New ºÚÁÏÃÅ Features: Selling Online with Local Delivery Made Easy

Local businesses, weÌýhave some great news forÌýyou!

Long gone are theÌýdays ofÌýmanually managing local delivery areas. Just added, new options forÌýaÌýbetter delivery setup inÌýyour store:

Read onÌýtoÌýfind out how e-commerce delivery works ²¹²Ô»åÌýtheÌýadded convenience forÌýyour local business with ºÚÁÏÃÅ E-commerce.

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What Does Local Delivery Mean?

IfÌýyou’re just starting your business, you may wonder: what isÌýtheÌýdifference between shipping ²¹²Ô»åÌýdelivery? When you ship orders, you use postal orÌýcourier services toÌýtransport your products toÌýcustomers inÌýanother city, state orÌýcountry. Delivery refers toÌýfulfilling orders inÌýtheÌýsame area where your business isÌýlocated (usually, theÌýsame town orÌýcity). You can deliver orders yourself orÌýuse local courier services.

Now that you know what delivery means, let’s look atÌýtheÌýdifferences. Accepting ²¹²Ô»åÌýfulfilling orders forÌýlocal businesses isn’t theÌýsame asÌýwhen you sell nationally orÌýglobally.

Menu Master Meats lists delivery areas onÌýtheir website

Let’s talk about what isÌýaÌýlocal delivery restriction. Say, your fav pizza place only delivers inÌýaÌýthree block radius. AÌýgrocery store might not deliver onÌýweekends. OrÌýtheÌýflower shop that only delivers orders over $30ÌýtoÌýkeep itÌýcost-effective.

AsÌýyou can see from theÌýexample above, delivery options forÌýlocal businesses may depend onÌýtheÌýstore’s location, business hours, ²¹²Ô»åÌýorder subtotal. You need tools toÌýmeet each ofÌýthose needs, leave itÌýtoÌýºÚÁÏÃÅ forÌýdelivery (no pun intended):

Setting upÌýLocal Delivery forÌýOnline Orders with ºÚÁÏÃÅ

Ready toÌýtry theÌýmost convenient local delivery setup? Prepare toÌýbeÌýamazed atÌýhow easy itÌýis: theÌýwhole process won’t take more than five minutes, you’ll beÌýdelivery machine inÌýnoÌýtime.

Draw delivery area onÌýmap

Use theÌýsimple map drawing tool toÌýset delivery boundaries inÌýyour city. You can limit your delivery zones byÌýanyÌýarea you wantÌý— city, aÌýstreet, orÌýeven aÌýbuilding. All using aÌýsimple drawing tool:

Find your store onÌýtheÌýmap ²¹²Ô»åÌýadjust theÌýgreen zone around itÌýasÌýyou want. You can even move theÌýwhole area ifÌýneeded.

You can also check toÌýsee theÌýfarthest point ofÌýyour delivery zone, this will help calculate theÌýaverage delivery time. ToÌýsee how far you deliver, right-click ´Ç²ÔÌý³Ù³ó±ðÌý³ú´Ç²Ô±ð.

Current delivery method will work only forÌýtheÌýaddresses within this zone. Customers will beÌýnotified atÌýcheckout ifÌýthey enter theÌýaddress outside ofÌýtheÌýdelivery zone:

This map drawing tool isÌýtheÌýeasiest way toÌýset upÌýdelivery zones among all e-commerce platforms. You don’t need toÌýinstall plugins, orÌýwork with Google Maps API. Everything isÌýalready set up, all you have toÌýdoÌýisÌýtoÌýdraw aÌýmap with click ²¹²Ô»åÌýdrag.

Set upÌýdelivery hours

Usually local businesses don’t deliver 24/7, asÌýtheir processes are limited byÌýbusiness hours ²¹²Ô»åÌýsometimes days ofÌýweek. ToÌýlet customers know when you can deliver their orders, specify limitations when setting upÌýdelivery inÌýyour ºÚÁÏÃÅ store.

For example, you deliver orders Wednesday-Saturday, from 9am toÌý3Ìýpm. Limit your delivery byÌýbusiness hours ²¹²Ô»åÌýdays:

IfÌýcustomers place anÌýorder outside operating hours, they won’t beÌýable toÌýchoose this delivery option atÌýcheckout. They’ll see aÌýnotice telling them when this option will beÌýavailable again.

Set upÌýthreshold forÌýdelivery

Delivering lots ofÌýsmall orders can beÌýaÌýstrain onÌýsellers’ resources. ToÌýprevent that, you can limit delivery byÌýorder subtotal. For instance, you only want toÌýdeliver onÌýorders $20ÌýorÌýmore. When setting upÌýyour delivery method, specify aÌýminimum order subtotal atÌýwhich this option becomes available atÌýcheckout.

IfÌýaÌýcustomer places anÌýorder that isÌýbelow theÌýminimum subtotal ²¹²Ô»åÌýproceeds toÌýcheckout, they’ll beÌýnotified toÌýadd more items toÌýtheÌýcart. When theÌýrequired total isÌýreached, now they can choose theÌýdelivery option atÌýcheckout.

Did you know that your delivery terms can beÌýaÌýleverage toÌýpromote your store? Try placing your delivery threshold onÌýyour store home page orÌýproduct pages, (say “orders forÌý$50ÌýorÌýmore ²¹²Ô»åÌýget free delivery”) ²¹²Ô»åÌýsee how customers add more toÌýtheir cartsÌý— because everyone loves free delivery.

IfÌýyou offer free delivery, don’t hesitate toÌýgive that aÌýnice shout out. One way isÌýtoÌýadd anÌýeye-catchy banner onÌýyour storefront.

You can toÌýyour store front page orÌýaÌýcategory description. Or, use aÌýpopup banner orÌýaÌýpromo bar toÌýattract more attention. You can doÌýthat with theÌýhelp ofÌýtheÌýPromo Bar ²¹²Ô»åÌýEasy Popup apps from theÌýºÚÁÏÃÅ App Market.

How DoÌýIÌýSet upÌýLocal Delivery inÌýºÚÁÏÃÅ?

Now you’re probably wondering: so, how doÌýIÌýadd local delivery toÌýmyÌýºÚÁÏÃÅ store? Let’s get down toÌýit.

Here’s how toÌýset upÌýdelivery zones asÌýwell asÌýlimitations forÌýorder subtotal ²¹²Ô»åÌýoperating hours inÌýyour ºÚÁÏÃÅ store:

  1. GoÌýtoÌýShipping &ÌýPickup inÌýyour Control Panel.
  2. Click “+Add Shipping.”
  3. Click “Set UpÌýLocal Delivery.”
  4. Choose which rates you want toÌýset upÌý– flat rate, custom, orÌýfree delivery.
  5. Enter theÌýname forÌýthis delivery option ²¹²Ô»åÌýaÌýdescription forÌýcustomers. IfÌýyou chose flat rate orÌýcustom rate delivery, set upÌýyour rates.
  6. IfÌýneeded, click “Limit availability toÌýoperating hours” toÌýmake this delivery option available toÌýcustomers only onÌýcertain days ofÌýweek orÌýbusiness hours.
  7. IfÌýneeded, click “Limit availability byÌýorder subtotal” toÌýspecify theÌýminimum order subtotal atÌýwhich this delivery option becomes active atÌýcheckout.
  8. Scroll toÌý“Set delivery zone” ²¹²Ô»åÌýchoose “Zone onÌýmap”. Click “Create zone.”
  9. Click ²¹²Ô»åÌýdrag theÌýcircles toÌýdraw aÌýdelivery zone toÌýlimit where you deliver to:

IfÌýyou need toÌýexclude some addresses from theÌýdelivery zone, draw several zones ²¹²Ô»åÌýarrange them onÌýtheÌýmap:

You can also delete theÌýzones onÌýtheÌýmap ifÌýneeded.

  1. Click “Save &ÌýFinish”. You’ll return toÌýtheÌýpage with delivery setup.
  2. Check ifÌýyou filled inÌýall theÌýfields ²¹²Ô»åÌýclick “Save &ÌýFinish”.

IfÌýyou want toÌýset upÌýseveral delivery zones that have different costs, create several delivery methods with different zones ²¹²Ô»åÌýcosts. Don’t forget toÌýspecify theÌýareas inÌýtheÌýname ofÌýtheÌýdelivery method:

Start Selling Online With Local Delivery

With theÌýtools atÌýyour disposal, you can quickly implement ²¹²Ô»åÌýmanage local delivery forÌýyour business. Try limiting your delivery zone with our brand new map drawing tool ²¹²Ô»åÌýyou’ll beÌýimpressed how handy itÌýis.

Want toÌýknow more about e-commerce local delivery? WeÌýhave some resources forÌýyou: start with this blog post onÌýcurbside pickup ²¹²Ô»åÌýlocal delivery orÌýlearn about in-store pickup options.


About The Author
Matt is a product manager at ºÚÁÏÃÅ. He works with the ºÚÁÏÃÅ dev team and helps them shipping the right features for ºÚÁÏÃÅ merchants. Outside of work, Matt likes travelling and climbing the mountains.

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