Running anÌýonline store orÌýbusiness comes with aÌýlot ofÌýresponsibilities. One ofÌýtheÌýmain duties isÌýtoÌýensure that your website analytics are updated andÌýaccurate. Here isÌýwhere Google Analytics comes in. ItÌýhelps track website traffic, measure adÌýcampaign success, andÌýprovide meaningful insights.
However, asÌýaÌýbusy business owner, you might have missed theÌýbig news: Universal Analytics isÌýswitching toÌýGoogle Analytics 4.ÌýIfÌýyou forgot toÌýmake this change, don’t worry! This blog post isÌýhere toÌýhelp.
Why DoÌýBusinesses Need Google Analytics?
Before weÌýdive into specifics, weÌýshould explain why Google Analytics isÌýcrucial forÌýyour business. With Google Analytics, you can measure your website’s success andÌýshortcomings, study your audience, track your marketing performance, andÌýmake decisions based onÌýactual data.
You can gather information about audience behavior from
Simply put, Google Analytics help:
- Prevent you from wasting money onÌýpromotional campaigns that don’t work;
- Improve your customers’ shopping experience based onÌýdata, not anecdotal evidence;
- Run remarketing adÌýcampaigns, which let you set upÌýads toÌýtarget people who visited your store;
- And even more!
IfÌýyou still haven’t set upÌýGoogle Analytics forÌýyour ºÚÁÏÃÅ store, follow . The instructions help you set upÌýGoogle Analytics 4ÌýsoÌýyou’ll have theÌýnewest program set upÌýforÌýyour ºÚÁÏÃÅ store.
Why DoÌýYou Need toÌýMigrate toÌýG´¡Ìý4?
Universal Analytics isÌýtheÌýprevious generation ofÌýGA. AsÌýsuch, itÌýwill beÌýreplaced byÌýGoogle Analytics 4Ìýstarting July 1,Ìý2023. You’ll want toÌýmigrate toÌýG´¡Ìý4ÌýtoÌýstay
Google Analytics 4ÌýisÌýaÌýtremendous upgrade from Universal Analytics. ItÌýincludes new features designed toÌýhelp businesses understand their customers better. With this latest system, you can track user behavior andÌýconversions more effectively.
The newer G´¡Ìý4Ìýalso has more ofÌýaÌýfocus onÌýuser privacy, with anÌýemphasis onÌýdata controls forÌýusers. While respecting customer privacy, itÌýallows you toÌýcollect data from your website andÌýapps, both iOS andÌýAndroid.
Plus, Google’s machine learning model allows you toÌýestimate future user actions, such asÌýtheÌýlikelihood ofÌýsomeone making aÌýpurchase orÌýstopping their subscription. ItÌýcan help you predict future revenue!
Moreover, Google has announced that Google Analytics 4Ìýwould beÌý. So, it’s wise toÌýswitch toÌýGoogle Analytics 4Ìýbefore Universal Analytics isÌýphased out.
What Happens IfÌýYou Don’t Switch toÌýGoogle Analytics 4?
UpÌýtoÌýJuly 1,Ìý2023, you can utilize andÌýcollect new data using Universal Analytics. However, Universal Analytics will stop processing data onÌýJuly 1,Ìý2023. SoÌýifÌýyou want toÌýkeep upÌýwith your store andÌýadÌýperformance after that, switch toÌýGoogle Analytics 4.ÌýUnless you want toÌýditch GA… But why would you doÌýthat?
Also, beginning onÌýJuly 1,Ìýyou will only have six months toÌýretrieve your previously processed data from Universal Analytics. Export your historical reports within this period toÌýkeep theÌývaluable data.
How toÌýMigrate toÌýG´¡Ìý4?
Let’s remember theÌýmain Google Analytics terms before diving into all theÌýinstructions. It’ll help you with theÌýmigration process.
´¡Ìýproperty isÌýaÌýwebsite orÌýmobile application with aÌýunique tracking ID.
´¡ÌýGoogle tag isÌýaÌýtag you can add toÌýyour website toÌýuse Google products andÌýservices, such asÌýGoogle Analytics andÌýGoogle Ads. ItÌýhelps you measure theÌýeffectiveness ofÌýyour website andÌýads; forÌýexample, time spent onÌýpage, clicks, andÌýpurchases.
For simplified tag management, you can use aÌýfree tool, Google Tag Manager. IfÌýyou have anÌýºÚÁÏÃÅ store, you can easily connect Google Tag Manager toÌýyour Instant Site orÌýanother website using theÌý.
Goals measure how well your website fulfills your target objectives. Simply put, aÌýgoal isÌýanÌýactivity that, when completed, contributes toÌýtheÌýsuccess ofÌýyour business. For anÌýecommerce website, aÌýgoal isÌýusually making aÌýpurchase.
Here are theÌýdetailed . Plus, here’s aÌývideo ifÌýyou prefer video format:
Remember toÌýmigrate toÌýG´¡Ìý4Ìýthrough aÌýdesktop browser, not theÌýAnalytics mobile app. Also, try toÌýcomplete migrating inÌýone session toÌýminimize potential errors.
Wrap Up
Switching from Universal Analytics toÌýGoogle Analytics 4ÌýisÌývital, even ifÌýyou miss theÌýinitial migration period. You want toÌýcontinue analyzing your website traffic andÌýgaining insights about your online store. Though itÌýmay seem daunting, theÌýswitch will ultimately give you results that benefit both your business andÌýcustomers. Google Analytics 4ÌýisÌýtheÌýfuture ofÌýanalytics. It’s never too late toÌýjump aboard!
- Didn’t Migrate toÌýGoogle Analytics 4?ÌýHere IsÌýWhy You Need toÌýDoÌýThat Now
- Google Analytics 4Ìý(GA4) Basics forÌýEcommerce Businesses
- Google MyÌýBusiness 360: How ToÌýWin ´¡ÌýLocal Competition
- AnÌýEasy Way toÌýEarn More onÌýGoogle MyÌýBusiness
- How toÌýAdd Google Analytics toÌýYour Online Store
- What IsÌýGoogle Tag Manager
- How ToÌýUse Google Tag Manager
- What IsÌýGoogle Search Console
- How ToÌýSet UpÌýandÌýUse Google Search Console
- The Ultimate Guide toÌýGoogle Docs