t
How toÌýhandle online baked goods orders
Once aÌýcustomer orders from your bakery, you’ll beÌýready toÌýkick off . Depending onÌýyour platform, that process will vary, but you can usually expect something like this.
- The sale isÌýmade andÌýyou’re notified
- You verify that payment was received
- The delivery person heads off with theÌýorder
IfÌýyou use ºÚÁÏÃÅ, you’ll have access toÌýaÌýdashboard with functions like marking anÌýorder asÌýdelivered andÌýinsights about your sales. You can also provide customers aÌýdelivery timeline andÌýdownload your orders asÌýaÌýspreadsheet forÌýcustomized record keeping.
How toÌýGet theÌýMost out ofÌýEcommerce forÌýLocal Bakery Delivery
AsÌýyour local delivery system gets upÌýandÌýrunning, it’s important toÌýhave operating strategies ready soÌýyou get theÌýmost out ofÌýyour new venture. Here are two important things toÌýthink about:
You got your first online delivery order! SoÌýhow’s itÌýgetting toÌýtheÌýcustomer? Having aÌýdelivery plan from theÌývery beginning isÌýsuper important. ToÌýget your plan started, consider these questions:
- Will IÌýneed toÌýhire aÌýnew employee forÌýdelivery orders?
- How will theÌýdelivery person get around? (Car, bike, etc.)
- How far will myÌýbakery deliver?
Local delivery has theÌýpotential toÌýbeÌýaÌývaluable part ofÌýyour business, but only ifÌýpeople know about it. While theÌýbest marketing efforts will beÌýunique toÌýyour bakery, these proven strategies may help:
In-store ads: Tell your regulars about your new service.- Online ads: IfÌýyou use ºÚÁÏÃÅ, you can launch Google adÌýcampaigns right from your dashboard.
- Social media promos: Take full advantage ofÌýtheÌýinternet with Instagram, Facebook, andÌýSnapchat advertising.Ìý
Time toÌýGet Selling
Now that you’ve got some insight into ecommerce forÌýlocal bakery delivery, it’s time toÌýstart selling. Between theÌýboom inÌýonline shopping andÌýtheÌýgrowing demand forÌýdelivery services, there’s really never been aÌýbetter time.
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