Ifyou look upthebest things tosell online, most lists will mention jewelry among thetop options. But what ifyou want tocreate your own business selling jewelry online? That isnot asstraightforward assimply selling your old, unused jewelry on ǰ.
Starting anonline jewelry store requires planning. You need tohave abusiness plan, find asupplier, andset upaweb store tosell your products. That may seem like alot, but it’s actually easier than ever tostart anonline retail business. This doesn’t mean that there’s nowork involved. But, ifyou know what steps totake, itisvery manageable. Here iseverything you should know about how tostart anonline jewelry store.
How toStart aJewelry Business Online: Advantages ofSelling Jewelry Online
First, let’s take alook atsome ofthereasons why selling jewelry online isagood idea. Why isjewelry such acommon recommendation fǰonline retailers?
One oftheunique challenges ofonline retail isshipping. The larger theitem, theharder (and more expensive) itistoship. This does not mean you can’t sell large items online. But, when looking fǰitems with alow barrier ofentry, small products are better than larger ones. Jewelry istypically very small, which means itisoften quite easy toship.
Easy toManufacture
Some jewelry items are relatively easy tomake byhand. Handmade items can help save oninventory costs andalso give retailers greater control over their products. Not tomention, many retailers simply enjoy selling items that they have made themselves. Ifyou have aninterest inselling handmade goods, jewelry isone ofthebest options fǰyou.
High Price Points
You can sell jewelry atagood price point, especially when you make ityourself. This is, ofcourse, one ofthemost important factors when starting anonline retail business. The better your price points, theeasier itwill betomake aprofit.
How toStart anOnline Jewelry Business: Finding Your Niche
Jewelry isafairly broad category ofitems. Typically, new online retail businesses want tostart small with their inventory. Focusing onacertain area ofyour market can keep your business from being stretched too thin. This applies toonline jewelry stores just aswould anyother retailer. Here’s alook atthedifferent categories ofjewelry you can choose from.
Fashion Jewelry
Fashion jewelry refers tojewelry that consumers can wear ineveryday situations. Typically, fashion jewelry ismade from less expensive materials than other jewelry types. This should not mean that itischeap ǰpoorly manufactured. Fashion jewelry can beworn fǰalong time without showing signs ofdeterioration.
However, because it’s made from cheaper materials, fashion jewelry should bepriced lower than other jewelry types. Exact prices will always vary from one item toanother. But fashion jewelry items are typically priced below $100, ǰslightly above that mark fǰsome items.
Fine Jewelry
Fine jewelry ismade from authentic, precious metals andgemstones. Materials like silver, gold, anddiamond are typical fǰfine jewelry. Because they are made from finer materials, fine jewelry items cost more. For themost part, they are not intended fǰeveryday wear. Most people only wear fine jewelry fǰspecial occasions.
Fine jewelry prices can range from anywhere from just over $100, toseveral thousand dollars. Atypical price range fǰfine jewelry items isbetween $2000and$3000. This isavery good price point fǰretailers. However, itisalso more expensive toobtain fine jewelry materials inthefirst place.
Handmade Jewelry
Ifyou want full creative control over your business, you can opt tomake handmade jewelry. There isarobust market online fǰhandmade jewelry thanks to. Many people prefer thecustom andauthentic nature ofwearing handmade items. Ifyou enjoy making your own jewelry, this can bethebest way toturn your hobby into arevenue stream.
Selling handmade jewelry affords retailers plenty ofopportunities fǰvariety. However, themarket can bequite competitive, making itdifficult tostand out. But thecontrol andaffordability ofhandmade jewelry still make itavery good option fǰthose with themeans todoit.
Starting anOnline Jewelry Store: Where toSell
Once you’ve figured out what tosell, theonly thing left todoisset upyour store. There are two options here, though neither ismutually exclusive. You can set upyour own website with anonline store. Or, you can sell onanestablished marketplace, like Etsy ǰ. You can even doboth!
Selling onaMarketplace
There are afew major online marketplaces toconsider, each with its own pros andcons. The largest are Amazon and, with Etsy asanexcellent option ifyou are selling handmade items. Other platforms, like Facebook Marketplace andeven Instagram, can help reach atargeted audience.
Each marketplace has its own pros andcons. For instance, Amazon has high competition. However, italso has anextremely wide user base. Amazon also has minimal fees andhas several other features, including tomake itaffordable.
Etsy, ontheother hand, caters tocraft enthusiasts andconsumers shopping fǰcustom items. However, Etsy also charges listing fees fǰmost items. With that said, setting upshop onanyofthese platforms iseasy andcan greatly expand your business.
Creating Your Online Store
The other option istobuild your own website fǰselling jewelry. Or, you might already have awebsite andsimply need toadd anonline store toit. Ifthis seems daunting, don’t worry! Using anecommerce platform like makes theprocess much easier than you would expect.
With , small business owners can set uptheir online stores quickly andeasily. With easy customization andaplethora ofconvenient tools, you can design aprofessional website without anyexpertise. Read about tolearn more.
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