Businesses that stay onÌýtop ofÌýtheir game spend ²¹Ìýgood amount onÌýaffiliate marketing with theÌýhelp ofÌývarious social media platforms, especially YouTube. The platform has more than 2.5Ìýbillion users who spend ²¹Ìýtotal ofÌýover 1Ìýbillion hours every day.
YouTube: Time Spent inÌýtheÌýMobile App
However, inÌýorder toÌýmaximize profit andÌýmake theÌýbest ofÌýthis social media giant, it’s necessary toÌýunderstand theÌýright way toÌýaffiliate marketing. IfÌýdone right, your sales can skyrocket within ²¹Ìýfew days!
InÌýthis guide, we’ll beÌýgoing over theÌýbasics ofÌýhow toÌýstart affiliate marketing with YouTube andÌýexamples toÌýguide you along theÌýway. Let’s get going!
What isÌýYouTube Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing isÌý²¹Ìýbusiness strategy that allows individuals orÌýother companies toÌýpromote their products orÌýservices with anÌýaffiliate link orÌýcode forÌý²¹Ìýsmall commission. The commission often depends onÌý²¹Ìýbusiness’s affiliate program policies andÌýtheÌýnumber ofÌýsales.
How toÌýStart Affiliate Marketing onÌýYouTube?
Whether you have been onÌýYouTube forÌý²¹Ìýwhile orÌýjust starting new, you can sign upÌýforÌýanÌýaffiliate program forÌýdifferent businesses. Now, some businesses have certain follower/views requirements soÌýdoÌýlook out forÌýthose.
Here isÌý²¹Ìýbasic idea ofÌýhow you can enroll inÌýanÌýaffiliate program.
- Sign upÌýforÌýtheÌýaffiliate marketing program.
- Post theÌýlink orÌýcode you have been assigned onÌýyour profile and/or theÌývideo description that you created forÌýtheÌýproduct/service.
- Encourage your audience toÌýuse theÌýlink orÌýcode.
- You will receive ²¹Ìýsmall commission forÌýevery sale theÌýbusiness makes!
ItÌýisÌýall that simple!!
When toÌýStart Affiliate Marketing onÌýYouTube?
There isÌýnoÌýperfect time!! You can start whenever andÌýeven now asÌýsoon asÌýyou finish reading this blog. Once you decide toÌýtake theÌýplunge, It’s always best toÌýresearch which businesses align with theÌýcontent you create.
Most businesses these days have affiliate programs. However, ifÌýtheÌýbusiness you are interested toÌýwork with does not, you can reach out toÌýthem via cold pitching. There isÌý²¹Ìýgood chance they will get back toÌýyou with ²¹Ìýpositive response! Even ifÌýthey don’t, there isÌýnoÌýsaying they won’t reach out toÌýyou themselves inÌýtheÌýfuture! That isÌýkind ofÌýtheÌýmagic behind affiliate marketing.
How toÌýMake Money onÌýYouTube With Affiliate Marketing?
Making money onÌýYouTube with affiliate marketing, especially ifÌýyou have developed ²¹Ìýniche, isÌýquite easy. Once you have built ²¹Ìýcommunity with your YouTube channel, itÌýisÌýtime toÌýstart earning through various affiliate programs.
You start byÌýlooking into affiliate programs onÌýdifferent businesses that align with your niche. Reach out toÌýthem andÌýsign upÌýforÌýtheÌýprograms. Don’t forget different businesses require different expectations andÌýdemands. Once you’ve partnered with ²¹Ìýbusiness, you can then add your affiliate link toÌýyour video description andÌýtalk about itÌýinÌýyour videos.
Affiliate Marketing Video Ideas forÌýYouTube
The hardest part about creating affiliate content isÌýtoÌýpresent theÌýsponsored recommendations inÌý²¹Ìýway that theÌýaudience organically engages with. ItÌýisÌýimportant that theÌýaudience trusts your word forÌýit!
Oftentimes, followers stop trusting theÌýcreator andÌýunfollow ifÌýall they doÌýisÌýtry toÌýget them toÌýbuy different products. It’s essential toÌýcreate ²¹Ìýcommunity that has full trust inÌýyou before you encourage them toÌýbuy products through your recommendations. Once you have purposely achieved this, make sure you find creative ways toÌýcommunicate your products andÌýkeep them interested.
Also, don’t forget toÌýadd ²¹Ìýpromo code forÌýyour audience whenever you decide toÌýmention your affiliate products. Remember, people love sales andÌýdiscounts! You can never goÌýwrong with this!
Trending videos
Hop onÌýtheÌýbandwagon andÌýcreate trending videos toÌýattract more viewers toÌýyour videos with related products. This has worked forÌýhundreds ofÌýcontent creators, itÌýwill work forÌýyou!
Unboxing videos
What’s ²¹Ìýbetter way toÌýpromote your content than toÌýpost anÌýunboxing video? Here isÌýanÌýexample ofÌýanÌýunboxing video ofÌý²¹Ìýsmall phone.
Now, you could doÌýanÌýASMR, ²¹Ìý
Round-up videos
AÌýgreat example ofÌýanÌýaffiliate marketing video isÌý²¹Ìý
Product review videos
You can never goÌýwrong with ²¹Ìýclassic product review! Knowing your audience, you can create ²¹Ìýpromotional product review video targeted toÌýthem andÌýtheir interests!
Tutorial videos
DoÌýyou want toÌýpromote ²¹Ìýproduct? Great! Create tutorial videos forÌýit. You can easily educate others onÌý²¹Ìýspecific product orÌýeven teach them how toÌýuse orÌýbuild them. You’d beÌýsurprised how many buyers look forÌývideo tutorials before buying ²¹Ìýproduct, andÌýifÌýthey happen toÌýcome across your video andÌýdiscount code, theÌýchances are high they’ll choose toÌýbuy itÌýthrough your affiliate link.
Product comparisons
This isÌýanÌýexcellent idea toÌýuse inÌýyour affiliate marketing strategy. People often use YouTube toÌýcompare products. You can create ²¹Ìývideo comparing theÌýproduct you are promoting vsÌýtheÌýrival. You can creatively convince people toÌýopt forÌýtheÌýproduct you are affiliated with.
You can get asÌýcreative asÌýyou want. The goal isÌýtoÌýencourage your customers toÌýbuy your affiliate products inÌý²¹Ìýway that feels natural andÌýnot forced.
Affiliate Marketing with YouTube Ads
Creating YouTube Ads isÌý²¹Ìýgreat idea toÌýpromote affiliate content. ItÌýisÌýimportant toÌýunderstand theÌýbasics ofÌýcreating ²¹ÌýYouTube Ad. There are many options toÌýcreate DIY Youtube video ads even ifÌýyou doÌýnot have ²¹Ìýbig budget orÌýprofessional equipment. Remember, creating content isÌýall about reaching theÌýhearts ofÌýpeople, many times itÌýdoesn’t require ²¹Ìýlot ofÌýmoney but ²¹Ìýcreative mind.
Affiliate Marketing With YouTube Shorts
YouTube shorts have taken over theÌýinternet. They are fast andÌýpeople spend more than 50% ofÌýtheir YouTube time watching YouTube shorts. All you need are theÌýproducts you want toÌýpromote, ²¹Ìýtripod, andÌýyour phone! You can create content from theÌýcomfort ofÌýyour home. InÌýfact, ²¹Ìýlot ofÌýcreators use theÌý toÌýreceive commissions onÌýtheÌýproducts their followers buy using theÌýlinks given toÌýthem.
IsÌýItÌýPossible toÌýTry Affiliate Marketing onÌýYouTube Without Making Videos
Unfortunately, theÌýonly way toÌýdoÌýthis involves relying onÌý²¹Ìý
Viewers love andÌýtrust organic content. Therefore, itÌýisÌýbest toÌýcreate personalized videos toÌýmarket your affiliate products. The more personalized theÌývideos, theÌýmore theÌýaffiliated content will sell! You can use ²¹Ìý
How toÌýUse affiliate Marketing With ²¹ÌýYouTube Channel
You can find hundreds ofÌýgreat affiliate marketing YouTube channels that can help you grow your own YouTube channel.
Here are theÌýfive best toÌýhelp you better understand.
- : You will find tutorials, vlogs, podcasts, andÌýoverall honest content toÌýbuild ²¹Ìýprofitable YouTube Channel with affiliate marketing.
- : This channel has great content toÌýhelp you grow your income with affiliated marketing.
- : This channel will help you reach your audience with SEO toÌýturn viewers into customers!
- : It’s inÌýtheÌýname! This channel helps you create
eye-catchy content forÌýyour YouTube channel soÌýyou can profit from theÌýaffiliated programs you have joined. - : Visit this channel only ifÌýyou aim toÌýlearn more about content marketing, SEO, keyword research, andÌýsale funnels toÌýsend your affiliated marketing sales through theÌýroof!
Key Takeaways When Doing Affiliate Marketing onÌýYoutube
ItÌýdoesn’t matter what type ofÌýcontent you plan toÌýpromote through your affiliate links, theÌýrules andÌýstrategies toÌýapply often remain theÌýsame.
- Make sure toÌýfigure out theÌýbest keywords toÌýadd toÌýyour videos toÌýincrease your audience andÌýchances ofÌýmaking ²¹Ìýsale.
- Appeal toÌýdifferent niches andÌýaudiences andÌýfind what works best forÌýyou
- Make your videos short andÌýasÌýstraight toÌýtheÌýpoint asÌýpossible. This isÌýespecially useful when itÌýcomes toÌýyour intro, Long intros imply higher bounce rates.
- Use
eye-catching thumbnails andÌýbeÌýtransparent with your content andÌýtheÌýproducts you promote.
It’s also ²¹Ìýgood idea toÌýencourage comments andÌýlikes soÌýtheÌýalgorithm notices your content andÌýrecommends itÌýtoÌýmore viewers. The key remains inÌýchoosing theÌýright products toÌýpromote, doing your research, knowing your competition, andÌýbeing transparent andÌýintentional with your content.
The rest isÌýeasy;Ìý people love discounts andÌýoften feel encouraged toÌýpurchase ²¹Ìýproduct ifÌýbased onÌýanÌýhonest review.
Wrapping upÌýYouTube Affiliate Marketing
Affiliated Marketing isÌýhere toÌýstay. AsÌý²¹Ìýcontent creator, you can earn ²¹Ìýgreat deal using theÌýaffiliated programs available forÌýthose with ²¹Ìýcommunity andÌýtheÌýdrive toÌýgenerate sales.
Youtube isÌýtheÌýperfect platform toÌýbuild credibility organically andÌýincorporate affiliate marketing asÌý²¹Ìýway toÌýincrease your overall income. IfÌýyou haven’t already, you can check out some ofÌýour past posts onÌýaffiliate marketing onÌýour blog andÌýstart earning extra money today!
- AnÌýIntroduction toÌýAffiliate Marketing
- Affiliate Marketing forÌýEcommerce: AnÌýActionable Guide
- How toÌýCreate ²¹ÌýLoyalty Program That Works
- Instagram Affiliate Marketing
- YouTube Affiliate Marketing
- Pinterest Affiliate Marketing
- The Pros andÌýCons ofÌýAffiliate Marketing
- 10ÌýLoyalty Programs toÌýEncourage Your Customers toÌýMake More Purchases
- How toÌýChoose theÌýBest Affiliate Marketing Software
- How toÌýStart Affiliate Marketing For Free