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Revenue in the Ties & Bow Ties Segment 2020—2026

The Ties & Bow Ties segment is projected to generate $22.16 billion in revenue in 2022, of which $2.34 billion is from Men’s Ties & Bow Ties, from Women’s Ties & Bow Ties — $19.46 billion, and for children — $0.36 billion. By 2026, revenue in this segment will grow by 1.39% to $22.47 billion.

Sources: August 2022

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Which Ties & Bow Ties will generate the most revenue in 2022?

In 2022, women’s Ties & Bow Ties will generate more revenue than men’s and children’s Ties & Bow Ties combined. This income will be equal to $19.46 billion. Source:

Which Ties & Bow Ties revenue is the smallest in 2022?

In 2022, children’s Ties & Bow Ties will generate less revenue than men’s and women’s Ties & Bow Ties. This income will be equal to $0.36 billion. Source:

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