Deciding tostart asmall business can beadaunting task. Many new business owners don’t know what toexpect, which can cause some anxiety orfear. Business owners have tokeep upwith records andmake sure their taxes are recorded correctly. For these andother reasons, lots ofnew small business owners find themselves fretting over their taxes.
Understandable. But not inevitable! Weare here tohelp ease anyanxiety orfear when itcomes todoing your taxes asabusiness owner. And we’re here totell you that there are aton ofways totake thestress out oftheseason, from business
What Factors Determine Your Taxes?
There are two main factors that determine how much tax, thelegal entity you choose tocreate your business under, andthestate you operate your business in.
Legal entity
When you set upyour business there are four main legal entities you can choose from. Your choice will impact how you pay your taxes andwhat tax rate you will have topay.
Sole proprietorship
Ifyou choose torun your business asasole proprietorship your business taxes will not beseparate from your personal taxes. The internal revenue service (“IRS”) will not recognize your business asaseparate legal entity fortax purposes. There are afew tax deductions you can take advantage ofasasole proprietorship, however, since your business isnot legally separate from you asanindividual itcan bedifficult todetermine ifyou qualify forcertain tax deductions. For this reason, itisnot advised that you continue your business asasole proprietorship long term. You could belosing out onalot ofsavings each year with your taxes.
Similar tothesole proprietorship, apartnership’s income isnot taxed asbusiness income, rather each partner will report their share ofthebusiness’s income astheir own personal tax returns. Ifyou have more than one member itisusually recommended byprofessionals that you consider registering asanLLC orincorporating your business.
The LLC isoften themost recommended forsmall businesses. Itistheperfect mixture ofapartnership andacorporation. You can choose how you want tobetaxed. You can either use theLLC asa
Corporations often get theshort end ofthestick when itcomes totaxes asanindividual with abusiness. Ifyou own acorporation, you have topay acorporate tax onthebusiness income aswell aspay tax onyour income you were paid bythecorporation. Ifyour business isstill relatively small most ofthetime itisbetter tostick with theLLC option rather than incorporate your business. Ifyou are not sure which would bebest foryour situation, consider reaching out toabusiness ortax professional before making theleap toincorporation.
State taxes
The second factor that will have abig impact onyour taxes isyour state’s income tax rates andbusiness tax laws. There are some states that are very
The treatment oftaxes andbusinesses varies greatly from state tostate. For example, Nevada does not have anincome tax orcorporate tax. Additionally, New Hampshire has nosales tax. Ifyou are wanting toopen astorefront that sells products you may want toconsider New Hampshire because you won’t have toworry about paying sales tax onanything.
Ontheother hand, there are some states that you may want toavoid doing business inifyou can. California andNew York have some ofthehighest tax rates intheUnited States, which will eat into abig portion ofyour profits. New Jersey has thehighest property tax intheUnited States, making itaplace toavoid ifyou are going tohave aphysical location. New Jersey also has thesecond highest corporate income tax, soyou may want toreconsider itifyou are thinking ofincorporating your business.
Business Taxes You Should beAware Of
Asabusiness owner, your taxes will look different than theaverage person who isanemployee working forsomeone else. One benefit ofbeing anemployee isyou can goalmost theentire year without worrying about your taxes. You get your
Self-employment tax
Asabusiness owner, you still have topay medicare andsocial security tax onyour income. For federal taxes, the
Payroll tax
Ifyou have employees you will have tomake sure towithhold federal income tax, Medicare, andsocial security properly from your employees’ paychecks.
Excise tax
Depending onyour business you may owe anexcise tax. This isafederal government tax onbusinesses that manufacture orsell certain products. Itmay also apply ifyou use certain equipment, facilities, orproducts.
Sales tax
Sales tax isastate tax that anybusiness may have topay ifthey sell goods. Some states still like totax you ifyou perform services. Make sure you register your business tohelp make sure you are paying taxes properly andlook upyour tax rate soyou know how much toset aside inorder topay your taxes.
Property tax
Property tax isanother state tax that you may ormay not have topay depending onwhether you own abuilding that you dobusiness out ofandwhich state you live in. Property taxes vary widely across theUnited States, ifyou are considering purchasing abusiness building, you may want tocheck thestate’s property tax.
Benefits ofPaying Tax asaBusiness
While taxes seem like apain (as they normally are), there are some benefits ofbeing abusiness owner rather than anemployee. This comes intheform ofexpenses and
Here isavery simple example toshow you how being abusiness owner can save you money.
Unlike anemployee, businesses get thebenefit ofdeducting their expenses prior tobeing taxed. For example, say anemployee makes $100aday andistaxed ata10% rate andthey want togoout toeat with some
Ontheother hand, say you are thebusiness owner. You make $100that day andare taxed ata10% rate. You decide togotolunch with some ofyour employees andyou discuss work. You spend $15. Well that $15isanexpense! Soyou would take your $100write off the$15andyou’re left with $85andthen taxes hit. Sorather than being taxed $10you are only taxed $8.50. Soyou are left with $76.5.
While this example isasimplified version, itdoes show thepower ofexpenses andwriting those off. These expenses tend tobehigher than just $15andtax rates don’t tend tobeashigh as10% but wewanted tokeep themath simple.
These tips are tohelp you start thinking ofhow tohandle your taxes asabusiness, andtoget oriented with some basic tips. Always seek tax advice from atax professional ifyou have specific questions about your business’s taxes. Atanyrate, wewish you thebest ofyour business venture, andencourage you tohave nofear about getting those taxes done!
Tohelp you out with taxes, can formerchants intheUSA, theEU, Canada, Australia, andNew Zealand.
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