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Squarespace Yearly Market Share 2013–2023

As of January 2023, Squarespace has a 3% market share among content management systems. In the 6 years since 2018, Squarespace’s market share has grown by 1.5%.

Sources: January 2023

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What is the market share of content management systems for Squarespace in 2023?

As of January 2023, Squarespace has a 3% market share. Since 2022, Squarespace has been ranked third in market share among content management systems, overtaking Joomla (2.7%) and Drupal (1.8%). Source:

Which content management systems outperform Squarespace in terms of market share in 2023?

Squarespace is ahead of WordPress (63.7%) and Wix (3.6%) in content management system market share in 2023. Source:

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