In our discussion with Peter Jeffery of Codisto, we unveil
Codisto synchs the product catalog with every Amazon instance worldwide (US, Canada, Mexico, EU, UK, ԻAustralia) Իallows great flexibility to adjust pricing across these channels.
We discuss who should sell on Amazon, how to create a successful listing, launch a product Իclimb the rankings, advertising, FBA Իmuch more.
This is a more technical podcast so feel free to listen again if you miss some details, but ignore Amazon at your own risk!
Jesse: Hey, Richard! How is it going today?
Richard: It’s going good, I’m excited!
Jesse: Yeah, yeah, you know, this is an
Richard: It’s time!
Jesse: Yeah, so the
Richard: Oh man, it’s me specifically or wife? It’s going on daily!
Jesse: When last time you saw an Amazon box on your front step?
Richard: Almost daily.
Jesse: Yeah! I have a couple unopened boxes on my front step right now. So, overall, Amazon is about 50% of all
Richard: Yeah, Իone of those things, kind to your point there is, when you say the word
Jesse: Yeah, they know what Amazon is, everybody knows that.
Richard: Yeah, Իso you want, this is kind of our philosophy, at least definitely mine, you want to have some sort of a presence on Amazon, because they have their known, like, Իtrust, they have all those credit cards on file, they have, you know, free delivery, blah blah blah. So, you want that, but you know, we’re talking specifically to people who use also, Իwill be covering some interesting areas on how we can kind of flow with both, how you utilize the know Իtrust of Amazon, but you also want to be able to drive them back and/or utilize your own platform, because they change an algorithm over there, they change something that could change your whole business. So, I’m excited, let’s get it started.
Jesse: Yeah Իthis is sort of a this is a note to the beginning entrepreneurs out there. If you’re pretty new on
Peter: I’m very well, thanks. How are you all doing?
Jesse: We’re awesome, awesome! So, Peter is the marketing manager of Codisto. Codisto is ’s connection to Amazon ԻeBay globally. So, Peter, you’re the expert here today, so I hope you are ready to shed some light for our guests out there. So, let’s start in the beginning — who should be selling on Amazon?
Peter: Yep, it’s a good question. I suppose, when it comes to who should be selling on Amazon, we really need to look at as a seller, what kind of seller you are from the Amazon contacts, because it is quite a big split, you’ve got retailers, which is sort of anyone who might be selling more established products, someone else’s products, so, I say, for example, if you’re selling Nike shoes, or you’re selling Legos. If you’re then going to introduce your sort of retail operation to Amazon, it’s going to be a very competitive environment, it is going to be a hundred other people that selling that same shoe that you’re selling from Nike. So, the considerations, I guess, become basically on pricing Իshipping Իreally, it’s just a race to the bottom there. So, what else, there is a sort of an opportunity that exists there — the biggest opportunities for people that have their own sort of branded products, their own unique branded things, for example, if I would, you know, a shop selling skincare, it’s a brand skin care, was my own unique manufactured product, then Amazon can be a really great place to start distributing that. And the difference between a seller like that Իsomeone that small retailing other people’s products are that brand seller, they have that control over the content, the imaging and, I suppose, instead of competing on price, what you looking to is get your product to be the most sold, the most visible on the marketplace, on the retail side, because of the shared listing format on Amazon it gets very competitive against others. I suppose, when it comes to people that shouldn’t be selling on Amazon, again, those people in most competitive sort of areas, the retail Իother branded product, but also there are a lot of banned categories: alcohol, weapons, things like that, that are not gonna be suitable for selling on Amazon.
Richard: Got it. Is there ever a time where I, because I completely understand that selling of a Nike, you don’t control the margin, you don’t control the brand, so you’re definitely competing on price. There’s a quick you don’t have to go super deep on this. Is there ever a time that you’ve seen where, including that as one of your skus, like, I’ll just make up a situation with this. You sell shoes, Իyou have your own branded shoes, but you carry a couple other brands, like specific Nike skew, that’s a hiking boot that, you know, maybe attracts somebody via that. Is there any time that could help elevate your store or, if you’re not selling enough of that brand, is that just?
Peter: Yeah, to an extent. I suppose, the biggest successful people are selling other products than competing with sellers on Amazon for the same, I seem would be, I guess, that more sort of uniqueness widely distributed kinds of products. So, if you are sort of a niche, maybe, you know, fishing supplies, Իfirst of all it might be a bit less competitive, but also if you’re able to supply some of those more unique, more niche kind of products within that space, than through bundling Իthrough your sort of Amazon store it could be a good in for someone. For example, they come alone, they looking for a particular fishing rod Իthey find it, they might be more inclined to look around your Amazon storefront Իsay: What you have on offer through Amazon? Because it’s a bit more niche, where is if you’re looking inside, that Nike shoe example: someone in the loveless likely to find that Nike shoe on Amazon Իthen decide themselves I wonder what other shoes this seller is selling, because it’s such a wide market, so easily available.
Richard: Yeah, it make sense.
Jesse: Cool! So, focusing on the people that have their own product. They created the product, they listed themselves, what can they do to get more visibility inside of Amazon?
Peter: Yeah, well, lots of things, really. As a brand seller, I guess the biggest difference is that you have control of your listing, Իcontrol of configuring it, Իthe content it’s, you know, Իso the strategy really is to make sure that listing is the best possible representation of your product Իyour business. And then, on the flip side of that, there are long listing considerations Իranking factors which are basically used to get the most visibility possible for your product. So these, everything from the sort of picking the right images to include the right keywords in your title Ի
Richard: So, Peter, I was going to ask you one of the things, that definitely we got to let the audience know here is that, not only are you
Peter: Yeah.
Richard: So, do customers have to change, like, say, someone, is listening to this: Wow, I like this, I have more sales, I’d like to try Amazon, I’d like to look at that integration, will run him through exactly how to do that later at least, point in the right direction. But, do they have to change anything or does it pull over the descriptions, Իpricing, Իeverything from your store?
Peter: So, good question, so, say If you got a large catalog of products, you know, maybe a few thousand skews, will automatically take all that catalog information Իreformat it Իuse it to create the Amazon listings Իnow be live ready to go Իit would make sales. From there, as I mentioned, there is a different set of factors, maybe an online store in terms of what makes a good listing Իwhat makes an optimized listing. Some of those come down to things, like title description, so your description, you pull up things like that come out of you store through a basic integration without product, we’ll just take the title Իuse it to create an Amazon title but we do have some features, based around creating rules Իoperate it.
So, for example, an Amazon title, the kind of structure that, like, you should have your brand name, Իa product name, sizing, male, female, things like that from a, I suppose, optimization point of view though, you want to be how to include some of you keywords, you must add relevant keywords into the title Իstructure in the certain way the keys dominates to those at the front of the title for Amazon’s algorithm. Through that product you can do that with, like I said, to set a
Jesse: Sure. So, the good thing is that, so for anybody that’s been listening to the podcast, the previous episodes, it sounds a lot like our SEO podcast. There’s a lot of the same concepts and, if your product listed in is already optimized for the right keywords, you’re at a pretty good start for Amazon. So, Peter, what I’m hearing is that either there are extra tweaks that should be done inside of Amazon, whatever your keyword research for SEO is probably a good start, but there’s a lot more you can do for Amazon specifically.
Peter: Yeah exactly. And it’s interesting that you’ve mentioned SEO, it is a sort of area on Amazon that does exist for optimizing Իpart of your strategy, but a lot of people are overlooked, Իit is very important. And, I suppose, when it comes to Amazon SEO if you manage to master your online store for Google Իthe way I say it is that’s kind of the big legs. So, if you can find success through SEO on Google, then Amazon’s going to be a little more straightforward basically: there is a lot less, I guess, fields Իareas you need to worry about; basically, it’s your title Իyour, you got a set of search term fields. So, rather than traditional online store SEO environment you’ll be looking at putting keywords into your title tags, but also throughout the content of the page, Իyou’ll be looking in a backlinks Իthings like that, that’s none of the concerns with Amazon basically, you got your title Իyou have five fields in the
Jesse: So, it’s like the old days of SEO for people that have been doing online marketing for a while?
Peter: Exactly. Yeah, like, first of all, many keywords Իthings like that, is basically all it takes through the Amazon listing Իterms of it.
Jesse: Yeah. What’s a good tip for, I mean, there’s a lot of things you could do, but for title specifically, I’ve seen a lot of really long titles in Amazon, I have a hunch that’s all done for the game in the Amazon system, is there a, you know, a quick tip that we could pass along for the titles?
Peter: Yes, definitely, look, a lot of paper when it comes to creating their Amazon titles that are very focused on keywords is being your sort of number one biggest ranking factor Իlook at it I guess a performance ranking factor, but really it’s more of a relevance one.
So, it’s a sort of
Jesse: Got it. So, don’t go crazy with SEO Իmaking it look jamming keywords in there, make sure a human read this, Իsay I want to buy this.
Peter: I mean, you must put your most important keywords in there, but as soon as starts, while it getting heavily truncated in the search results or starts having a bit, like, a bit spammy, then you’ve got those search term fields in a
Richard: I was going to ask Ի
Peter: That definitely is reasoning that you need lots of sales, Իquick sales velocity. It is one of the more interesting areas of optimizing for Amazon, in the past they were paying for the services where are could give away your product for free in exchange for reviews Իthat was weighted quite heavily by the Amazon algorithms, so people would be out with, a sort of, give it out a hundred products basically for free or having discount. And then the next day their product would shoot up to the top of all of the search results because it’s the top selling for the last 24 hours.
But it’s sort of coming down a little bit on that Իthat most they’re all those
I always advise introducing your product, so not worrying margins about images at first, but introducing your product at a lower price, you can afford to sell it to get a quick sales velocity. Communicating through all of your channels, you know, so your social media, things like that. Studying with a good sponsored products, campaigns, so that Amazon’s, I guess, the equal of an AdWords or PPC, marketing platform, so you can basically, at first, you know, can be a the top positions of search results for products like yours, but you can pay to have that position in those early sales you get, whether it through a sponsored products or through, a sort of, advertising on your own Facebook page Իthings like that.
Those early sales start to build that your sales history Իyour sales velocity Իthat is one of the most important ranking factors. So, their lots of things, that going to Amazon’s decision about who to show, or who’s products to show for what keywords, but really it comes down to which of the best reviewed, Իwhich ones sell the most Իin turn Իmake the most money for Amazon. So, it is really important to get that early kind of sales velocity, but then in turn, you know, star ratings, your reviews, Իit is, I guess, a bit of a chicken Իan egg situation, because if you don’t have good reviews Իgood star rating, then you don’t can get many sales initially, if you don’t get those sales initially, then you are out of to get those reviews Իthat star rating, which basically makes steps of the first couple of weeks of selling in Amazon really just about focusing on, you know, dealing with customers as well, getting sales, but you can encouraging that feedback Իthat star rating. And from there you want to get as much that sales velocity as you can.
Richard: So, one thing you said they’re Peter kind of stood out to me
Peter: It’s a combination of everything Իeverything else, kind of, I guess, if you look at long listed things on Amazon, taking to account when they are deciding which product to show for a particular search. It’s a long list of considerations, all of which can kind of be tied back to the commercial sort of opportunity for Amazon, which makes sense when you think about it, but if, you know, a product selling at a lower price, for example, if I might be selling, will go back to my skincare example, you know, if a $50 skin care product is selling, one for every $10 one does, they will probably push a $10 one up higher, because it’s faster sales, they getting the FBI revenue, they get a more commission, Իit’s a more quickly, Իit’s more customers. So, I suppose it’s probably that basic velocity Իgenerally lower pricing is going to push you up higher ranking, anyway, which means, gives me an indication, in terms of, I guess, setting up their algorithms Amazon favors a sort of velocity in quick turnover over those large margin sort of products.
Jesse: Yeah, Peter, I’ve seen velocity mentioned a lot when I read about Amazon. So, you know, it does seem, like, you want to make a splash when you go on Amazon where, you know, don’t just list it Իhope you sell, you need to prime the pump a little bit, it is what I’ve read on that.
Peter: Yeah, definitely. And like I attached on, sort of, sponsored products is a great way to do that, you want to stamp those marking points going straight away, ԻI think a lot of paper, those stats, doing with sponsored products, you are marketing Իthey’ll be worrying about some of the margin they’re getting Իhow much returning they get on that investment straight away, but really at that point of bringing your products to Amazon for the first time, you’re not looking to make many straight away, you’re looking to, I guess, investing in those listings Իyou gotta start thinking about your product listings as, you know, an asset, because, if you’ve got a sales history, Իranking, Իstar ratings, Իgood reviews, Իthat is I said, that’s a distribution point of your product, Իyou need to invest in that initially to get it off the ground, which means running your sponsored products, get sales velocity Իmaybe doing it at a little loss, Իmaybe selling your product at a lower price, when you first get at Amazon to encourage higher levels of conversion rate Իmore sales. So, Amazon will ultimately recognise that this product sells.
Richard: Yeah, I could definitely see that especially if you take a loss on that, just say, product A, but product A leads to product B, Իproduct B is your
Peter: Yeah, it definitely that’s the kind of thing exactly. Especially with Amazon, I suppose, when you look at it, in relation to your online store, if you’re using Amazon complementary to your activity through your online store, then, I suppose, it’s more about getting the product into as many hands as possible, having that first positive customer experience, so that they come back through your online store, or so that they aware of your brand Իso when you’re, I guess, going for that sort of multichannel visibility play Իtrying to get your product into the social proof that Amazon provides Իthat visibility that they provide. Then those initial concerns are so much about margin, about getting those sales, starting the customer relationship Իover time that sort of grows not only your Amazon presence Իyour Amazon sales, but also your brand Իyour online store, Իso your customers become pretty good returning customers.
Jesse: So, all comes back to: you have to spend money to make money, once again.
Peter: Essentially is. Exactly.
Jesse: So, yeah, ԻI think, well I take from what you’re saying there’s there are a couple different points there but what I see in general is yo if you keep your price low Իyou spend money on Advertising you’re going to your going to prime the pump so you get a bunch of sales first you sure you’re not making a whole lot of money maybe you’re even losing money but that increases the velocity for Amazon, so now rather than having to pay your organic listings move up listing so if you’re not in a very competitive space, now when people type in Peter skin care now you show up in the second or third listing where before you had to pay for it, so you’re the priming the pump is probably a good there.
Peter: Exactly, yeah. I suppose if you’re looking at traditional sort of SEO ԻSEM paid search environment, no matter how much money you spend on Google AdWords, for example, sending traffic into your website, it’s not going to help your SEO positioning Իsort of directly. Where is on Amazon, it very much is, so, you know, sales Իtraffic becomes through Amazon sponsored product are treated exactly the same as once they come through organic channels Իso, if you start making sales through the pay channel, you will rise up the ranks organically, Իso, it then starts being a sort of, you know,
Richard: Peter, Richard again. Quick question here: so, we’re obviously covering an Amazon and, you know, the
Peter: Yeah, it’s a good question. I suppose, when it comes to Amazon, obviously the option is great, that going to be a really big
Richard: Yeah, I can imagine you could also, maybe a demonstration of how to use the product, how to assemble the product, YouTube video on your site, so you’re kind of get another search engine on your site, I could imagine that would be a good one as well.
Peter: Yeah, exactly in anywhere else, I guess, a search engine is a good thing to do when it comes as anyway, is to add value when you can. So, I guess, if you’re selling kitchen utensils, then things, like, cooking ebooks Իstuff like that, or user guides, or tutorials, you know, video tutorials on cleaning, those products can always be included in that always links back to your online presence, Իyou can definitely point your Amazon customers towards those assets that you provide, that’s a good step to creating that customer relationship of a time.
Jesse: Yeah, I recently bought a, it was a charging station for all the devices in my home, Իof course it has different cables for different things Իthey said that you know, just send us your email Իyour address Իwe’ll send you free cables, is just say if you want an iPhone X or whatever. And of course I did, it was free, but they now have my email Իmy address so, genius.
Peter: Yeah, exactly, that’s, I guess, a kind of a strategy, they’re looking for. And, I suppose, you know, I can go all those things to bridge the gap to get them, you know, into your email list Իbe able to market through them or to get them back to your store, but I think the biggest thing, when you’re looking at Amazon as a complementary sales channel, is not so much necessary, I think the choice of a place of getting extra sales, but also I guess it’s very prompt, it’s the visibility, we get there, so people showing behaviour now, is that they’ll find, they may find the product out of the online store ԻAmazon, but they will conduct further research, so if they’ll find on Amazon, they’ll going to the research to find out, are you a real brand, what’s your identity as a brand, they are looking to your Instagram, your Facebook, in your online store, conversely if they find your product through your online store, maybe your social pipes, they’ll want that social proof, Amazon can provide with reviews.
So, they might not buy on Amazon, but they’ll probably will go to have a look there, what other people have said about your product. So, I guess, is that visibility, being on multiple channels, the social proof that comes with that Իthe reviewing system Իlike with all channels, it’s that ongoing positive customer experiences will ultimately back to improving your brand. So, sales that you have on Amazon, you can include an inserts or you can encourage people to come back to your online store Իthat’s all great strategy, but the number one thing is really making sure that they have a good experience with the product Իa good experience with you in terms of customer service, if they do require the interaction, Իthat’s sort of a positive brand experience is always going to find back to your online store Իto your brand.
Richard: Yeah, Peter. I had something you were talking about there, ԻI want to keep it at that ten thousand foot level more or less, yes you can or no you can’t, because if you can, I’m sure there’s a lot to it, but in the remarketing piece right there that you were saying you don’t get their emails, so you can’t remarket to them I can’t believe I’ve never asked this question before but since we got the Amazon expert on, can you remarket to people in Amazon via Amazon?
Peter: Via Amazon no.
Richard: So if they’ve landed on your page before Իyou’re like: Hey, here’s me again…
Peter: No.
Richard: OK.
Peter: You can, there are few other options that kind of replace that, but mostly, most of the success on Amazon advertising is going to be that direct sort of PPC, if someone searches this keyword, then it’s going to show him an add, there are other forms of advertising but remarketing is not one of them.
Richard: Got it. So, back to your point: in Amazon’s eyes, the best way for them to show you again is to provide the best product, the best price, the best service, sell the most, get the best reviews, they’ll show you again?
Peter: Exactly, yeah. I suppose anyone is getting started there. I won’t to go through every ranking factor because that sort of education is widely available on the Internet, but if you are going to start selling on Amazon, you’re serious about it, Իwant to get your listings to be seen Իto be purchased, then definitely go through it. It’s really Amazon selling, I suppose, compared to maybe some other channels, it’s more of a checklist, then a considered strategy, Իif you go for it, make sure you’ve got optimized title, quality images, good descriptions, good star writings Իtick all those boxes, then you will have the successful product, basically, that’s simple.
Jesse: So, Peter, I personally have sold stuff on Amazon, ԻI can tell you from personal experience — it’s tough, the ads are tough, you know, people, nobody leaves reviews. So, I have a personal request, how do you get more reviews on Amazon? You know, nobody leaves reviews I don’t leave reviews either, so I’m not surprised. But I know they’re important, everyone says: You got to get reviews, you’ve got to get
Peter: It’s a good question, a tricky one. Like I alluded to before, there are those of the
For most of us is a sort of doing it the hard way ԻI guess it’s just come down to contacting the customers, you know, asking for those reviews, obviously I wouldn’t do in a spammy or demanding way, but if someone has bought the product of you, they are happy with it, there is nothing wrong with sending an email saying Look, we are glad you’ve enjoyed it, we hope you will leave us a review. You can’t ask for positive reviews, but you can ask for a review.
I guess, the other thing you can really do is, every part of your brand experience makes a customer want to champion your brand because that’s when they’re going to leave those reviews. Those kinds of thank you cards inside, interesting, creative sort of flyers just with your packaging,
Jesse: That doesn’t work, I’ve tried that, it didn’t work!
Peter: Yeah, yeah, I mean, even from right down to the basics of that sort of review request mail which you can send through the Amazon if you’re just saying: Hey, leave me a review., it’s not gonna get the kind of response than like: Hi, we happy that you enjoy the product, you can register for your warranty here, we’d love here any feedback, Իif you have some time, leave a review! So, leading with more positive Իmore value than just a simple review request.
Jesse: So, one more question specifically around this. Kind of the analogy, stick with the analogy of a restaurant right now. People, that’s one that people leave a lot of reviews on restaurants at Yelp up here I’m not sure if they use down there or not but.
Peter: Yeah ԻI do. It’s hard to be a restaurant, it’s a dangerous business (laughing).
Jesse: Exactly, but to that to that point, they kind of leave the review for the overall restaurant. So, in this metaphor, is there roll over if you get a lot of good reviews on one particular product, like, say one product you just notice, you tend to be able to get a lot of reviews on.
Does that help your whole store in general, because to the metaphor of the restaurant, your chicken might suck, but your steak might be unbelievably amazing. If you can get reviews on your state will it roll over to your other products Իbring the whole listing of your store up to?
Peter: I suppose scientifically the answer is unsure, but I guess Իinternally from experience, there is an element of that crossover, I suppose, on Amazon, there are two different rating systems. There’s a sort of seller rating which they will kind of moving away from, which is, you know, where you rate the interaction, terms of shipping, customer service, Իthe product rating which gets attached to a specific product listings.
So, if we take that scenario back, if you’re selling just Nike shoes, then that’s seller rating which comes from how that fulfillment process is banging, when you managing that time delivery, if your for filling Իthings like that, that becomes important in that particular competitive space where you’re looking at, I guess, what called a buy box, the add to cart button against twenty other sellers of the same product, when it comes to, you know, introducing your branded product, that product rating is always been hundred times more important. So, the star rating is attached to the specific listing of the product, that being said, in terms of, being a brand, so lots of products has a good seller rating Իis recognize by Amazon system as a supposed being established Ի
Jesse: Got it. And by the way to the listeners here, I bet you have no idea where Peter’s from, but Peter’s from Australia. Amazon’s fairly new in Australia, how long has Amazon been in Australia?
Peter: Probably about six months now. Late last year, so, just in time of the Christmas.
Jesse: And do you have your Amazon Prime membership?
Peter: No, it’s a been a bit of a phased roll out. So, Amazon Prime hasn’t launched yet, so they basically started with FBM only which it is Merchant Fulfilled. And then they’ve rolled out FBA recently so for that’s who don’t know that’s Fulfilled by Amazon which basically means sellers can send their products into an Amazon distribution center Իhave them fulfilled from there. Basically outsourcing that logistics from Amazon, so that’s only just beginning Իthen Prime’s next on the site so, it’s very much introducing things, so one at a time.
Jesse: Got it. So for listeners around the world outside of Australia, in order to get the Amazon Prime designation, I know there are a couple other ways you can do it, but the main way to do it is to do this Fulfillment by Amazon program, the FBA. Can you go into more detail on that, how to how do people set that up?
Peter: Yeah, it’s very simple. So, basically FBA, FBM — the split is, do Fulfil By Merchant is, I guess, your, listing your product for sale on Amazon, Իif it gets sold, Amazon takes the commision, Իyou deliver the product, you have to do with all of the logistics based customer service Իmake sure it gets to the product within Amazon’s service delivery timeframes, where is FBM is a different proposition all together, it’s basically you list the product for sale on Amazon, Իthen you raise a delivery order with Amazon, Իyou say: I’m sending a hundred units of this producing into your warehouse, Իit sits there until someone purchase it, when it happens Amazon picks, packs Իdelivers it for you. And they also deliver all the
Australia, for example. You could send a few hundred units of a product into the Australian FBA warehouse, Իthat’s, I suppose, in terms of the logistics the last that you have to worry about, Իfrom there you just concentrate on, getting your product listing Իdoing your marketing Իgetting your sales. And, I suppose, when it comes to ranking factors, Իbefore Amazon definitely gives a level of priority to products that sold through FBA, again because the doubling the revenue, not just commision on sale, but also they charge a fee to pick, pack Իdeliver the product for you. So, whether it’s retail the products competing on the same listing for the buy box, or whether it’s, your own branded product listing, trying to get more visibility on a search result page, both of those in a better position for the success if you are using FBA, it’s by no means a prerequisite, you can, if your ranking factor is an optimization tools Իplace, that you can still have a successful FBM or Fulfilled By Merchant listing, if you want leverage your existing logistics in for structure.
Richard: So I’m assuming since Amazon wants to sell everything to everybody, basically from A to Z, that secret smiley face that they’re done. Those of us who know that that’s part of their whole thing, right. They want to sell from A to Z. I’d imagine there’s no maximum what you could send them. But keep in mind that even though we have quite a few merchants on , that have in this, you know,
Peter: No minimum, no maximums, you do have doing where Իthe operate know, say, send five thousand units, Իyou are sending two a week, Amazon does charge, monthly fees for the storage, which kind of can be quite expensive if you’re just leaving things there, it’s not so much a storage, it definitely need to be
Jesse: Perfect. So, for a merchant that just wants to start with Amazon. For Fulfilled By Merchant means you list the product on Amazon, you sell it, you ship it, that’s pretty simple. But the next step is that if you want to send a certain amount of inventory to Amazon, now you’re in the FBA program which means you now get the Amazon Prime designation.
Peter: That’s yes, bringing back to you, yes. That’s how you get Amazon Prime product. So, any that are sold through FBA, you can get a merchant fulfilled prime now, which, even there’s a few hurdles to leap, but if you’re able to deliver offer the sort of delivery promise that Amazon does through there FBA, through your own logistic channels, then you can apply for a granded ability to have, what called Merchant Fulfilled Prime, so it is a prime from the customer point of view, a prime delivery, Իit’s value for the prime program, but the logistics Իshipping is handled by you, the merchant.
Jesse: Yep, you just need to do that two days though, so that’s a can be a tough hurdle. Yeah, so I think that’s super helpful for beginning merchants, yes you can get your feet wet/, but with FBA they move up the rankings, they take care of the shipping also has it kind of a tip to people that are doing this as a side hustle or don’t want to pack Իship anything. FBA can also be used to ship your own products, so you can ship products to Amazon Իthen, say, you sell something on your own store, you can log into the
Peter: And that’s called the FBA with
Jesse: Good deal. You know all the terms, Peter, I know the generality is but, you got the other terms, right. So, for merchants, there’s a lot of people that are already selling on Amazon. What do a sort of advantages they get in using the Codisto integration with Amazon what separates that from just doing it on your own?
Peter: Yeah, I suppose, where the advantage comes in, particularly if you have a larger catalog, is that centralized control, not having to go, into Amazon Իalso we integrate with an eBay as well. So, you know, you can manage all through of those from the one, central location , Իparticularly if you are doing, your own fulfillment, then there’s a level of inventories which you just can’t do manually. So, basically if your, selling on the three channels, Իsomeone buys two units of your product from Amazon, Իyou have ten in stock, will instantly update your Ebay Իyour store, that you have two available, which means you never have those inventory mismatches or even more costly of those are oversells, where if you’re doing multichannel manually, you often might find yourself in a position, where you’ve sold products, that have already been sold on another channel, Իyou don’t have available anymore. I suppose in term of that, it gives you that sort of, you know, one stop shop to change, so, you can make tweaking changes to your pricing, or to product details, or to shipping rolls from Իhave them push up to all of your channels, so Ebay, Amazon, also globally, you could be running your multiple Amazon stores Իmultiple Ebay stores in multiple countries Իdoing all within your platform, so, it definitely make that multichannel strategy a lot easy to manage.
Jesse: Awesome! So this is all going to be located Inside of your control panel then?
Peter: Exactly, yes. And I think the biggest advantage is, well is if you are new to the marketplace, Իyou want to create those listings, especially if you have a branded product, so you need to, you know, create descriptions, title, copy, images Իall the
Jesse: Is it possible to, say, you know, maybe I want to charge last money on my store, but with Amazon, I want to charge a little bit more because Amazon is taking such a big cut. Is that possible to do within Codisto?
Peter: Yeah, definitely! So, everything, every field is signed with Amazon or Ebay, can basically operate on goals, so for pricing, for example, you have options to do a fix costs, so, whatever your price is, that will be your Amazon price, whether you are going to send this up or down, so price plus 3% or, price plus, you know, a dollar or two dollars, or you can alternately manually set, you can turn the pricing off Իset a specific manual price for the marketplace, Իit’s a lot of flexibility there. And that is the same flexibility moves across the basically any field, so, you know, like I mentioned before, your titles, your constructions, that using field operate as in rules, Իset with the shipping Իbasically every other field.
Jesse: Awesome! Sounds like there’s a ton of detail here, pretty much, any flexibility you want is built in. Where can merchants go to learn more about this integration?
Peter: You go through, you know, interface is in the marketplace is tab, so, it’s the best way to get started, it’s free for 30 days, install Իuse the app, Իyou can list as many products as you want on Amazon ԻeBay. So, the best way is to learn by doing Իgive it a go, if you’re thinking about it, we also do have a sort of more information about a branded product on our website.
Jesse: If people sign up, do you provide some more emails Իthings on how to set this up, is there any more education, that the merchants can get as they go through the process?
Peter: We do, yes, so just starting with 30 days trial we send, you know, what you need to get started in terms of using the product Իlittle bit of interaction to the marketplaces Իwe have a full customer services onboarding team. So, onboarding specialists, especially if you go a slowly tricky integration of a large catalog, they for basically, you know, any help in terms of setting up your Amazon ԻeBay listings through ԻCodisto.
Jesse: Awesome! So, sounds like, there’s a lot of help to get people started and, you know, I want to take the opportunity to encourage any merchants out there, you know, Amazon’s 50% of the
Peter: No, thanks for having me on the podcast Իyeah, if anyone has any questions about the sort of Codisto, about the integrations, or how to get started, then they can feel free to get in touch with this or they can be in touch with me directly, I will happy to help.
Jesse: Awesome, Peter. Thanks for coming on the podcast, really appreciate it. This is Jesse.
Richard: This is Rich, take care!
Jesse: Thank you.