Expanding into international markets can beÌýanÌýexcellent way forÌýbrands toÌýreach new audiences, but itÌýneeds toÌýbeÌýdone correctly through website localization. Website localization isÌýtheÌýpractice ofÌýadapting andÌýmodifying aÌýwebsite toÌýfit aÌýtarget audience’s culture, language, andÌýexpectations.
Some brands may think this isÌýasÌýsimple asÌýjust translating theÌýtext, but there isÌýmore toÌýwebsite localization than just translation. Fortunately, website localization isÌýnot anÌýinsurmountable task.
With theÌýright approach andÌýunderstanding, brands can ensure their website lands theÌýright way with aÌýnew audience theÌýfirst time around, instilling aÌýsense ofÌýconfidence andÌýdetermination inÌýtheir global expansion efforts.
Let’s look more closely atÌýwebsite localization andÌýhow toÌýimplement itÌýproperly.
The Importance ofÌýCreating aÌýLocal Website
Creating aÌýlocal website isÌýmore important than some brands may think. InÌýfact, according toÌý, 65% ofÌýconsumers prefer content inÌýtheir own language. Moreover, 40% won’t even buy inÌýother languages.
So, without aÌýproperly localized website, brands may beÌýmissing out onÌýnearly half ofÌýtheir target audience. Realistically, launching into anÌýinternational market can beÌýcostly, andÌýwithout capitalizing onÌýtheÌýwhole audience, itÌýcould end upÌýatÌýaÌýloss.
Factors toÌýConsider inÌýLocal Website Design
When deciding toÌýcreate aÌýlocal website design forÌývarying audiences, there are several factors toÌýconsider. These include theÌýfollowing.
- Localization vsÌýtranslation: Website localization andÌýtranslation are not theÌýsame thing. Translation isÌýcertainly aÌýpart ofÌýlocalization, but itÌýisÌýnot theÌýwhole process. Translation isÌýtheÌýprocess ofÌýtransferring one word orÌýphrase into another language. However, there isÌýaÌýlot ofÌýnuance that goes into translation. Some words andÌýphrases may not have direct translations into another language. This can lead toÌýtext that doesn’t make sense inÌýaÌýdifferent market.
- Imagery: Imagery isÌýanother important consideration inÌýlocal website design. After all, every culture isÌýdifferent. One image may beÌýfine inÌýtheÌýUnited States but repulsive inÌýanother country. Localization ofÌýwebsites must also include aÌýthorough review ofÌýimagery.
- Slogans andÌýphrases: AsÌýmentioned above, slogans andÌýtranslations may not come across correctly inÌýdifferent languages. So, theÌýwebsite localization process should ensure that these are shifted orÌýadjusted toÌýcommunicate theÌýright message.
The overall idea isÌýtoÌýadapt theÌýwebsite toÌýtheÌýexpectations andÌýviews ofÌýtheÌýlocal culture. This can beÌýanÌýinvolved process, but itÌýisÌýwell worth itÌýtoÌýtruly connect with theÌýnew audience.
Web Localization Best Practices
Now that we’ve discussed some factors toÌýconsider inÌýwebsite localization, let’s look atÌýsome best practices. Following these points should help anyÌýbrand smoothly localize its website toÌýanyÌýnew audience.
Localization Strategy
Before beginning localization, brands should put together aÌýlocalization strategy. This includes determining whether theÌýproduct can beÌýtaken right toÌýtheÌýnew market without adaptation, pricing changes, goals forÌýexpansion, timeline, budget, web localization tools, andÌýaÌýteam toÌýcomplete theÌýprocess.
Invest inÌýaÌýMultilingual Website andÌýStore
For brands that sell anyÌýform ofÌýproduct orÌýservice directly through their website, aÌýmultilingual store isÌýaÌýmust. The right multilingual store software, like ºÚÁÏÃÅ, makes itÌýeasy toÌýlocalize theÌýstore immediately. This ensures that all text andÌýcurrency will beÌýtranslated into theÌýlocal language toÌýallow local audiences toÌýmake informed purchases.
Conduct aÌýThorough Website Analysis
IfÌýaÌýbrand never designed its website with aÌýmultilingual future inÌýmind, itÌýmay beÌýnecessary toÌýconduct anÌýaudit.
Determine areas ofÌýtheÌýwebsite that cannot beÌýautomatically localized. For instance, images with text must beÌýredesigned inÌýtheÌýlocal language.
AÌýgood practice forÌýthis situation isÌýtoÌýavoid putting text directly into images, asÌýitÌýcan then beÌýeasily translated into theÌýlocal language without redesign.
Consider theÌýLocal Culture
One ofÌýtheÌýmost vital factors inÌýwebsite localization isÌýconsidering theÌýlocal culture ofÌýtheÌýpeople who will beÌýseeing theÌýwebsite. Every culture has its differences, andÌýthese need toÌýbeÌýconsidered toÌýachieve theÌýbest success.
For instance, many English websites use anÌýinformal tone inÌýtheir website copy orÌýmarketing. However, this may come off asÌýrude orÌýinappropriate inÌýsome cultures, like Japan orÌýFrance.
Holiday Promotions
Remember, not every culture celebrates theÌýsame holidays orÌýevents. For example, trying toÌýrun aÌýChristmas promotion inÌýtheÌýUnited Arab Emirate may not land theÌýway aÌýbrand hopes because theÌýaudience isn’t expecting itÌýorÌývisiting theÌýwebsite toÌýsee ifÌýthere are deals atÌýthat time.
Instead, try toÌýrun promotions centered around theÌýtarget audience’s holidays andÌýcelebrations.
Consider Legal Requirements andÌýRegulations
This step isÌýincredibly vital toÌýlocalizing aÌýwebsite. Every country can have varying legal regulations when itÌýcomes toÌýwebsites andÌýbusinesses. This could include factors like data collection, privacy, fees, andÌýmore. Brands must ensure they are inÌýline with local regulations toÌýavoid anyÌýissues.
Localized SEO
For aÌýbrand toÌýtruly reach its new target audience, itÌýneeds toÌýconsider local SEO points asÌýwell. Those inÌýtheÌýnew area may beÌýsearching forÌýdifferent terms orÌýphrases than those inÌýtheÌýbrand’s home country. Most terms will likely beÌýsimilar, just inÌýtheÌýnew language.
However, itÌýdoesn’t hurt toÌýdoÌýsome additional keyword research toÌýsee ifÌýthere isÌýanything that should beÌýadded.
Keep Text Concise andÌýEasy toÌýRead
Brands can make localization much easier onÌýthemselves byÌýkeeping text relatively concise andÌýclear toÌýread, especially when expanding toÌýmultiple international markets.
This makes itÌýmuch easier toÌýlocalize across theÌýboard rather than worrying about walls ofÌýtext that may not beÌýtranslated correctly.
Internationalization essentially means separating theÌýtext from theÌýsource code. This allows theÌýwebsite toÌýbeÌýtranslated without needing anyÌý
ItÌýalso includes encoding theÌýwebsite using , which allows world language special characters toÌýbeÌýsupported.
When localizing aÌýwebsite, theÌýlocal preferences andÌýreadability must beÌýtaken into account asÌýwell. This includes reviewing theÌýlayout, color scheme, andÌýformatting.
Testing andÌýQA
Once theÌýlocalization process has been completed comes theÌýtest andÌýquality assurance phase. After all, itÌýneeds toÌýbeÌýverified that everything isÌýworking correctly before launching itÌýtoÌýaÌýwhole new audience.
The goals ofÌýtesting include ensuring correct translations, hardware compatibility, noÌýtechnical issues, working links andÌýpayment processing, andÌýproper layout. InÌýother words, ensuring theÌýsite works just like itÌýdoes inÌýtheÌýhome country.
Market Research andÌýMarketing
Brands need toÌýremember that this isÌýanÌýentirely different market, which means theÌýnormal strategies may not beÌýasÌýeffective. Before launching inÌýaÌýnew country, thorough market research should beÌýdone. Not only will this help toÌýproperly localize theÌýwebsite, but itÌýwill also help market theÌýsite more effectively.
Launching toÌýaÌýnew audience isÌývirtually theÌýsame asÌýwhen theÌýbrand initially launched. The brand needs toÌýfind out what makes theÌýnew audience tick, their interests, purchase habits, buttons, andÌýmore. This will help toÌýensure that theÌýnew launch isÌýaÌýsuccess.
Don’t Skimp onÌýtheÌýLocalization Process
AtÌýtheÌýend ofÌýtheÌýday, launching into aÌýnew global market can beÌýanÌýincredible opportunity forÌýbrands toÌýreach aÌýnew audience. However, when done incorrectly, itÌýcan beÌýaÌýsignificant headache andÌýnot deliver theÌýreturns that were anticipated.
So, putting time into theÌýdetails andÌýprocess ofÌýlocalization can help ensure aÌýsmooth launch andÌýtheÌýbest impact onÌýtheÌýnew audience. Otherwise, brands may find that people are not buying orÌýsimply turning away from theÌýwebsite.
Ecommerce Website Localization
DoÌýyou own anÌýecommerce store that you are looking toÌýlocalize into aÌýdifferent area?
Then, ºÚÁÏÃÅ isÌýhere toÌýhelp. The ºÚÁÏÃÅ multilingual store makes itÌýeasy toÌýtransfer your store toÌývirtually anyÌýarea ofÌýtheÌýworld. InÌýfact, your store can beÌýlocalized, not just translated, into 36Ìýdifferent languages. This allows you toÌýexpand your products toÌýnew audiences all across theÌýglobe.
- International Business Online: How toÌýStart Selling Globally
- Sell Around theÌýGlobe With aÌýFully Multilingual Storefront
- Mastering
Cross-Border Ecommerce: Key Tips toÌýSuccess - Localization Strategy: How toÌýDoÌýItÌýtheÌýRight Way
- Website Localization Rules andÌýBest Practices