According toÌýstatistical projections, theÌýonline food delivery service market isÌý. SoÌýtheÌýquestion onÌýeveryone’s mind is: isÌýthis theÌýright time forÌýmyÌýrestaurant toÌýstart aÌýlocal food delivery service?
Our answer: yes!
AÌýfood delivery service will open your restaurant toÌýlots ofÌýcustomers looking forÌýaÌýnew place toÌýgrab aÌýbite. AtÌýleast, when theÌýdelivery service isÌýproperly managed.
One big effect ofÌý
Step One: Research theÌýMarket
You need toÌýresearch theÌýmarket toÌýunderstand theÌýdynamics ofÌýtheÌýfood delivery service industry andÌýtoÌýfigure out theÌýmost suitable entry point forÌýyour restaurant orÌýfood business. Below are some key aspects ofÌýtheÌýfield you should research:
Analyze your competitors
Analyze andÌýcompare your emerging business with your competitors toÌýknow your strengths andÌýweaknesses, andÌýassess potential opportunities. For example, you should study your competitors’ pricing patterns, online menus, andÌýmarketing strategies. Incorporate what you find into your business plan toÌýposition your business favorably against theirs.
Choose theÌýright partners
Depending onÌýyour location, you might need orÌýwant toÌýpartner with
Get toÌýknow theÌýmarket Gaps
Depending onÌýyour location, you might find out that there isÌýaÌýmarket gap. For example, with proper research, you can learn theÌýnumber ofÌýrestaurants that deliver toÌýaÌýparticular location, andÌýtheÌýmenu options they offer. Are you theÌýonly vegan restaurant within aÌý
Step Two: Define Your Target Audience
Your restaurant already has anÌýaudience…your regular customers. However, your food delivery service isÌýaÌýdifferent entity entirely. SoÌýlook into theÌýways inÌýwhich this new target audience might beÌýsimilar orÌýdifferent toÌýtheÌýone you already have.
Defining your audience should beÌýrelatively simple since you already know your brand andÌýyou have anÌýexisting relationship with it. However, itÌýshould also beÌýbased onÌýresearch conducted according toÌýstep one.
When defining your target audience, you should take note ofÌýtheÌýfollowing:
- Make sure that theÌýlocation you are aiming toÌýserve has enough potential customers.
- Aim forÌýaÌýlocation with working families, college students, hostelers, andÌýmillennials.
- The demographics you are working with will also determine your delivery menu. For example, most families will like healthy food options; students will like fast food that isn’t expensive, while
working-class people will fancy something hearty that can hold them over during working hours. Take note ofÌýthat when making your business plan.
Step Three: Determine Your Budget
The budget forÌýstarting upÌýaÌýrestaurant delivery service isÌýnormally between $3,000ÌýandÌý$25,000. Make sure that your investment andÌýresearch support such aÌýhuge figure. Below are theÌýmajor expenses that you should beÌýincluding inÌýyour food delivery service budget.
Website development expenses
Taking orders via text (either phone texts orÌýchatting apps) orÌýcalls isÌýideal forÌýreceiving orders when you just started aÌýlocal food delivery service. However, ifÌýyou have aÌýwide customer outreach, you should have aÌýwebsite.
You can build aÌýwebsite yourself ifÌýyou cannot afford theÌýprofessional fee. However, forÌýbetter website creation, you should hire aÌýprofessional.
Logistics isÌýtheÌýmost important part ofÌýfood delivery services. However, theÌýprice tag forÌýsetting upÌýaÌýworking delivery system depends onÌýyour customer outreach andÌýyour location. IfÌýyour restaurant has aÌývehicle, delivery becomes aÌýlittle bit easier, asÌýyou can save inÌýterms ofÌýtheÌýcommission you pay toÌýthird parties. However, inÌýtheÌýabsence ofÌýaÌýworking vehicle that you can designate forÌýdeliveries, you should hire aÌýdelivery service inÌýyour location.
Marketing expenditure
Marketing expenditure isÌýanother thing you must have aÌýbudget forÌýwhen writing your business plan. You can promote your food delivery service byÌýusing email marketing, social media marketing, pamphlets, hoardings, orÌýparticipation inÌýevents.
Step Four: Ensure You Have theÌýNecessary License
While your restaurant already has aÌýlicense, you cannot say theÌýsame forÌýyour delivery services. Depending onÌýtheÌýlocation, you might need toÌýcontact theÌýrequired office toÌýsee ifÌýyou need anyÌýadditional licenses forÌýfood delivery services. For restaurants inÌýtheÌýUnited States, you can visit theÌýU.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) forÌýinformation onÌýstate licenses andÌýpermits.
Step Five: Set UpÌýHow You Want toÌýBeÌýReceiving Orders
There are many suitable options forÌýreceiving orders. Popular methods include phone calls, text messages, social media, orÌýwebsites.
Each method has its advantages andÌýdisadvantages. For example, phone calls, texting, andÌýsending WhatsApp messages have aÌýlow cost when compared toÌýother channels. However, there might beÌýaÌý
Step Six: Market your Service
The last step isÌýtoÌýlet your customers know about your food delivery service. You can promote your business inÌýmany ways. For example, byÌýusing social media, aÌýwebsite, word ofÌýmouth, etc.
While marketing your food delivery service, inform your potential customers about things like theÌýdeal ofÌýtheÌýday, theÌýchef’s special, discounts, etc. This will further entice them, andÌýifÌýyour service isÌýquality enough, aÌýrecommendation (which isÌýaÌýpure organic promotion) follows.
The coronavirus pandemic has had aÌýlot ofÌýeffects onÌýtheÌýglobal economy, especially onÌýrestaurants. ToÌýkeep sales upÌýandÌýrestaurants open, many have looked towards offering their services toÌýaÌýwider audience. For restaurants, aÌýfood delivery service isÌýone ofÌýtheÌýeasiest ways toÌýmake that happen. But creating aÌýfunctional food delivery service from scratch can beÌýchallenging. We’ve highlighted aÌýfew steps onÌýhow toÌýstart aÌýlocal food delivery service here, which weÌýhope isÌýhelpful. Endeavor toÌýkeep these steps inÌýmind asÌýyou goÌýonÌýtoÌýmake something ofÌývalue toÌýyourself andÌýyour community.
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