What is Product Testing: Benefits and Types

Designing andÌýbringing aÌýnew product toÌýmarket can beÌýaÌýdaunting task. From initial design toÌýfinal renders toÌýcreating theÌýproduct, theÌýlist ofÌýsubtasks can feel endless. However, once you have aÌýproduct created andÌýinÌýyour hands, it’s time forÌýone ofÌýtheÌýmost important parts ofÌýtheÌýprocess: product testing.

Think ofÌýproduct testing asÌýdetermining theÌýproduct’s viability inÌýtheÌýmarket. ItÌýhelps toÌýdetermine whether theÌýproduct isÌýtruly complete andÌýready toÌýdeliver toÌýcustomers. Not toÌýmention, itÌýdetermines whether orÌýnot theÌýproduct isÌýofÌýhigh enough quality toÌýsatisfy customers.

Let’s take aÌýcloser look atÌýproduct testing!

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The Importance ofÌýaÌýTest Product: What isÌýProduct Testing?

Before jumping right in, let’s clarify what product testing is.

Essentially, aÌýtest product isÌýaÌýproduct that isÌýsent toÌýusers toÌýachieve data andÌýevaluation ofÌýits concepts, features, andÌýfunctionality.

The idea isÌýtoÌýfind out what potential customers think ofÌýtheÌýproduct, how they use itÌýorÌýreact toÌýit, orÌýhow itÌýcould beÌýimproved.

Why Product Tests Are Vital

Unfortunately, many brands tend toÌýforego product tests because itÌýresults inÌýaÌýlonger runway before launch orÌýthey worry about theÌýadditional costs ofÌýtesting.

However, consumer product testing isÌýextremely important forÌýtheÌýsuccessful launch ofÌýanyÌýproduct. This isÌýbecause itÌýhelps determine theÌýfollowing:

Let’s take aÌýdetailed look atÌýeach ofÌýthese factors below.

Identify Issues

The last thing anyÌýbusiness wants isÌýforÌýaÌýproduct toÌýlaunch with aÌýslew ofÌýissues that they don’t realize until it’s already inÌýpeople’s hands. Product testing can beÌýincredibly beneficial inÌýhelping locate andÌýisolate these issues. That way, they can beÌýfixed before theÌýproduct ever officially launches.

Find New Uses forÌýtheÌýProduct

InÌýsome cases, product testing can help discover new orÌýunique ways people use theÌýproduct. ItÌýmay beÌýthat theÌýaudience tends toÌýprefer aÌýcertain feature orÌýfind itÌýuseful inÌýaÌýscenario outside its other uses. Businesses can capitalize onÌýthis byÌýimproving upon these uses orÌýimplementing itÌýinto their marketing campaigns.

Align with Regulations

Product testing isÌýalso anÌýexcellent way toÌýensure theÌýproduct aligns with all necessary safety regulations andÌýindustry compliance. Product testers may beÌýable toÌýlocate key design flaws that can save theÌýbusiness from lawsuits orÌýother difficulties.

Save onÌýCosts

AsÌýmentioned above, some businesses will forego testing toÌýsave money, but this can cost more inÌýtheÌýlong run. Testing can help eliminate defects, repairs, returns, andÌýwarranty fulfillment costs.

Product Improvement

Product reviews can help essentially stress test theÌýproduct toÌýfind areas where itÌýlacks orÌýfails. This offers key insights into improvements that can beÌýmade onÌýtheÌýfinal iteration.

Development ofÌýNew Products

Product testing can deliver key insights into aÌýconsumer’s mind. They may discuss certain things they wish they had aÌýproduct forÌýorÌýaÌýfunction they desire inÌýtheÌýproduct they are evaluating. This can lead toÌýincredible market opportunities.

Types ofÌýConsumer Product Testing

Now, let’s take aÌýlook atÌýsome ofÌýtheÌýtypes ofÌýproduct testing companies can use.


QAÌý(quality assurance) testing isÌýgenerally held inÌýaÌýproduction orÌýstaged environment. This isÌýwhere theÌýproduct features andÌýfunctionality can beÌýfully tested.

AÌýtesting team can put theÌýproduct through aÌýrange ofÌýscenarios orÌýevents that mimic aÌýcustomer’s actual experience. QAÌýtesting helps toÌýensure theÌýproduct isÌýfunctioning asÌýitÌýshould but can also help toÌýidentify issues orÌýfailures before reaching theÌýpublic.

Concept Testing

Concept testing isÌýtheÌýearliest type ofÌýproduct testing andÌýisÌýpart ofÌýmarket research. ItÌýinvolves testing theÌýinitial product concept forÌýviability andÌýfeasibility, asÌýwell asÌýseeing how itÌýmay doÌýinÌýtheÌýactual market. This type ofÌýtesting may involve prototypes, wireframes, orÌýsome other example orÌýrendition ofÌýtheÌýproduct.

The goal ofÌýconcept testing isÌýtoÌýdetermine what theÌýnext stage ofÌýproduct development will be. Meaning, itÌýwill clarify ifÌýtheÌýproduct needs toÌýbeÌýimproved, adjusted, orÌýeven scrapped inÌýsome cases.

A/B Testing

A/B testing involves splitting theÌýuser testers into two different groups with each getting aÌýdifferent type orÌýversion ofÌýtheÌýproduct. Ideally, A/B testing shouldn’t beÌýaÌýcompletely different product toÌýwhere they are virtually unidentifiable from each other. Rather, smaller variables should beÌýchanged asÌýthis helps toÌýnarrow down what features orÌýversions performed better.

Multivariate Testing

Multivariate testing isÌýbased onÌýtheÌýsame premise asÌýA/B testing, but more widespread andÌýinvolved. AsÌýtheÌýname implies, multivariate testing involves theÌýalteration ofÌýmultiple variables ofÌýtheÌýproduct andÌýthen A/B testing them. This type ofÌýtesting can help determine which groupings ofÌýfeatures orÌýdesigns are most appealing.

Market Testing

Market testing isÌýtheÌýfirst step inÌýintroducing theÌýproduct toÌýtheÌýactual market toÌýevaluate performance. The product isÌýonly sent toÌýaÌýsmall portion ofÌýtheÌýmarket toÌýgather data forÌýevaluation.

The actual test can vary depending onÌýtheÌýdemographics that aÌýbusiness wants toÌýtest. They could send itÌýtoÌýaÌýcertain geographical area orÌýage demographic, such asÌý18-45. This can help toÌýforecast performance, interest, andÌýmarketing strategies.

User Testing

User testing occurs after theÌýproduct has already been designed, manufactured, andÌýreleased. The purpose ofÌýthis type ofÌýtesting isÌýtoÌýgauge how customers use andÌýinteract with theÌýproduct inÌývarious ways. AÌýteam will collect andÌýevaluate data based onÌýtheÌýuser’s experience with theÌýproduct, which can help toÌýfurther develop orÌýimprove theÌýproduct.

What Type ofÌýTesting Should You Use?

All ofÌýtheÌýabove types ofÌýtesting are extremely valuable, andÌýtheÌýright choice depends onÌýtheÌýparticular stage ofÌýtheÌýproduct andÌýwhat data theÌýbusiness requires. Using multiple types ofÌýtesting throughout theÌýproduct development andÌýrelease process can help businesses create highly successful products that their customers love.

While theÌýtime spent onÌýproduct development needs toÌýbeÌýmonitored andÌýreined in, avoiding testing forÌýtime orÌýcost restraints can easily lead toÌýheadaches. Even once theÌýproduct isÌýout, simply hiring aÌýproduct reviewer team can provide valuable data toÌýimprove theÌýcurrent iteration.

Remember, you don’t know better than theÌýmarket does. AÌýbusiness can have all ofÌýtheÌýconfidence inÌýits product andÌýdesign, but atÌýtheÌýend ofÌýtheÌýday, theÌýuser determines whether theÌýproduct isÌývaluable enough toÌýpurchase. This isÌýwhy product testing isÌýanÌýinvaluable part ofÌýproduct development.

Don’t let your products fall flatÌý— get out there andÌýtest them!

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About The Author
Max has been working in the ecommerce industry for the last six years helping brands to establish and level-up content marketing and SEO. Despite that, he has experience with entrepreneurship. He is a fiction writer in his free time.

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