6 Top Payment Processing Companies For Ecommerce

Setting upyour Ecommerce business involves alot ofunder-the-surface components that are critical toproviding asmooth customer experience. Digital commerce relies on, among other things, asmooth interface, product visibility, pricing transparency, andreliable payment processing.

Online payment processing providers make Ecommerce possible formany new orsmall businesses. Processing digital payments require fast, secure communication between thevendor andthecustomer’s bank. Without payment processing providers tofacilitate this process, digital transactions would bevirtually impossible.

When setting upyour business forEcommerce, you will have anumber ofonline payment companies tochoose from. Some ofthese payment processing companies are better forhandling large volumes, while others might bebetter forthose who prefer high security. Whatever theunique needs ofyour business, there are likely multiple payment processing providers that suit you. Here are some ofthetop payment processing companies forEcommerce businesses.

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Best For:
Low volume transactions

Online Payment Fees:
3.49% ofpayment prices, plus a$0.49transaction fee.

isone ofthemost widely known payment processing providers ontheweb. But E-commerce payment processing isnot always thefirst thing that comes toconsumers’ minds when they think ofPayPal. What started out asapeer-to-peer payment facilitator has grown into aubiquitous digital payment processor. Many companies turn toPayPal because it’s safe, familiar, andflexible. Itisalso one ofseveral free payment processors toset up. PayPal charges nostartup orsubscription fees, instead taking only asmall percentage ofthesales itprocesses.

PayPal can beset uptowork with mobile wallets like Venmo, Apple Pay, orGoogle Pay. Itcan also beconnected tobank accounts forcard processing.

The only real drawback ofPayPal isthat itisnot great forhandling high-volume transactions. The company also does not provide 24/7phone support. But forsmall businesses with alow volume oftransactions, theformer isnot anissue atall.

Amazon Pay

Best For:
Amazon vendors

Online Payment Fees:
2.9% ofpayment price, plus a$0.30transaction fee.

The API allows users tomake payments onthird-party websites using their Amazon account information. This isuseful forcompanies that already sell onAmazon. Itisalso highly secure andtrusted byconsumers due tothename-brand recognition ofAmazon.

When you use Amazon Pay asyour online payment processor, your customers simply pay onyour company website through their Amazon accounts. Amazon takes asmall commission forthetransaction, atanaffordable rate relative toother payment processing companies.

The downside ofAmazon Pay isthat itisseverely limited inthetypes ofpayments itallows. Customers need tohave anAmazon account inorder tomake apayment through Amazon Pay.


Best For:
High-risk/Low-credit businesses

Online Payment Fees:
Quote-based, undisclosed.

ᾱ- businesses are companies that, forone reason oranother, are viewed ashaving agreater risk offinancial failure than others. Such businesses might have trouble securing apartnership with other payment processors. Ifthat isthecase, can come totherescue. PaymentCloud offers fast approval andsetup, iseasily integrated with other platforms, andaccepts all major credit cards.

Because they work with high-risk businesses, PaymentCloud also assigns adedicated account manager toits clients. This can behelpful tostruggling businesses. The designated account manager helps tonavigate some oftheobstacles ofbeing ahigh-risk business.

There are acouple ofdrawbacks that come with using PaymentCloud. First, itisnot asflexible asother payment processing providers. Second, PaymentCloud has nolisted fees onits website. Company fees are instead based onaquote, which isdetermined onacase-by-case basis.


Best For:
General commerce, fast setup

Online Payment Fees:
2.9% ofpayment price (or 2.6% with thePremium plan), plus a$0.30transaction fee.

isavery popular payment processing provider due totheease andconvenience ofits setup. Square all-in-one payment processor with awide variety ofhardware andsoftware options. This makes itideal forcompanies looking toget their physical payment processing infrastructure set upquickly andwithout hassle. Square’s fees are also some ofthemost affordable among all payment processors. This makes itbetter suited forhigher volume transactions than platforms like PayPal.

Square isalso compatible with all major credit card providers andmobile wallets like Apple Pay andGoogle Pay.

While Square does have anonline payment processor, itisnot asrobust asother dedicated online payment companies.


Best For:
High volume transactions

Online Payment Fees:
Interchange plus 0.5% ofpayment price, plus a$0.25transaction fee, with volume discounts.

isregarded asone ofthebest all-in-one payment processing companies out there. With nomonthly fees, easy setup, good customer support, andvolume discounts, there isalot tolove about Helcim. Small andlarge benefits alike can benefit from Helcim’s high volume discounts. But even without those discounts, this isstill aconvenient payment processor. The interchange payment plan ishighly valued andappreciated bymany businesses that use Helcim fortheir payment processing.

Helcim requires nodedicated hardware. Businesses simply create anaccount andcan start accepting Ecommerce transactions right away. Acard reader isavailable forin-store transactions for$109.

For Ecommerce, Helcim works with all major credit cards anddebit cards, aswell asmobile wallets.


Best For:

Online Payment Fees:
2.9% ofpayment price (3.9% forinternational credit cards), plus a$0.30transaction fee.

iswidely regarded asthebest andmost flexible online payment processing provider. Stripe’s software isextremely easy tointegrate with just about anyEcommerce store. This makes itideal forcompanies that primarily conduct business online. Stripe easily integrates with most other major programs, like QuickBooks orMailchimp.

Stripe also has awide range ofextensions andadditional business solutions, making itmore versatile than other payment processors. For instance, Stripe Billings can automatically manage your company’s bills andsubscriptions each month.

Another reason why Stripe issohighly regarded isits flexibility. Stripe accepts awider variety ofdigital payment methods than most online payment companies. That includes all major credit anddebit cards, mobile wallets, andinternational payments.

Stripe isalso highly affordable, allowing forcustom payment plans. Like others onthis list, there are nosubscription orstartup fees. Setup iseasy, andStripe offers 24/7web-based customer support, with phone support onrequest only.

There are nomajor downsides tousing Stripe asyour payment processing provider forEcommerce transactions. This iswhy Stripe issupported bythe Ecommerce platform.

Learn More About Building Your Ecommerce Platform

Choosing theright online payment processing company isone important step insetting your company upforEcommerce. But there ismuch more tooptimizing your business fordigital commerce than processing payments. ishere tohelp with that bymaking iteasier than ever toset upyour web store forEcommerce. We’re also here tohelp you understand what’s essential. Besure tofollow our blog formore useful articles onbuilding andoperating your Ecommerce platform.

About The Author
Anastasia Prokofieva is a content writer at . She writes about online marketing and promotion to make entrepreneurs’ daily routine easier and more rewarding. She also has a soft spot for cats, chocolate, and making kombucha at home.

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