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Online Sales of Coats & Jackets 2017-2025

In 2022, 35.7% of Coats & Jackets will be sold online. This is 1.2% more than in 2021. Online Coats & Jackets sales are expected to grow by 9.3% in 2025.

Sources: July 2022

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How many Coats & Jackets are sold offline in 2022?

In 2022, 64.3% of Coats & Jackets will be sold offline. By 2025, offline Coats & Jackets sales will decline by about 9.3%. Source:

How many Coats & Jackets are sold online in 2022?

35.7% of Coats & Jackets will be sold online in 2022. By 2025, online sales of Coats & Jackets should grow by about 9.3%. Source:

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