The Art of Positive Communication in Customer Service

Working inÌýcustomer service isÌýaÌýtough job that requires lots ofÌýinterpersonal skills.

After all, customer service isÌýabout resolving problems, right? Your clients won’t contact you because they want toÌýhave aÌýnice chat. They will want you toÌýexplain something, fix something orÌýdoÌýsomething forÌýthem. Some ofÌýthem will beÌýupset; others will beÌýangry.

That’s why aÌýcustomer service agent needs aÌýlot ofÌýintuition andÌýempathy toÌýsolve their problems andÌýavoid unpleasant situations.

The problem is, customers sometimes request something that you can’t doÌýforÌýthem. ItÌýmight beÌýagainst theÌýpolicy or, even against common sense. InÌýsuch situations, you’ll have toÌýadmit it, hoping that they won’t burst with anger.

Luckily, there isÌýone universal way helping toÌýavoid conflicts, keep customers happy andÌýdeliver exceptional customer service.

±õ³Ù’s positive communication, theÌýability toÌýconvey messages, even negative ones, positively.

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How toÌýMaster Positive Language inÌýCustomer Service

Communication isÌýnot only about words andÌýexchanging information. Words are aÌýcrucial part ofÌýtheÌýmessage, but theÌýtone we’re using andÌýbody language also matter.

Why are body language andÌýtone are soÌýimportant?

±õ³Ù’s more likely that theÌýreceiver will trust nonverbal forms ofÌýcommunication than theÌýliteral meaning ofÌýwords.

According toÌý, people trust tone andÌýgestures (38% andÌý55%), rather than words (7%). ItÌýisÌýknown asÌýtheÌý7%-38%-55% rule andÌýisÌýone ofÌýtheÌýessential theories proving that body language can beÌýmore important than theÌýactual words.

1.ÌýBody language (55%)

Imagine that you made aÌýpurchase with aÌýdelivery, but itÌýturned out that they sent your order toÌýsomebody else. You’d expect aÌýrefund andÌýanÌýapology, right?

And now, imagine that there are two store clerks andÌýboth ofÌýthem are apologizing toÌýyou. First ofÌýthem isÌýstanding inÌýfront ofÌýyou andÌýheÌýsays “I’m very sorry.” They sustaine theÌýeye contact. Their facial expressions show they engaged inÌýtheÌýconversation. They use open gestures. IÌýguess you’d accept theÌýapology.

But what would happen ifÌýtheÌýother said “I’m very sorry that happened,” but they would beÌýsprawled inÌýaÌýchair andÌýtexting atÌýtheÌýsame time? IÌýdon’t know how about you, but IÌýwould beÌýmad toÌýsee something like that.

People would rather analyze your gestures than words. Therefore here are aÌýcouple ofÌýtips onÌýhow toÌýcontrol your body andÌýsend positive signals toÌýcustomers:

  1. Always smile when you greet orÌýtalk toÌýcustomers. Even ifÌýyou are speaking onÌýphone andÌýcustomers can’t see you, itÌýmakes aÌýhuge difference inÌýyour voice tone andÌýthey will hear you smiling.
  2. IfÌýyou sell in-person, learn toÌýmaintain eye contact.
  3. Sit orÌýstand upÌýstraight when talking with theÌýcustomer.
  4. Don’t cross your arms orÌýlegs.
  5. Remember toÌýrelax your shoulders.

The most critical andÌýdifficult part isÌýalways toÌýtry toÌýthink positive. Negative thoughts come through inÌýaÌýbody language!

2.ÌýTone ofÌývoice (38%)

According toÌý, 65% ofÌýcustomers prefer aÌýcasual tone toÌýaÌýformal one.

Using friendly tone inÌýneutral situations isÌýmuch more appreciated. ItÌýmakes theÌýwhole customer service experience more personal andÌýimproves theÌýrelationship with theÌýaudience.

Even ifÌýyou have toÌýsay something that might not please aÌýcustomer, your tone will help you toÌýconvince theÌýcustomer that you’re sorry andÌýcalm them down.

OfÌýcourse, weÌýneed toÌýassess when being casual isÌýtoo casual.

Instead ofÌýusing slang words, it’s safe toÌýstick toÌýnatural language. Also, remember toÌýtailor your tone toÌýtheÌýsituation. ±õ³Ù’s not aÌýgood idea toÌýstart anÌýinformal chat when theÌý. IfÌýaÌýcase isÌýsensitive, ifÌýyour customer isÌýupset, ifÌýyou have toÌýapologize orÌýdeny customer’s request, you should rather goÌýformal.

3.ÌýPositive customer service words (7%)

±õ³Ù’s simple toÌýbeÌýpositive when you can process customers’ requests. Things get complicated when aÌýcustomer asks you forÌýsomething you cannot doÌýbecause:

InÌýsuch aÌýsituation you will have toÌýinform them that their request cannot beÌýfulfilledÌý— andÌýyou have toÌýresolve itÌýpositively soÌýthat your customer doesn’t get upset.

The most important rule ofÌýverbal communication isÌýtoÌýforget “no,” “can’t” andÌý“don’t” asÌýthese are theÌýworst words that can beÌýsaid toÌýaÌýcustomer.

IfÌýyou have toÌýtell your customer that aÌýred dress isÌýunavailable, asÌýthem ifÌýthey would like toÌýcheck itÌýout inÌýaÌýdifferent color. IfÌýthey want itÌýtoÌýbeÌýred, you can find out aÌýsimilar model andÌýsuggest checking it. ±õ³Ù’s all about you showing toÌýtheÌýcustomer that you’re willing toÌýhelp.

ItÌýmakes aÌýhuge difference!

Positive andÌýnegative words inÌýcustomer service

Communicate With Customers Effectively

AÌýgreat thing about positive communication isÌýthat every person can master it. There are aÌýcouple ofÌýrules forÌýyou toÌýfollow ifÌýyou want toÌýprovide better customer service. Such things like being attentive, active listening, letting your speaker finish, are essential forÌýevery conversation, not just between aÌýcustomer andÌýaÌýrepresentative.

±õ³Ù’s also very important toÌýuse theÌýright words andÌýavoid these pesky negative ones soÌýyou sound like you want toÌýhelp your speaker. You should always sound helpful, soÌýifÌýyou cannot doÌýwhat customer asks you toÌýdo, suggest anÌýalternative solution.

Use theÌýright tone ofÌývoice andÌýifÌýnot necessary, try toÌýavoid being too formal (no one likes toÌýtalk toÌýrobots) andÌýcontrol your body. People pay more attention toÌýnonverbal communication than you think!

Also read: How toÌýHandle Negative Feedback: AÌýPractical Guide


About The Author
Justyna Polaczyk is a content writer at LiveChat. She shares her experience and knowledge about , customer service and e-commerce. She's also the author of podcast.

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