What to Post on Facebook: 20 Post Ideas for Your Facebook Business Page

Ifyou’re reading this, you’re looking fortheanswer toyour question: “What should Ipost onFacebook formybusiness?” Look nofurther! After reading this post, you’ll know what topost onFacebook toget alot oflikes, comments, andshares.

The only way tobuild afollowing onsocial media istoregularly share engaging content. However, when you run asmall business, you never have enough time foryour social media content plan. We’ve got you covered: here’s abackup list of20Facebook post ideas foryour business page that will work formost stores.

Post contents:

  1. “Behind thescenes” posts
  2. Stylized product images
  3. People ormodels using your products
  4. Mood boards andproduct collections
  5. Pictures organized around atheme
  6. Customers using your products
  7. Live videos
  8. Content related totrending hashtags
  9. Teasers ofanupcoming sale
  10. Pictures andvideos ofactivities related toyour brand
  11. Video previews ofyour products
  12. Quotes &memes
  13. Pictures ofcelebrity customers/influencers
  14. Product listings
  15. Upcoming events
  16. Questions andpolls
  17. Contests andgiveaways
  18. User-generated content curated around ahashtag
  19. Viral posts
  20. Content related tocharities, causes, andimportant events

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1.Share “Behind theScenes” Pictures

“Behind thescenes” pictures andvideos always work well. Ifyou can’t think ofnew Facebook post ideas, take shots ofyour employees, partners, andstakeholders who run thebusiness. Your customers will like thefact that there are “real” people running your store, andyour business isnot just afaceless corporation.

shows their work process

2.Share Stylized Product Images

This Facebook post idea isself-explanatory: product pictures will obviously beastaple ofyour social media content. Instead ofthestandard ǻܳ-Բ-ɳ󾱳ٱ-첵dzܲԻ shot, try sharing more stylized product images.

Taking aquality product picture requires some effort. Atleast, learn acouple ofsimple product photography tricks andhow tochange thebackground onyour pictures without using Photoshop.

3.Share Fresh Shots ofPeople Using Your Products

Ifyou sell visual products, learn tohave areserve folder with product photography, andtake new photos regularly— even ifyou’re not going toupdate your storefront photography right away. Get thehabit ofhaving one ofyour products onyou all thetime.

This way, you’ll beable totake apicture using your phone ifyou spot abeautiful location ormeet aperfect model (among your friends, forexample). You’ll thank yourself later when you happen tobeout ofideas topost onFacebook.

For aconsumer-facing retailer, particularly inthefashion segment, stylized pictures ofmodels using their products will form astaple ofanymarketing campaign.

While professionally shot pictures ofmodels doagreat job ofshowing off your products, they can feel abit distant andinorganic, especially onsocial media. Combine them with images of“real” people.

regularly shares pictures ofthings customers create with their ribbons

4.Post Mood Boards andProduct Collections

The context inwhich customers see your products inFacebook business posts will often impact how they perceive them.

Ifyour product isplaced inacollection next totop luxury brands, you are indirectly telling customers that your product isluxurious aswell.

Try tocreate collections where you combine products from different brands. Your goal istoget customers toassociate your brand with certain styles, movements, audiences, oremotions.

Curated product collections can get customers toassociate your products with afavorable brand, esthetic, ormovement. Source:

Related: 10Ideas forCreative Product Presentation inInstagram Galleries

5.Post Pictures Organized Around aTheme

The next one onthelist ofFacebook post ideas issharing pictures that follow thesame theme, design, orstyle. Bydoing that, you can shape how customers see your brand andits aesthetic.

You can find great examples ofFacebook posts forbusiness onthe page. The store regularly shares images organized around asingle color. Byitself, each image might not look like much. When seen alongside others, however, itcreates adistinct brand identity.

Think ofhow each image you share interacts with other images

It’s not too hard tocraft such acollection bycombining one ofyour product pictures with stock images. Use Google Search tools tofind amatching picture:

Set acolor andselect the“labeled forreuse” license tofind images foryour post

More: Where toFind Free Images ontheWeb: Stock Photos, Databases, andNewsletters

6.Post Pictures ofCustomers Wearing Your Products

One ofthebest ways tobuild social proof istoshow real customers wearing your products. Ifyou sell apparel, it’s one ofthebest ideas topost onFacebook forbusiness.

Ifyou take this route, make sure you ask customers forpermission before sharing their pictures. Most will not only grant you permission but will even tell their friends that they have been “featured” byabrand, bringing you additional traffic.

The clothing brand regularly shares pictures ofits customers wearing its outfits. Mostly, these are reblogged from Instagram.

Tip: create your branded hashtag andpromote itacross social media toget asteady stream ofuser-generated Facebook posts.

7.Post Live Videos

Live video has been one ofthebiggest content trends inthelast few years anditstands out from many other Facebook post ideas. Live videos boast all theengagement andpresence ofconventional video with thespontaneity andauthenticity ofalive “conversation.”

Sharing live Facebook videos ofyour products, Q&A sessions, design sessions, etc. should beabig part ofyour customer engagement strategy.

Learn more:How toLive Stream Video inYour Online Storefront: ATwo-Minute Guide

8.Post Content Related toTrending Hashtags

Ifyou keep track ofpopular trends, you’ll never beout ofFacebook post ideas foryour business.

Align yourself with atrend andget additional traffic byposting onFacebook something related toapopular hashtag. This tactic isparticularly effective ifthehashtag has values you want customers toassociate with your brand.

Bonobos shared this short video tocelebrate International Women’s Day. Not only does this help itget traffic from people searching forthis hashtag, italso gives credit towomen working inthecompany.

Find hashtags that align with your values andcreate content forthem

9.Tease Followers With Your Upcoming Sales

Ifyou have anydiscounts, deals, andsales coming up, you already have content forthings topost onFacebook.

Make sure totell your Facebook audience about new offers anddeals inadvance. You can even share sale previews orgive followers additional discounts.

regularly updates its followers about upcoming sales. Italso uses aFacebook-only promo code togive its followers a“bonus” fortheir loyalty.

Alert followers toupcoming sales andFacebook-only deals

10. Share Pictures andVideos ofActivities Related toYour Brand

Insome niches, such asactivewear andathletic gear, you want customers toassociate your brand with certain activities andlifestyles. Sharing pictures andvideos ofpeople doing those activities can help inbrand building. Not tomention, that can behelpful forgenerating engaging post ideas— just what you need foryour Facebook business page.

Not only are such shots great tolook at; they also help customers associate your brand with acertain lifestyle. When you lack Facebook post ideas, browse free photo stocks andPinterest forinspiration.

Related: How toPromote Your Online Store With Content Marketing

11. Share Video Previews ofYour Products

Doyou have anupcoming product(s) that you want tobuild upcustomer interest for? Instead ofjust sharing animage, aim foracreative Facebook post— create ashort video preview telling customers about theproduct.

The bakery shared avideo showing off one oftheir new products.

Video previews can get more engagement than static images

Since videos are more visually interesting than static images, such previews will likely get more engagement than your regular updates. This can beanadvantage incase you want topromote aparticular product heavily.

Tip: Acinemagraph (“live” photo) can work equally great here. Ifyou’re short forresources tomake avideo, create acinemagraph andshare itinaFacebook post.

12. Share Quotes, Memes, andViral Images

Your Facebook page doesn’t have tobeall about you andyour products. Ifyou’re looking forinteractive Facebook post ideas, break upthemonotony bysharing memes, quotes, andimages unrelated toyour business.

, ateacher andparent-focused brand ofeducational resources, also shares funny memes toengage its followers:

Use memes todraw your followers’ interest

Besides being funny, such quotes andmemes can also beaway toshow that you understand your target customers. Intheabove example, thememe evokes afeeling alot ofparents might have experienced. The meme effectively tells them: “We understand you andyour problems.”

13. Share Pictures ofCelebrity Customers andInfluencers

Doyou have anywell-known celebrities asyour customers? Have they ever used your products while out inpublic?

Sharing pictures ofsuch customers can beagoldmine ofsocial proof. , anNYC-based luxury label, had thedistinction ofhaving Oprah Winfrey asone ofits customers. Sowhen Oprah made apublic appearance wearing one ofits clothes, Lafayette 148wasted notime intelling its Facebook audience about it.

Ifacelebrity uses your products inpublic, make sure totell customers about it

Well, ifgetting someone like Oprah touse your products sounds asrealistic asmeeting aunicorn, don’t get upset. You can reach out tolocal micro-influencers andoffer them free samples ofyour products inexchange foraphoto.

14. Share Product Listings

Did you know that you can build astore onFacebook andshare product listings with your audience?

Instead ofsimply sharing static images, godynamic byalso giving customers aneasy way tobuy your products. All you need todoiscreate aFacebook store andlist your products.

regularly shares professionally shot pictures ofits products. Along with pictures, italso shares links tothelistings tomake purchases easier.

Tag products onyour images tomake buying easier

Tip: Totag aproduct onyour picture, upload itonFacebook, click “tag products”, andclick thearea where your product isshown. Choose theproduct andsave thechanges.

15. Update Customers About Upcoming Events

The best Facebook posts not only entertain oreducate but inform too. Doyou have anupcoming pop-up shop inthecity? Are you hosting acharity night topromote your brand?

“Experiential” marketing isanother hot e-commerce trend. Incrowded markets, giving customers achance tosee, feel, andinteract with your brand can help you stand out.

Set uparegularly updated “events” page where you can notify your followers about upcoming events.

, apopular women’s fashion retailer, has anumber ofevents organized around shopping andcauses. Followers can see all ofthem onits Facebook page anddecide which ones they want toattend.

Use Facebook tonotify people about upcoming events

16. Ask Questions andHost Polls

One oftheproblems with sharing videos andimages isthat they tend tobenon-interactive— unless you ask aquestion. Solve this problem byturning your content into questions andpolls— those are great Facebook engagement posts ideas.

Tip: When adding polls toyour Facebook posts, include the“Other” option andencourage followers toshare their variants incomments. This way, you’ll get more engagement onyour Facebook post.

17. Run Contests andGiveaways

Contests andgiveaways are astaple ofsocial media marketing andforgood reason. They are interactive, attract new customers, andhave atendency togoviral. Inother words, they are perfect engaging posts forFacebook.

Once inawhile, run acontest oragiveaway onyour Facebook page. Choose areward they’d actually want (usually something from your product catalog), andgive them anincentive toshare itwith their friends.

18. Curate User-Generated Content Around aHashtag

User-generated content (UGC) isaproven way tobuild upsocial proof. When others see real customers using andloving your products, they’re more likely totrust your offerings.

Try tocurate all UGC byasking customers toshare itusing acustom hashtag. You can then search forthis hashtag tofind all customer-created content andshare itonyour page.

For example, asks customers toshare their pictures using thebranded hashtag. Itthen shares their videos andpictures while also building social proof.

Curate user-generated content around acustom hashtag, then share itwith your followers

19. Combine UGC, Giveaways, andTrending Hashtags toCreate Viral Posts

We’ve seen that UGC, giveaways, andcontent focused around trending hashtags make forgreat Facebook posts forengagement. However, you don’t have touse anyofthese inisolation. You can combine them asyou see fit tocreate Facebook posts with viral potential.

, aclothing label, used the#NationalPuppyDay hashtag toask its followers toshare pictures oftheir pets. Aselected winner was then featured onthesite andoffered agift voucher.

Combine different formats tocreate aviral Facebook post

This isaperfect example ofleveraging different content formats tocreate viral content. The #NationalPuppyDay hashtag was agreat excuse tocurate one ofthemost popular content types onsocial media— pictures ofdogs. Throw inthecontest element andyou have apost that can easily goviral.

20. Share Content Related toCharities, Causes, andImportant Events

Millennial customers have regularly shown that they . Use this toyour advantage bysharing content related toacause oranimportant event.

Ifyou’re going touse this tactic, make sure tobegenuine andclassy. Customers shouldn’t feel that you’re just using thecharity asanexcuse tomake money.

Try New Facebook Post Ideas forYour Business

Facebook isavast andopen-ended playground forbusinesses. Now you know what themost engaging Facebook posts are andhow tomake your Facebook posts more interesting. From memes andproduct pictures toevent updates andlive videos, there are countless post-types you can share with your followers.

Whenever you’re feeling uninspired andneed some fresh ideas, use this list asaguide when creating content foryour Facebook business page.

What content works best foryour business onFacebook?

About The Author
Kristen is a сontent creator at . She finds inspiration in sci-fi books, jazz music, and home-cooked food.

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